Encounters With Music In The Stars
This collection of entries from my Out And About blogs describes higher-level experiences that Michael Perfetto and I are having with music (as an expression of light, sound, and vibration) through our energy work. The practices that I am using are primarily qigong, acupuncture, and Mayan time-energy cycles.
I was introduced to qigong (related to tai chi as a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine) in 1995 by Frances Gander, who received training with Grandmaster Chian Ho Yin. I felt an immediate connection with it. (Frances was also the first person to tell me about similarities between Chinese acupuncture and Mayan healing practices.)
Then, new worlds opened for me in 2017 when I began to have acupuncture with Michael Perfetto. In addition to classical acupuncture, we also worked with Chinese herbs (as internal energy work) and, importantly, Michael introduced me to methods that were developed by Robert Monroe (such as Hemi-Sync sound technology) to enable one to experientially know that we are more than our physical body.
I also began to have and remember extremely vivid dreams. Many of them were about flying or traveling in various ways. I often saw myself with a group or team in these dreams, and it was clear that our experiences were beyond this planet.
After 16 months of acupuncture, I switched to medical qigong in 2018 when Michael began to offer it. Medical qigong is a direct application of energies (Qi) to the major organ systems. We quickly discovered, as we worked with higher and more refined energies, that intuitive messages and images would often come to us in our sessions. In particular, there were visions of us being helped in the energy work by my higher-level team. Michael and I came to understand that our collaboration goes far beyond the two of us.
I need to mention that Michael is also a composer, and remarkably, we went to the same music school -- Berklee College of Music. Because of our shared background, when I have particular experiences, I can describe them to Michael using musical terms, and he will understand the analogy.
Out And About 1 (2017)
3/24 acupuncture: In this session, there was an experience of Original Self (or Original Nature). As Michael explained, in having this acupuncture treatment, some people experience memories of difficult things in their past. However, after all of the needles were in, I suddenly found myself out of my physical body and beyond this planet. Instead of being a shock, there was a feeling of deep joy...along with a realization that all of this was familiar to me.
4/16 dream: I worked on a music project with Gil Evans (one of my favorite jazz composers who passed on in 1988). The higher-level music was created with layers of vibrational frequency patterns (as I can best describe it). Toward the end of the dream, a large group of musicians came into a hall to perform the piece.
Note: As incredible as it sounds, when I did an energy reading (with a pendulum) on this dream, I understood that it was an actual experience. My later blogs describe similar experiences with others, including several musician friends, who are no longer in physical Earth life. I should mention that my use of a pendulum came about through Robin Johnsen (family friend and acupuncturist). In having acupuncture with her, she suggested that I use a pendulum to test herbs and supplements to see if they are beneficial for me. (This is similar to muscle testing that I have experienced with chiropractors.) Then, over time, I found that I could use it in deeper ways.
5/24 dream: I knew that I was not on this planet. I saw a town that was beautifully designed in its simplicity, with buildings that were rounded. A large group of people were having a celebration. I realized that they were welcoming me. I was deeply touched. It felt like a homecoming. I heard music being performed and realized that an ensemble was playing some of my tunes (written in this Earth life).
8/1 qigong: This realization came to me during a qigong practice. My background in music -- especially in how I like to explore tone colors by hearing new combinations of instruments in my mind -- has helped me to experience an inner hearing of energy frequencies.
8/15 hemi-sync: During a hemi-sync meditation, I was in a library and knew that it represented my Higher Self. The library contained records of the multitude of lifetimes, as a Source Energy Being, that I have had on Earth and in many other places: different star systems, galaxies, dimensions, etc. (Visions of my Higher Self have also come to me as a huge cable containing a countless number of strands, with each one being a lifetime.)
8/28 hemi-sync: A vision of the Chol Q'ij (Mayan time-energy cycles of 260 days). I saw how the 260 combinations of 13 numbers and 20 day signs occur simultaneously in the fabric of spacetime as energy (13 vibrational frequency ranges) and intelligence (represented by 20 day signs or archetypes). We can calibrate ourselves to a daily cycle. (I follow the traditional cycle used by the K'iche' Maya, which I received in teachings from the Mayan Elder Rigoberto Itzep Chanchavac in Guatemala.) I have come to think of this practice -- developing a sensitivity to each of the 260 combinations -- as being similar to ear training in music. After having this vision, I understood that it has a connection with a lifetime when I was part of a Star Nations team from the Pleiades that came to Mesoamerica in ancient times. That is, there is a connection between the Chol Q'ij and the stars.
12/21 qigong: I have come to think of my qigong practices as soundless music.
12/28 message: Taking out the trash tonight, these words came into my mind: "You can go to the spiritual realms that John Coltrane was reaching for in his music."
Out And About 2 (2018)
1/13 dream: I participated in a concert that was on another planet. There was an integration of the audience and the musicians in how the music stimulated colors uniquely in each person's energy field. This created a beautiful interplay of colors in the concert hall.
6/7 dream: Playing saxophone in an ensemble. I knew some of the musicians. My playing was OUT...far beyond what I can actually do. Then, I realized that this represents what I do each day with my energy practices.
6/11 dream: On a journey in the stars with Charlie Mariano. (One of my favorite teachers at Berklee who passed on in 2009.)
Note: In a similar way, there was a 12/3 dream with Herb Pomeroy. (Another Berklee teacher who was of great help to me. He passed on in 2007.) I showed Herb some of my recent music, and then we had a long conversation about off-planet experiences.
Out And About 3 (2019)
1/23 message: "This is how it's done in the stars." (Referring to medical qigong.)
4/5 medical qigong: Michael saw an image of a large structure. I saw it as having a radiant white color. Three Star Beings were standing in front of the structure, and there was an understanding that they were Arcturians. It felt to me that I had a connection with them and this place. (See Encounters With Arcturus And Alnilam.)
4/24 medical qigong: A vision came to Michael of the three Star Beings that we first saw several weeks ago (4/5). They told him to "keep doing this" (medical qigong for me). Inside the Arcturian structure, I saw a beam of white light going from my heart out to the stars. Then, the beam split into a vast number of them. Each beam was connected to a particular star system having an advanced planetary civilization. With this, words came into my mind: "These are the Star Nations."
5/9 dream: I was with several musician friends, and we listened to a big band. The music was contemporary and quite interesting. As I listened to it, I understood everything within each composition. However, I did not do this through physical hearing. Instead, I absorbed the music energetically as patterns of vibrational frequencies. As I began to wake up, I understood that, at a higher level of my being, I could actually do this.
11/13 dream: I was with a group in a room. Some of them were jazz heroes who were no longer in physical Earth life. John LaPorta (one of my teachers at Berklee who passed on in 2004) was there. Large stacks of paper were on a table. I was told that they were lists of people who are working on Star Nations projects for Earth. Looking at several lists, there were many names...including those in this group.
Out And About 4 (2020)
1/25 dream: I was with a group doing energy work. Each of us contributed particular energetic qualities (like different instruments in an orchestra).
2/1 dream: Saw a music performance with a large ensemble. It took place on a different planet. The piece being performed had been written by another part of myself. (There was an understanding that this actually happened.)
4/30 dream: Lee Konitz (one of the jazz greats who died recently from the virus) was in this dream. I was with Lee, and I saw melodic lines of his in the air (rather than hearing them). They were breathtaking! Then, working together, we took the music to a higher energetic level...beyond how one experiences music on Earth.
8/5 dream: With a group at a building that appeared to be part of a university. At one point, I saw Charlie Mariano (entry 6/11 in Out And About 2). He was with others in the group, and we waved at each other.
Out And About 5 (2021)
5/25 medical qigong: We were inside the Arcturian structure. This is a place of highly refined energies. I saw countless energy strands coming to me from planets in the Star Nations community. Then, I heard the words "full spectrum."
7/6 medical qigong: I saw myself with a Council and understood that an important part of my work is to connect with particular frequencies (like a tuning fork), maintain them as much as possible in my state of being, and ground them with the Earth. I also understood that writing my blogs is part of this connecting work (from within physical Earth life).
8/23 message: "It's all about frequency. Change the frequency and the ways that duality are expressed will change." (Love, compassion, unity = higher frequencies. Fear, hate, division = lower frequencies.)
11/3 vision: A vast web of energy connections to planets in the Star Nations community. Each planet's strand had a unique energy signature. I began to pluck individual strands, and melodies emerged. Then, I switched to playing layers of multiple strands to create harmonic structures.
12/31 vision: I saw myself as being like a saxophone. Instead of music coming out of the instrument, streams of energies went out to the stars.
Out And About 6 (2022)
2/8 dream: Saw a device that used light frequencies for healing work.
3/1 medical qigong: I had been sick for the past two weeks with what appeared to be a virus (not COVID). In doing the energy work today, an image came to Michael of going through a house, opening one room at a time, and letting in fresh air. At one point, I saw myself as a collection of energy strands. Each strand was being tuned like a string instrument. Afterwards, I felt much better.
4/22 medical qigong: As Michael worked on my heart, he saw an image of ancient bells. Later, at home, a vision came to me of temple bells in the gardens of the golden pyramid on Kazinan. (This is a planet in the Electra star system. See Encounters With Electra And The Pleiades.) The bells have high-frequency tones, and the scene was breathtakingly beautiful and uplifting.
8/2 medical qigong: There was a vision of ocean waves coming toward the shore. Each wave symbolically had unique energetic qualities that came from a particular star system in the Star Nations community. When I told Michael about the waves of energies, a message came to me that in seeking to understand frequencies, an important thing is what they convey (or contain) rather than being a specific vibration rate or hertz. (This is similar to a message that Michael received last month about light being a vessel.) Lastly, I had another vision of a vast web of energy connections to planets in the Star Nations community. Each strand appeared to be shimmering light.
9/24 dream: I saw myself with many teachers in a large room at a university. Then, as the dream continued, I was with a class, and I used an image of a spider web to explore aspects of light, sound, and vibration with them.
Note: More has come to me about this dream. I now understand that it takes place in higher Earth frequencies (not on another planet) and people can come to this school, as well as to others, during sleep. This is one of the ways that the Star Nations are using to connect with more people (entry 5/24 in Out And About 6).
11/30 message: I have come to think of the particular energies that I am experiencing as being "my sound" (similar to musicians having a distinctive tone on their instrument).
Out And About 7 (2023)
1/17 medical qigong: As Michael worked on my heart, a vision came to him of a pyramid. It was not a solid structure. Instead, he described it as more of an outline ("bare bones"). Then, there was a message that he received for me: "Go deeper into the energetic dynamics of a pyramid. There is more to it than what is conventionally understood." What I am getting, as of now, is that the shape of a triangular pyramid represents the electromagnetic spectrum in how there is a frequency progression from dense matter (the base) through ascending levels of more refined energies (narrowing of the sides) until the top (of a frequency range) is reached. Importantly, instead of stopping at the top of the pyramid, one can continue on into an even higher range. In this way, I see a series of pyramids in which each one is at a progressively higher energetic level. The many pyramids in this vision represent planes of existence in a vast frequency spectrum.
1/21 message: Reflecting on the frequency spectrum, these words came into my mind: "Infinite consciousness permeating all forms and non-forms."
3/25 message: In reading about Robert Monroe and Rosalind McKnight's higher-level experiences (with his sound technology lab and her team of Star Being helpers), I see how they are similar to the experiences that Michael and I are having with medical qigong. Even more, it is now clear that we are collaborating! (See Encounters With Robert Monroe And Rosie McKnight.)
Note: Later in the day, while I was standing in the checkout line at Roots Market, I heard this in my mind: "A higher-level connection with Robert Monroe is like playing with Gil Evans." Wow! And, I see that. Robert worked with sound frequencies, brain waves, and consciousness at deep levels, just as how Gil worked with highly creative combinations of instruments, advanced harmonic concepts, and recomposition (creating a new piece from an existing one) in deep ways in his music. Both of them went beyond the conventional.
4/21 medical qigong: A vision came to me of an equilateral triangle with the Electra and Arcturus star systems as the two horizontal points and Alnilam (middle star in Orion's Belt) as the vertical point. In this way, I saw Electra and Arcturus as being like yin and yang. Deep connections (yin) are made within the golden pyramid in the Electra system. Whereas, the Arcturian structure has expansive (yang) energies with connections to the many planets in the Star Nations community. Then, I understood that there is an ancient high-frequency civilization in the Alnilam system that works with balancing polarity on a vast scale. Toward the end of the session, I had a vision of each of my organs being like a star system and my body like a galaxy. With this, a realization came to me that Michael's medical qigong is similar to the balancing work taking place at a macro level in the Alnilam system. (More about this is in Encounters With Electra And The Pleiades and Encounters With Arcturus And Alnilam.)
5/23 medical qigong: I again saw the Electra, Arcturus, and Alnilam star systems as a triangle (see entry 4/21). I experienced this energetically, with Electra energies in my left hand (palm and wrist centers), Arcturus energies in my right hand, and Alnilam energies in my forehead. As this progressed, I saw lines of energies going from my forehead to my hands, and streaming out of the soles of my feet.
Note: Our experiences with the Electra-Arcturus-Alnilam triangle began with a message that Michael received for me during our 4/7 session: "To obtain the guidance that you seek, first enter the temple." Given that we had already experienced a number of off-planet structures, this message did not make sense to me. However, at home, I did an energy reading and understood that it was about the Alnilam star system and a connection that I have with it. Then, after our 5/23 session, I understood that the Electra-Arcturus-Alnilam triangle represents the "first enter the temple" message. That is, the temple is experienced energetically (as an expression of light, sound, and vibration) instead of as a solid structure. Along with it, there was an unshakable feeling that I have old friends in the Alnilam system...that we have collaborated numerous times on Star Nations projects (including this one for Earth).
10/25 dream: I saw a music ensemble and an audience (off-planet). I understood that they were going to perform my New Tango No. 1. However, many of the musicians were young people, and I wondered how they would be able to play this piece given that much of it is improvised. As the dream progressed, I began to hear the music, and it sounded really good.
Out And About 8 (2024)
1/26 medical qigong: When Michael worked on my heart (element fire), there was a deep feeling of power, and I saw it as being like the advanced technology that powers starcrafts. Asking about what I needed to know or remember, Michael saw a dome from the side. Three energy streams, appearing as a series of small triangles, came up the sides of the dome and converged at the top. As he told me about this, we realized that an image that came to me (independently from Michael's) was the dome seen from above as a circle with three lines, cutting the circle into thirds, that extended from the center to connect outside of the circle with three small orange-colored circles. Michael drew a sketch of the dome and described it as consciousness technology. (Doing an energy reading on it, I understood that it is part of a larger device.) As I looked at the dome and the energy streams, I began to sense that there is a part of me that knows about this.
Update 1/29: I remembered a dream from 2022. In it, I saw a device that used light frequencies for healing work (entry 2/8 in Out And About 6). I did not know any details about it at the time. However, it is now my sense that the dome images that came to Michael and me were, in fact, part of the device that I was shown in 2022. After doing another energy reading on it, it is my understanding that the three streams have different energetic functions that are merged into a single beam.
Update 2/2: It occurred to me that Rosie McKnight's book Cosmic Journeys (pages 156-157, 163-167) has information about a Star Nations technology that could be similar to what Michael and I saw. Here is part of her description of it (she experienced this technology during out-of-body sessions with Robert Monroe and her team of Star Being helpers): "This instrument records the complete consciousness of the individual... But, I get the impression that this device doesn't just measure brain waves. It can tap into any bodily system. It knows exactly what is in the body -- every cell, every molecule, every physical problem. Thus it can diagnose illness. But, it is also able to create the conditions for healing."
Update: 2/19: Here is part of an email that I received today from Michael. "It’s interesting to connect to Rosie because that’s what it felt like for me...a device or technique to be able to read fields of energy but also to stimulate their movement."
2/9 dream: I was with Joe Viola (one of my teachers at Berklee who passed on in 2001), and we talked about music and higher-level experiences.
Note: After having this dream, I remembered how I experienced Joe's presence when I returned to playing the saxophone in 2003, after being away from it for 22 years. I saw Joe sitting next to me. Then, things that I learned from him (in particular, about tone production) came into my mind.
2/25 dream: I was teaching a music theory class (how it appeared to me). After waking up, I thought the dream was similar to several that I had in 2022 and 2023. In those dreams, I understood that I was teaching at a school in higher Earth frequencies. (See entry 9/24 in Out And About 6.) However, doing an energy reading on this dream, there was an understanding that the class was at a university in the Alcyone star system in the Pleiades.
Note: This university is mentioned in several of my blogs. Two of the entries are 5/9 in Out And About 5 and 6/3 in Out And About 4.
7/5 medical qigong: I felt a wonderful state of balance and non-physicality throughout the session. Along with it, I heard this message: "You know who you are." For Michael, when he worked on my heart, he received an image of a red hand in what he described as an ancient Indigenous American cave painting. He saw the fingers move as if they were playing a string instrument. This reminded me of how I often experience strands of shimmering light as a vast web of connections to planets in the Star Nations community (see Reflections in Out And About 5). I have also seen myself as a collection of energy strands (entry 3/1 in Out And About 6). Toward the end of the session, as Michael worked on my spleen, he sang a tone that was an octave above a pedal point (sustained tone) in the hemi-sync recording that was used as background music. (The recording was Interstellar Journey.) At one point, I heard overtones in Michael's voice in relation to the tone in the recording. When I asked him about it, he said that was his intention. The energetic effect that I felt was profound.
7/16 dream: For several years, I have had a number of dreams and visions about a saxophone. In having them, I knew that they represented my inner work. In one such vision from 2021, I saw myself as being like a saxophone. Instead of music coming out of the instrument, streams of energies went out to the stars (entry 12/31 in Out And About 5). In today's dream, I saw a vintage saxophone. Unlike a real one, the bell screwed off. As I removed it, the instrument came apart and revealed another saxophone that was inside it. This one had a brand new appearance. As I played it, its sound had a breathtaking resonance.
7/26 medical qigong: This session had a number of experiences that involved the Alnilam star system. As the session started, I felt a state of non-physicality or being at a higher vibrational level of myself (similar to our 7/5 session). Along with this, there was an understanding of how Michael's energy work is a micro version of the balancing work that is done at a macro level in the Alnilam system (entry 4/21 in Out And About 7). When I told Michael about this, he said "unimpeding the flow." Then, when he worked on my heart, a vision came to me of a pyramid that I first saw in our 5/10 session and understood that it was on a planet in the Alnilam system. Finally, when Michael worked on the right lung, a vision came to him of a Star Being with darker skin who wore a suit and held a musical instrument. I wondered if this was the Being from Alnilam who began to help us in 2022 (entry 9/27 in Out And About 6). For me, his appearance, with the suit and instrument (reminding me of Miles Davis in the early 1960's), represents connections between music and energy work.
10/4 dream: A composer friend in New York invited me to attend a performance of her new piece (in the higher planes). The music was for a large orchestra and chorus. When it began, I saw the score. While it appeared to be a conventional orchestral score, there were also many separate pages of varying sizes having written instructions and a small amount of notated music. I cannot adequately describe how the music sounded. It began as a simple folk-like melody. Then, it increased in complexity. There were aspects of it that reminded me of Charles Ives. As I listened to the performance, I experienced a deep sense of transcendence. Given the complexity of the music, I was amazed to not see a conductor. As I wondered about this, an understanding came to me that it was done through collective telepathy.
11/18 vision: Feeling deep connections with the Star Nations tonight. Seeing them as being like music, a realization came to me: "This is my orchestra."
Out And About 9 (2025)
1/11 dream: I was with a group of musicians on a starcraft. As they created a new piece, I did energy work that gave a "sparkle" (I heard this word in the dream) to the sound.
1/25 message: I remembered a profound experience that happened in February 2019. David Arivett made a solo piano recording, as a demo, of my New Tango No. 7. When I received it and started listening, I felt an energetic presence in the room and immediately knew that it was Amy Duncan, a composer friend who lived in Brazil and passed on in 2018. There was a wonderful happiness in Amy's energy. It was clear that she loved David's recording. And, an image came into my mind of Amy samba dancing in the higher planes. I cannot rationally explain how I knew that this energetic presence was Amy. Simply, I knew. What comes to me is that we (as consciousness) are connected and it does not matter whether our family and friends are "here" or "there" (in non-physical states). As we expand our consciousness beyond the physical, we can be at a similar frequency with them. it is exactly like connecting with Star Beings who are helping us.
2/1 dream: Whenever I have a dream about a saxophone, I understand that it represents my inner work. In today's dream, I had a saxophone, and I was able to play harmonics on it in a way that I could not do with an actual instrument.
I was introduced to qigong (related to tai chi as a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine) in 1995 by Frances Gander, who received training with Grandmaster Chian Ho Yin. I felt an immediate connection with it. (Frances was also the first person to tell me about similarities between Chinese acupuncture and Mayan healing practices.)
Then, new worlds opened for me in 2017 when I began to have acupuncture with Michael Perfetto. In addition to classical acupuncture, we also worked with Chinese herbs (as internal energy work) and, importantly, Michael introduced me to methods that were developed by Robert Monroe (such as Hemi-Sync sound technology) to enable one to experientially know that we are more than our physical body.
I also began to have and remember extremely vivid dreams. Many of them were about flying or traveling in various ways. I often saw myself with a group or team in these dreams, and it was clear that our experiences were beyond this planet.
After 16 months of acupuncture, I switched to medical qigong in 2018 when Michael began to offer it. Medical qigong is a direct application of energies (Qi) to the major organ systems. We quickly discovered, as we worked with higher and more refined energies, that intuitive messages and images would often come to us in our sessions. In particular, there were visions of us being helped in the energy work by my higher-level team. Michael and I came to understand that our collaboration goes far beyond the two of us.
I need to mention that Michael is also a composer, and remarkably, we went to the same music school -- Berklee College of Music. Because of our shared background, when I have particular experiences, I can describe them to Michael using musical terms, and he will understand the analogy.
Out And About 1 (2017)
3/24 acupuncture: In this session, there was an experience of Original Self (or Original Nature). As Michael explained, in having this acupuncture treatment, some people experience memories of difficult things in their past. However, after all of the needles were in, I suddenly found myself out of my physical body and beyond this planet. Instead of being a shock, there was a feeling of deep joy...along with a realization that all of this was familiar to me.
4/16 dream: I worked on a music project with Gil Evans (one of my favorite jazz composers who passed on in 1988). The higher-level music was created with layers of vibrational frequency patterns (as I can best describe it). Toward the end of the dream, a large group of musicians came into a hall to perform the piece.
Note: As incredible as it sounds, when I did an energy reading (with a pendulum) on this dream, I understood that it was an actual experience. My later blogs describe similar experiences with others, including several musician friends, who are no longer in physical Earth life. I should mention that my use of a pendulum came about through Robin Johnsen (family friend and acupuncturist). In having acupuncture with her, she suggested that I use a pendulum to test herbs and supplements to see if they are beneficial for me. (This is similar to muscle testing that I have experienced with chiropractors.) Then, over time, I found that I could use it in deeper ways.
5/24 dream: I knew that I was not on this planet. I saw a town that was beautifully designed in its simplicity, with buildings that were rounded. A large group of people were having a celebration. I realized that they were welcoming me. I was deeply touched. It felt like a homecoming. I heard music being performed and realized that an ensemble was playing some of my tunes (written in this Earth life).
8/1 qigong: This realization came to me during a qigong practice. My background in music -- especially in how I like to explore tone colors by hearing new combinations of instruments in my mind -- has helped me to experience an inner hearing of energy frequencies.
8/15 hemi-sync: During a hemi-sync meditation, I was in a library and knew that it represented my Higher Self. The library contained records of the multitude of lifetimes, as a Source Energy Being, that I have had on Earth and in many other places: different star systems, galaxies, dimensions, etc. (Visions of my Higher Self have also come to me as a huge cable containing a countless number of strands, with each one being a lifetime.)
8/28 hemi-sync: A vision of the Chol Q'ij (Mayan time-energy cycles of 260 days). I saw how the 260 combinations of 13 numbers and 20 day signs occur simultaneously in the fabric of spacetime as energy (13 vibrational frequency ranges) and intelligence (represented by 20 day signs or archetypes). We can calibrate ourselves to a daily cycle. (I follow the traditional cycle used by the K'iche' Maya, which I received in teachings from the Mayan Elder Rigoberto Itzep Chanchavac in Guatemala.) I have come to think of this practice -- developing a sensitivity to each of the 260 combinations -- as being similar to ear training in music. After having this vision, I understood that it has a connection with a lifetime when I was part of a Star Nations team from the Pleiades that came to Mesoamerica in ancient times. That is, there is a connection between the Chol Q'ij and the stars.
12/21 qigong: I have come to think of my qigong practices as soundless music.
12/28 message: Taking out the trash tonight, these words came into my mind: "You can go to the spiritual realms that John Coltrane was reaching for in his music."
Out And About 2 (2018)
1/13 dream: I participated in a concert that was on another planet. There was an integration of the audience and the musicians in how the music stimulated colors uniquely in each person's energy field. This created a beautiful interplay of colors in the concert hall.
6/7 dream: Playing saxophone in an ensemble. I knew some of the musicians. My playing was OUT...far beyond what I can actually do. Then, I realized that this represents what I do each day with my energy practices.
6/11 dream: On a journey in the stars with Charlie Mariano. (One of my favorite teachers at Berklee who passed on in 2009.)
Note: In a similar way, there was a 12/3 dream with Herb Pomeroy. (Another Berklee teacher who was of great help to me. He passed on in 2007.) I showed Herb some of my recent music, and then we had a long conversation about off-planet experiences.
Out And About 3 (2019)
1/23 message: "This is how it's done in the stars." (Referring to medical qigong.)
4/5 medical qigong: Michael saw an image of a large structure. I saw it as having a radiant white color. Three Star Beings were standing in front of the structure, and there was an understanding that they were Arcturians. It felt to me that I had a connection with them and this place. (See Encounters With Arcturus And Alnilam.)
4/24 medical qigong: A vision came to Michael of the three Star Beings that we first saw several weeks ago (4/5). They told him to "keep doing this" (medical qigong for me). Inside the Arcturian structure, I saw a beam of white light going from my heart out to the stars. Then, the beam split into a vast number of them. Each beam was connected to a particular star system having an advanced planetary civilization. With this, words came into my mind: "These are the Star Nations."
5/9 dream: I was with several musician friends, and we listened to a big band. The music was contemporary and quite interesting. As I listened to it, I understood everything within each composition. However, I did not do this through physical hearing. Instead, I absorbed the music energetically as patterns of vibrational frequencies. As I began to wake up, I understood that, at a higher level of my being, I could actually do this.
11/13 dream: I was with a group in a room. Some of them were jazz heroes who were no longer in physical Earth life. John LaPorta (one of my teachers at Berklee who passed on in 2004) was there. Large stacks of paper were on a table. I was told that they were lists of people who are working on Star Nations projects for Earth. Looking at several lists, there were many names...including those in this group.
Out And About 4 (2020)
1/25 dream: I was with a group doing energy work. Each of us contributed particular energetic qualities (like different instruments in an orchestra).
2/1 dream: Saw a music performance with a large ensemble. It took place on a different planet. The piece being performed had been written by another part of myself. (There was an understanding that this actually happened.)
4/30 dream: Lee Konitz (one of the jazz greats who died recently from the virus) was in this dream. I was with Lee, and I saw melodic lines of his in the air (rather than hearing them). They were breathtaking! Then, working together, we took the music to a higher energetic level...beyond how one experiences music on Earth.
8/5 dream: With a group at a building that appeared to be part of a university. At one point, I saw Charlie Mariano (entry 6/11 in Out And About 2). He was with others in the group, and we waved at each other.
Out And About 5 (2021)
5/25 medical qigong: We were inside the Arcturian structure. This is a place of highly refined energies. I saw countless energy strands coming to me from planets in the Star Nations community. Then, I heard the words "full spectrum."
7/6 medical qigong: I saw myself with a Council and understood that an important part of my work is to connect with particular frequencies (like a tuning fork), maintain them as much as possible in my state of being, and ground them with the Earth. I also understood that writing my blogs is part of this connecting work (from within physical Earth life).
8/23 message: "It's all about frequency. Change the frequency and the ways that duality are expressed will change." (Love, compassion, unity = higher frequencies. Fear, hate, division = lower frequencies.)
11/3 vision: A vast web of energy connections to planets in the Star Nations community. Each planet's strand had a unique energy signature. I began to pluck individual strands, and melodies emerged. Then, I switched to playing layers of multiple strands to create harmonic structures.
12/31 vision: I saw myself as being like a saxophone. Instead of music coming out of the instrument, streams of energies went out to the stars.
Out And About 6 (2022)
2/8 dream: Saw a device that used light frequencies for healing work.
3/1 medical qigong: I had been sick for the past two weeks with what appeared to be a virus (not COVID). In doing the energy work today, an image came to Michael of going through a house, opening one room at a time, and letting in fresh air. At one point, I saw myself as a collection of energy strands. Each strand was being tuned like a string instrument. Afterwards, I felt much better.
4/22 medical qigong: As Michael worked on my heart, he saw an image of ancient bells. Later, at home, a vision came to me of temple bells in the gardens of the golden pyramid on Kazinan. (This is a planet in the Electra star system. See Encounters With Electra And The Pleiades.) The bells have high-frequency tones, and the scene was breathtakingly beautiful and uplifting.
8/2 medical qigong: There was a vision of ocean waves coming toward the shore. Each wave symbolically had unique energetic qualities that came from a particular star system in the Star Nations community. When I told Michael about the waves of energies, a message came to me that in seeking to understand frequencies, an important thing is what they convey (or contain) rather than being a specific vibration rate or hertz. (This is similar to a message that Michael received last month about light being a vessel.) Lastly, I had another vision of a vast web of energy connections to planets in the Star Nations community. Each strand appeared to be shimmering light.
9/24 dream: I saw myself with many teachers in a large room at a university. Then, as the dream continued, I was with a class, and I used an image of a spider web to explore aspects of light, sound, and vibration with them.
Note: More has come to me about this dream. I now understand that it takes place in higher Earth frequencies (not on another planet) and people can come to this school, as well as to others, during sleep. This is one of the ways that the Star Nations are using to connect with more people (entry 5/24 in Out And About 6).
11/30 message: I have come to think of the particular energies that I am experiencing as being "my sound" (similar to musicians having a distinctive tone on their instrument).
Out And About 7 (2023)
1/17 medical qigong: As Michael worked on my heart, a vision came to him of a pyramid. It was not a solid structure. Instead, he described it as more of an outline ("bare bones"). Then, there was a message that he received for me: "Go deeper into the energetic dynamics of a pyramid. There is more to it than what is conventionally understood." What I am getting, as of now, is that the shape of a triangular pyramid represents the electromagnetic spectrum in how there is a frequency progression from dense matter (the base) through ascending levels of more refined energies (narrowing of the sides) until the top (of a frequency range) is reached. Importantly, instead of stopping at the top of the pyramid, one can continue on into an even higher range. In this way, I see a series of pyramids in which each one is at a progressively higher energetic level. The many pyramids in this vision represent planes of existence in a vast frequency spectrum.
1/21 message: Reflecting on the frequency spectrum, these words came into my mind: "Infinite consciousness permeating all forms and non-forms."
3/25 message: In reading about Robert Monroe and Rosalind McKnight's higher-level experiences (with his sound technology lab and her team of Star Being helpers), I see how they are similar to the experiences that Michael and I are having with medical qigong. Even more, it is now clear that we are collaborating! (See Encounters With Robert Monroe And Rosie McKnight.)
Note: Later in the day, while I was standing in the checkout line at Roots Market, I heard this in my mind: "A higher-level connection with Robert Monroe is like playing with Gil Evans." Wow! And, I see that. Robert worked with sound frequencies, brain waves, and consciousness at deep levels, just as how Gil worked with highly creative combinations of instruments, advanced harmonic concepts, and recomposition (creating a new piece from an existing one) in deep ways in his music. Both of them went beyond the conventional.
4/21 medical qigong: A vision came to me of an equilateral triangle with the Electra and Arcturus star systems as the two horizontal points and Alnilam (middle star in Orion's Belt) as the vertical point. In this way, I saw Electra and Arcturus as being like yin and yang. Deep connections (yin) are made within the golden pyramid in the Electra system. Whereas, the Arcturian structure has expansive (yang) energies with connections to the many planets in the Star Nations community. Then, I understood that there is an ancient high-frequency civilization in the Alnilam system that works with balancing polarity on a vast scale. Toward the end of the session, I had a vision of each of my organs being like a star system and my body like a galaxy. With this, a realization came to me that Michael's medical qigong is similar to the balancing work taking place at a macro level in the Alnilam system. (More about this is in Encounters With Electra And The Pleiades and Encounters With Arcturus And Alnilam.)
5/23 medical qigong: I again saw the Electra, Arcturus, and Alnilam star systems as a triangle (see entry 4/21). I experienced this energetically, with Electra energies in my left hand (palm and wrist centers), Arcturus energies in my right hand, and Alnilam energies in my forehead. As this progressed, I saw lines of energies going from my forehead to my hands, and streaming out of the soles of my feet.
Note: Our experiences with the Electra-Arcturus-Alnilam triangle began with a message that Michael received for me during our 4/7 session: "To obtain the guidance that you seek, first enter the temple." Given that we had already experienced a number of off-planet structures, this message did not make sense to me. However, at home, I did an energy reading and understood that it was about the Alnilam star system and a connection that I have with it. Then, after our 5/23 session, I understood that the Electra-Arcturus-Alnilam triangle represents the "first enter the temple" message. That is, the temple is experienced energetically (as an expression of light, sound, and vibration) instead of as a solid structure. Along with it, there was an unshakable feeling that I have old friends in the Alnilam system...that we have collaborated numerous times on Star Nations projects (including this one for Earth).
10/25 dream: I saw a music ensemble and an audience (off-planet). I understood that they were going to perform my New Tango No. 1. However, many of the musicians were young people, and I wondered how they would be able to play this piece given that much of it is improvised. As the dream progressed, I began to hear the music, and it sounded really good.
Out And About 8 (2024)
1/26 medical qigong: When Michael worked on my heart (element fire), there was a deep feeling of power, and I saw it as being like the advanced technology that powers starcrafts. Asking about what I needed to know or remember, Michael saw a dome from the side. Three energy streams, appearing as a series of small triangles, came up the sides of the dome and converged at the top. As he told me about this, we realized that an image that came to me (independently from Michael's) was the dome seen from above as a circle with three lines, cutting the circle into thirds, that extended from the center to connect outside of the circle with three small orange-colored circles. Michael drew a sketch of the dome and described it as consciousness technology. (Doing an energy reading on it, I understood that it is part of a larger device.) As I looked at the dome and the energy streams, I began to sense that there is a part of me that knows about this.
Update 1/29: I remembered a dream from 2022. In it, I saw a device that used light frequencies for healing work (entry 2/8 in Out And About 6). I did not know any details about it at the time. However, it is now my sense that the dome images that came to Michael and me were, in fact, part of the device that I was shown in 2022. After doing another energy reading on it, it is my understanding that the three streams have different energetic functions that are merged into a single beam.
Update 2/2: It occurred to me that Rosie McKnight's book Cosmic Journeys (pages 156-157, 163-167) has information about a Star Nations technology that could be similar to what Michael and I saw. Here is part of her description of it (she experienced this technology during out-of-body sessions with Robert Monroe and her team of Star Being helpers): "This instrument records the complete consciousness of the individual... But, I get the impression that this device doesn't just measure brain waves. It can tap into any bodily system. It knows exactly what is in the body -- every cell, every molecule, every physical problem. Thus it can diagnose illness. But, it is also able to create the conditions for healing."
Update: 2/19: Here is part of an email that I received today from Michael. "It’s interesting to connect to Rosie because that’s what it felt like for me...a device or technique to be able to read fields of energy but also to stimulate their movement."
2/9 dream: I was with Joe Viola (one of my teachers at Berklee who passed on in 2001), and we talked about music and higher-level experiences.
Note: After having this dream, I remembered how I experienced Joe's presence when I returned to playing the saxophone in 2003, after being away from it for 22 years. I saw Joe sitting next to me. Then, things that I learned from him (in particular, about tone production) came into my mind.
2/25 dream: I was teaching a music theory class (how it appeared to me). After waking up, I thought the dream was similar to several that I had in 2022 and 2023. In those dreams, I understood that I was teaching at a school in higher Earth frequencies. (See entry 9/24 in Out And About 6.) However, doing an energy reading on this dream, there was an understanding that the class was at a university in the Alcyone star system in the Pleiades.
Note: This university is mentioned in several of my blogs. Two of the entries are 5/9 in Out And About 5 and 6/3 in Out And About 4.
7/5 medical qigong: I felt a wonderful state of balance and non-physicality throughout the session. Along with it, I heard this message: "You know who you are." For Michael, when he worked on my heart, he received an image of a red hand in what he described as an ancient Indigenous American cave painting. He saw the fingers move as if they were playing a string instrument. This reminded me of how I often experience strands of shimmering light as a vast web of connections to planets in the Star Nations community (see Reflections in Out And About 5). I have also seen myself as a collection of energy strands (entry 3/1 in Out And About 6). Toward the end of the session, as Michael worked on my spleen, he sang a tone that was an octave above a pedal point (sustained tone) in the hemi-sync recording that was used as background music. (The recording was Interstellar Journey.) At one point, I heard overtones in Michael's voice in relation to the tone in the recording. When I asked him about it, he said that was his intention. The energetic effect that I felt was profound.
7/16 dream: For several years, I have had a number of dreams and visions about a saxophone. In having them, I knew that they represented my inner work. In one such vision from 2021, I saw myself as being like a saxophone. Instead of music coming out of the instrument, streams of energies went out to the stars (entry 12/31 in Out And About 5). In today's dream, I saw a vintage saxophone. Unlike a real one, the bell screwed off. As I removed it, the instrument came apart and revealed another saxophone that was inside it. This one had a brand new appearance. As I played it, its sound had a breathtaking resonance.
7/26 medical qigong: This session had a number of experiences that involved the Alnilam star system. As the session started, I felt a state of non-physicality or being at a higher vibrational level of myself (similar to our 7/5 session). Along with this, there was an understanding of how Michael's energy work is a micro version of the balancing work that is done at a macro level in the Alnilam system (entry 4/21 in Out And About 7). When I told Michael about this, he said "unimpeding the flow." Then, when he worked on my heart, a vision came to me of a pyramid that I first saw in our 5/10 session and understood that it was on a planet in the Alnilam system. Finally, when Michael worked on the right lung, a vision came to him of a Star Being with darker skin who wore a suit and held a musical instrument. I wondered if this was the Being from Alnilam who began to help us in 2022 (entry 9/27 in Out And About 6). For me, his appearance, with the suit and instrument (reminding me of Miles Davis in the early 1960's), represents connections between music and energy work.
10/4 dream: A composer friend in New York invited me to attend a performance of her new piece (in the higher planes). The music was for a large orchestra and chorus. When it began, I saw the score. While it appeared to be a conventional orchestral score, there were also many separate pages of varying sizes having written instructions and a small amount of notated music. I cannot adequately describe how the music sounded. It began as a simple folk-like melody. Then, it increased in complexity. There were aspects of it that reminded me of Charles Ives. As I listened to the performance, I experienced a deep sense of transcendence. Given the complexity of the music, I was amazed to not see a conductor. As I wondered about this, an understanding came to me that it was done through collective telepathy.
11/18 vision: Feeling deep connections with the Star Nations tonight. Seeing them as being like music, a realization came to me: "This is my orchestra."
Out And About 9 (2025)
1/11 dream: I was with a group of musicians on a starcraft. As they created a new piece, I did energy work that gave a "sparkle" (I heard this word in the dream) to the sound.
1/25 message: I remembered a profound experience that happened in February 2019. David Arivett made a solo piano recording, as a demo, of my New Tango No. 7. When I received it and started listening, I felt an energetic presence in the room and immediately knew that it was Amy Duncan, a composer friend who lived in Brazil and passed on in 2018. There was a wonderful happiness in Amy's energy. It was clear that she loved David's recording. And, an image came into my mind of Amy samba dancing in the higher planes. I cannot rationally explain how I knew that this energetic presence was Amy. Simply, I knew. What comes to me is that we (as consciousness) are connected and it does not matter whether our family and friends are "here" or "there" (in non-physical states). As we expand our consciousness beyond the physical, we can be at a similar frequency with them. it is exactly like connecting with Star Beings who are helping us.
2/1 dream: Whenever I have a dream about a saxophone, I understand that it represents my inner work. In today's dream, I had a saxophone, and I was able to play harmonics on it in a way that I could not do with an actual instrument.
Symbol of Light, Sound, and Vibration.
Awakens one to inner wisdom, remembrance, and cosmic community.
(11:11 star symbols)
Awakens one to inner wisdom, remembrance, and cosmic community.
(11:11 star symbols)
To read the complete blogs, see Out And About.