Encounters With Electra And The Pleiades
I have felt connections with the stars and various ancient civilizations for many years...going back to early childhood. A more recent memory that stands out for me was how in 2000, as I walked down a hallway at work to a meeting, I suddenly felt a deep sadness. This led to a realization that I was feeling homesick...that I missed being in the stars. Several years after that, I received an intuitive reading about a lifetime when I was part of a Star Nations team that came to Mesoamerica from the Pleiades. Then, when I began to collaborate with Michael Perfetto, starting in 2017 with acupuncture and later with medical qigong, I discovered much more about my connections with the stars. In particular, the Electra star system in the Pleiades.
The following are entries from my blogs that describe experiences that Michael Perfetto and I are having with the Pleiades:
Out And About 1 (2017)
1/7 dream: I was in a large city. It was so different that I could not tell whether it was in the future or on another planet. I was walking to a destination in the city, but I did not know how to get there. I looked for a map or signs but could not find anything to be of help. Suddenly, I was on what appeared to be a train. Looking out at the passing features of the city, I had no frame of reference for where I was. However, I encountered three people (Star Beings, I sensed), and they offered their assistance.
5/24 dream: I knew that I was not on this planet. I saw a town that was beautifully designed in its simplicity, with buildings that were rounded. A large group of people were having a celebration. I realized that they were welcoming me. I was deeply touched. It felt like a homecoming. I heard music being performed and realized that an ensemble was playing some of my tunes (written in this Earth life).
8/15 hemi-sync: During a hemi-sync meditation, I was in a library and knew that it represented my Higher Self. The library contained records of the multitude of lifetimes, as a Source Energy Being, that I have had on Earth and in many other places: different star systems, galaxies, dimensions, etc. (Visions of my Higher Self have also come to me as a huge cable containing a countless number of strands, with each one being a lifetime.)
8/28 hemi-sync: A vision of the Chol Q'ij (Mayan time-energy cycles of 260 days). I saw how the 260 combinations of 13 numbers and 20 day signs occur simultaneously in the fabric of spacetime as energy (vibrational frequency ranges) and intelligence. We can calibrate ourselves to a daily cycle. (I follow the traditional cycle used by the K'iche' Maya, which I received in teachings from the Mayan Elder Rigoberto Itzep Chanchavac in Guatemala.) I have come to think of this practice -- developing a sensitivity to each of the 260 energies and intelligences -- as being similar to ear training in music. After having this vision, I understood that it has a connection with a lifetime when I was part of a Star Nations team from the Pleiades that came to Mesoamerica in ancient times. That is, there is a connection between the Chol Q'ij and the stars.
10/22 dream: On a large starcraft. The craft seemed familiar to me. Rather than focusing on details about it, I was more interested in the crew. They were from different star systems, and it was clear that they worked together with deep respect, love, and cooperation.
Out And About 2 (2018)
2/5 dream: Went to an off-planet university and met people who were collaborating with a water-based intelligent species. (My later blogs have more about this university.)
4/22 dream: I was flying (by myself) in a small anti-gravity craft over a large city. As this happened, I thought to myself, "I know how to use this technology!"
9/19 medical qigong: I was inside a pyramid structure. It was familiar to me. There was an understanding that it is in the Electra star system (part of the Pleiades star cluster). For Michael, the energies were so powerful that he needed to refocus several times on what he was doing.
Out And About 4 (2020)
6/3 dream: With a group at a university (not on this planet). I noticed that everyone had longer hair. I understood that I was there for a meeting. After waking up, I did not have the usual smooth transition from dream state to physical. It felt like I was still in the dream. After a bit of time and going downstairs to start breakfast, I was then fully back here.
6/14 vision: At our farmhouse in WV. When we arrived and walked across the yard toward the house, I felt a quality of energy that was new to me. (However, there was also something familiar about it.) Later, I was standing on the porch. Feeling this energy again, I looked up and saw a starcraft partially materialize in the sky. I felt a deep joy and mentally sent love and gratitude to the crew. In return, I felt love and gratitude from them. (This actually happened.)
6/24 medical qigong: After not having medical qigong since March due to the pandemic, I was able to have a session with Michael today. Happily, he found my energies to be strong and flowing. Visions came to me of a golden pyramid (entry 9/19 in Out And About 2) and what appeared to be energy strands that went into a high frequency range.
8/12 medical qigong: While doing energy work on me, Michael looked down and saw a THIRD HAND. Amazed, he turned and saw a Pleiadian standing next to him who was helping us.
Out And About 5 (2021)
1/15 medical qigong: Unexpectedly, the word "emissary" came into my mind. Then, there were images of a Smith Island cake, a tunnel to a planet, and new Light Beings who were helping us.
Note: A message came to me later about the Smith Island cake: "Many layers forming a unified structure." Entries 3/17 and 4/28 in Out And About 6 have more about emissary.
2/26 medical qigong: I had visions of advanced technology and several Star Beings. Michael saw a Pleiadian who was helping with the energy work. He also had a vision of what appeared to be WW1 soldiers jumping over a trench. (I saw this as taking a leap into a new state of being.)
3/9 vision: During a dental appointment, I closed my eyes and saw myself with a Pleiadian Council.
3/26 medical qigong: A message came to me, "You know who you are."
4/2 medical qigong: I was inside a golden pyramid. (I first encountered it in 2018. See entry 9/19 in Out And About 2.) The structure is extremely ancient, and I saw it as being hollow or like an inverted funnel. Looking for words to describe it, I heard “making deep connections.” And, there was an understanding that Beings from many star systems come to this pyramid for energy work...that it has special functions. Then, Michael received a message for me: "Kazinan is home." (This was after he mentally asked the question, "What does Roger need to know at this time?") Doing an energy reading on the word kazinan, I understood that it is the fourth planet in the Electra star system (Pleiades star cluster). I also understood that the golden pyramid is on that planet.
4/9 medical qigong: I saw myself with a Council and heard the words "increasing sensitivity." When Michael worked on my heart (element fire), he saw blue water energy and whales.
5/9 dream: At a university, I saw a series of tall aquariums with different kinds of fish. The last one had a water-based species of Star Beings...not fish. There were so many in the aquarium that it appeared that they were overpopulated. However, I understood that, as multidimensional beings, they have the ability to go wherever they want to live their lives.
Note: I had a previous visit with them in 2018. See entry 2/5 in Out And About 2. It is now my understanding that this university is in the Alcyone star system (Pleiades).
6/8 medical qigong: I saw a spider web, and it turned into a holographic image of a vast number of Star Nations connections. Toward the end of the session, I saw myself wearing different clothes. They had a silver, metallic-like color, and the material was unusually lightweight. For Michael, a word that came to him was "arcane" (understood by few, mysterious, or hidden).
6/15 medical qigong: I felt the presence of three Star Beings in the room. They were helping Michael with the energy work. The experience was so vivid that there was a sense of them communicating telepathically. Then, a vision came to Michael of a woman, perhaps in her 50's, with silver hair and powerfully vibrant energies. As he described her, I immediately knew that this was my primary Guide appearing to him in a human form (she is a Reptoid Star Being). Two additional things stood out for me today: I was with a Council and then saw the silver clothes again (entry 6/8).
Update 6/22: I now have an understanding that the clothing is actually a silver robe, and it has embedded Star Nations technology.
6/22 medical qigong: There was another vision of energy work being done simultaneously on multiple levels of myself. This time, it was much more vivid. Then, there was a brief vision of Michael as a tall Reptoid Star Being. The energies were profoundly powerful. When he worked on my heart, there was an image of a planet, and I knew that it was Kazinan (entry 4/2). Michael also felt the presence of a number of Star Beings who were helping us. At one point, he heard, "Do not try so hard." He relaxed, and then there was a more powerful flow of energies. Toward the end of the session, there was another vision of the silver robe that I had seen in our last two sessions (6/8 and 6/15).
Note: Following is information that I received from a Star Nations friend about this robe and my role with it: "Seems like it processes information, almost like super data. Very special indeed. The most advanced of data processing. Seems like you are a key go between, connector. You have been so important in these ventures, going between different groups, functioning like a spider’s web, connecting star systems, councils, teams..."
6/29 medical qigong: A vision came to me of Kazinan, and I felt myself basking in its energies. The experience was beyond words that I can express. By the end of the session, it felt like I had returned from a long vacation on the planet.
7/6 medical qigong: I saw myself again on planet Kazinan. I was with a Council and understood that an important part of my work is to connect with Kazinian frequencies (like a tuning fork), maintain them as much as possible in my state of being, and ground them with the Earth. For Michael, when he silently asked what I needed to know for my highest good, several things came to him: an image of a turmeric drink, a confirmation for me that I am on the right path, and a message about working in the North (I took this to represent the attributes of that direction in the chol q'ij).
7/20 medical qigong: As the session began, there was a sense that something new was going to happen. Then, a vision came to me of three Star Beings helping Michael. All of them appeared to be Pleiadians, and there was an understanding that the energy work with them was taking place on Kazinan (the first time this has happened in our sessions). Toward the end, there was a vision of a WW2 Spitfire taking off and making a steep climb. Suddenly, the Spitfire transformed into a starcraft. For Michael, as he worked on my heart, he saw an image of a bee. The word "amylis" (a type of fungus) also came to him, along with a vision of stone formations that looked like rough-cut megalithic standing stones. (Doing an energy reading on the stone formations, I understood that they are on Kazinan. Both the bee and the fungus speak to me as representing community.)
8/31 medical qigong: A vision of a massive community (in the stars), and I was connected with it. Three images came to Michael: a ship plowing through a large wave, an obelisk, and two Mantis Star Beings looking through a window. For me, the ship speaks to staying on course in the midst of everything that is happening in the world. Doing energy readings on the other images, I understood that the obelisk is on Kazinan and the two Star Beings are collaborating with the Mantis, who is one of my Guides.
10/26 medical qigong: Through the entire session, I saw Michael and myself as Star Beings. Michael was a Reptoid (like my primary Guide), and I was a Pleiadian (Electra system). With this, there was an understanding that today's energy work took place at that higher level. When Michael worked on my heart, a vision came to him of a hand placing a red gem within my heart. As he told me about this, I again felt a connection with Mars. Intuitive messages have been coming to me about Mars...that something deeply profound is happening there and it will be of great benefit to humanity.
11/2 medical qigong: Before we started, Michael told me about a recent dream in which he saw a starcraft and a team of Star Beings. There was an understanding that it took place on Earth. As he described this dream to me, I heard the words, "We are here." When the session began, I felt a gathering of Star Friends and energies. Then, there was a vision of a female Pleiadian, and I knew that she was my Grandmother Pearl (passed on in 1969). She was directing the group of Star Beings who were helping us. (Michael described today's energies as "expansive.") As he worked on my spleen (element earth), a vision came to him of a woman who was comforting a child.
11/30 medical qigong: As I walked toward the building that has Michael's office, a vision came to me of the golden pyramid on Kazinan (entry 4/2). Opening the front door and walking into the building, I also saw myself going into the pyramid structure. I kept myself focused on the pyramid throughout the session, feeling its energies and connecting with the team of Star Friends who were helping us. When Michael worked on my heart, a message came to him: "There are many ways to do this." Then, there was a message about giving the Star Beings more space to do their work. Toward the end of the session, I felt a sting in my left ankle, and I understood that one of the Star Beings had done it. When I pointed to the spot where I felt the sting, Michael said it was on my liver (element wood) meridian.
Out And About 6 (2022)
2/16 medical qigong: I told Michael how the word multidimensional has been coming into my mind. For me, this word conveys a vision of my "Earth self" and "Pleiadian self" as one Being -- not separate entities -- having lives simultaneously on multiple levels. (Michael has similar experiences.) After the energy work, Michael sketched an image that came to him. The object was similar to a trident. However, the middle prong was much shorter than the outer two. (The middle prong is normally longer in depictions of a trident.) As he finished the drawing, he wrote "Arcturian" at the top of the page.
3/17 message: The words "Star Nations-in-Residence" came into my mind. Then, there was a vision of many Star Beings who are currently having a human lifetime. Each person in this group represents a star system in the Star Nations community and utilizes its special qualities in their mission here. (This gives more clarity to "emissary" in entry 1/15 in Out And About 5.)
4/22 medical qigong: As Michael worked on my heart, he saw an image of ancient bells. Later, at home, a vision came to me of temple bells in the gardens of the golden pyramid on Kazinan. The bells have high-frequency tones, and the scene was breathtakingly beautiful and uplifting.
4/26 medical qigong: Through most of the session, I focused on my connection with Kazinan. Viewing the planet from space, it appears to have a light tan color with swirls of white. However, when I see myself on its surface, there are visions of lush landscapes, ancient sites of healing and wisdom, advanced technology, and population centers. Doing a series of energy readings to understand this apparent paradox, what I received was that intelligent life on this planet is in a 5D through 7D frequency range and progressing into 8D. Thus, at those higher levels, it is a place of great beauty. For Michael, he had a brief glimpse of a humanoid Star Being with darker skin who was helping us (entry 9/27 in Out And About 6 has another experience with him). Toward the end of the session, I felt a state of being that I described to Michael as "sparkling light."
4/28 message: As my granddaughter Eillonwy and I were driving to Roots Market this afternoon, I experienced a joyful energetic connection completely out of the blue with Robert Monroe (who passed on in 1995). I heard the word "emissary" in my mind as a greeting from him.
5/29 dream: I was in front of what appeared to be an elevator. Above the door were numbers 1 through 10. I understood that I was going to 8.
7/1 medical qigong: As the session started, I felt energy work being done to my feet. However, Michael was not doing it. Then, I had a vision of many hands (helping us). Several words and images came to Michael as messages for me: Planet Kazinan, a large tree, Tonantzin (Mesoamerican goddess), a heart space filled with beautiful energy, and wild horses. Toward the end, I understood that a Mantis Star Being had done the work on my feet. Michael also had a vision of this Being. As I reflected on the wild horses, an image came to me of them running in the stars...and then an image of how the Pleiades could appear to be a herd of horses going across the sky. There was a sense that this represented a Native American connection with the Pleiades. Along with it, I felt the presence of Chief Golden Light Eagle (who passed on in July 2021).
8/25 vision: When I connect with Kazinian frequencies as part of my morning energy practice. I have started to see an image of a triangle with a glyph inside it. The glyph appears to be a backwards S with a dot in the two curved spaces. Then, a vertical line goes from the apex of the triangle up to a smaller white circle. Along with this, there is a vision of being inside the golden pyramid.
Update 8/30: I see a connection between the triangle glyph and the symbol for Universal Alignment & Cosmic Gates in Chief Golden Light Eagle's book Iktomi Wicahpi Wicohan (12:12 symbols).
8/30 medical qigong: Michael and I talked about the triangle symbol (entry 8/25) that has been coming to me. I brought my copy of Iktomi Wicahpi Wicohan (by Chief Golden Light Eagle) and showed him the symbol for Universal Alignment & Cosmic Gates. He also saw a connection between it and the triangle glyph. At this point, when I experience Kazinian frequencies, an image of the triangle symbol (with the glyph and circle) comes into my mind, and there is a deep feeling that it is familiar to me...as something from home. (Entries 1/3 and 1/4 in Out And About 7 have more about the symbol.)
10/11 medical qigong: A vision of my Pleiadian energy body. The higher-frequency meridians and energy centers were breathtaking! As Michael worked on my lungs, he had a vision of a Pleiadian star...likely Electra. He described the star energies as coming through an image of the Kazinian symbol (entry 8/25) and into each lung. Working on my heart, he saw a small boat in the ocean. He felt a sense of purpose with this image. A heart vision came to me of a deep red flower. After a few moments, the flower turned from red to gold and then to white.
Out And About 7 (2023)
1/3 medical qigong: An image of the Kazinian symbol (entry 8/25 in Out And About 6) came to both of us. As Michael worked on my heart (element fire), he saw the symbol transform as if he was watching a movie. Afterwards, this message came to him: "Direct Roger to the glyph." The transformation, as Michael saw it, was in four stages: 1. The symbol, as we have experienced it for the past four months, has a glyph inside a triangle. The glyph appears to be a backwards S with a dot in the two curved spaces. Then, a vertical line goes from the apex of the triangle up to a smaller white circle. 2. The glyph is suddenly in the white circle. 3. The triangle (empty) rises steadily to the circle. 4. Finally, the circle (containing the glyph) is inside the triangle. As he described this to me, I heard the word "embodiment." When Michael worked on my lungs (element metal), he saw a Mantis Star Being helping with my right lung, and I saw a tall light blue feminine Being helping with the left lung. (Both of them are with my team of Guides.) Working on my liver (element wood), Michael saw it having a deep green color and thought of nephrite jade.
Note: With the rising triangle in stage 3, I remembered this dream from last year: "I was in front of what appeared to be an elevator. Above the door were numbers 1 through 10. I understood that I was going to 8." (Entry 5/29 in Out And About 6.)
1/4 message: Before going to sleep last night, I asked my team of Guides for more clarity about Michael's vision of the symbol. When I awoke this morning, the words "user's guide" came into my mind, and I understood that the vision represents energy work within the golden pyramid on Kazinan (entry 4/2 in Out And About 5). First, there is a projection of consciousness into higher frequencies (stage 2). Then, using Kazinian technology, the energies of the pyramid are raised (stage 3) for an alignment of form and consciousness (stage 4) at a higher vibratory level in its 5D through 8D frequency range (entry 4/26 in Out And About 6). There is an understanding that different kinds of energy work are done in the pyramid. Thus, the experiences that Michael and I are having with this symbol reflect the particular process that is being used for us.
Update 1/8: When I now connect with the Kazinian frequencies, the image that I see is only the unified circle, glyph, and triangle (stage 4). In having this experience, there are sensations of being in a higher frequency range than when I used the original symbol (stage 1).
1/17 medical qigong: As Michael worked on my heart, a vision came to him of a pyramid. It was not a solid structure. Instead, he described it as more of an outline ("bare bones"). Then, there was a message that he received for me: "Go deeper into the energetic dynamics of a pyramid. There is more to it than what is conventionally understood." What I am getting, as of now, is that the shape of a triangular pyramid represents the electromagnetic spectrum in how there is a frequency progression from dense matter (the base) through ascending levels of more refined energies (narrowing of the sides) until the top (of a frequency range) is reached. Importantly, instead of stopping at the top of the pyramid, one can continue on into an even higher range. In this way, I see a series of pyramids in which each one is at a progressively higher energetic level. The many pyramids in this vision represent planes of existence in a vast frequency spectrum. Then, as the session continued, I heard the words "working in pairs" and saw several images: the two dots in the Kazinian glyph (entry 1/3), two bar magnets (forming an equal-arm cross and the Four Directions, see entry 4/1), the two structures in the Electra and Arcturus star systems that Michael and I have been experiencing, the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies...and, certainly, Michael and myself.
Note: "Working in pairs" is an important message for me. A vision of a pyramid in the Electra system first came to me in 2018 (entry 9/19 in Out And About 2). This opened a door to my later experiences in 2021 with planet Kazinan and being told that it is home (entry 4/2 in Out And About 5). Then, in 2019, Michael had a vision of a large structure with three Arcturian Star Beings standing in front of it (entry 4/5 in Out And About 3). During our next session, there was a vision of being inside the Arcturian structure, and I experienced energy connections to many star systems having advanced civilizations. With this, I was told, "These are the Star Nations" (entry 4/24 in Out And About 3). In 2021, with an acceleration taking place in our energy work, visions of these connections as a vast web of light strands began to come to me (entry 6/8 in Out And About 5). Now, I see the Electra and Arcturus star systems as being a core part of my energy work and collaboration with Michael.
2/19 vision: Today is Mam, the beginning of a new solar cycle for the K'iche' Maya. A vision came to me last night. I saw my Pleiadian self wearing the silver robe having Star Nations technology (entry 6/22 in Out And About 5). I was with a higher-level group that was taking part in ceremonies to welcome 11 E' (west, earth, black, greater yin) as the Year Bearer for this new cycle. The energies were breathtaking, with ceremonies in both the physical and non-physical realms.
3/13 message: Connecting with my team of Guides this morning, I heard these words: "You are one of us."
4/1 vision: When I received a message about "working in pairs" during our 1/17 session, one of the images that came to me was two bar magnets. One magnet was horizontal, and the other was vertical. Combined, they form an equal-arm cross and represent the four directions: east (+) and west (-) horizontal, north (+) and south (-) vertical. Since then, this image has given me further insights into the Chol Q'ij by using it with the twenty day signs as a Mayan cross (5 signs per arm). For a given direction and cross arm, there is a "working in pairs" between the first day sign of the arm -- Kej east, fire; E' west, earth; No'j north, air; Iq' south, water -- and each of the other four signs (following the sequence of directions and elements that is used by the K'iche' Maya). I experience this interplay of day signs energetically in a way that is similar to hearing intervals in music harmony.
Note: Yang and yin are also part of the image of the combined bar magnets and four directions. Horizontal: east, fire (+) = lesser yang; west, earth (-) = greater yin. Vertical: north, air (+) = greater yang; south, water (-) = lesser yin. By using these attributes for the four directions (and sensing them energetically), there is an experience of what I describe as a vibrational framework of existence. That is, directly and without a veneer of language. It is also interesting to reflect on how fire (lesser yang) and water (lesser yin) have transformative natures. Fire = combustion. Water = dissolution. Interacting with the other two elements, fire has an upward movement into air (greater yang), and water has a downward movement into earth (greater yin).
4/29 message: Michael received a message for me in our 1/3 session that said, "Direct Roger to the glyph." At the time, I knew that it was about the glyph moving from the triangle to the circle (stage 2) in his transforming vision of the Kazinian symbol. However, I now understand that there is more to it. The glyph also applies to the Electra (yin), Arcturus (yang), and Alnilam (balance) triangle or energetic temple. The two dots in the glyph represent Electra and Arcturus. Then, the backwards S represents Alnilam's role in forming a gravitational field (for want of a better description) that balances the Electra and Arcturus energies.
Note: Alnilam is the middle star in Orion's Belt. Encounters With Arcturus and Alnilam has more about this star system.
11/30 practices: For a number of months, when I tap into the Kazinian energies, I no longer see the 3-part symbol with the triangle, glyph, and circle (entries 1/3 and 1/4). Now, I see only the glyph. With this, there is an understanding that a refinement has taken place in how I experience these energies.
Out And About 8 (so far in 2024)
2/25 dream: I was teaching a music theory class (how it appeared to me). After waking up, I thought the dream was similar to several that I had in 2022 and 2023. In those dreams, I understood that I was teaching at a school in higher Earth frequencies. (See entry 9/24 in Out And About 6.) However, doing an energy reading on this dream, there was an understanding that the class was at a university in the Alcyone star system (Pleiades).
Note: This university is mentioned in several of my blogs. Two of the entries are 5/9 in Out And About 5 and 6/3 in Out And About 4.
4/12 medical qigong: Deeply powerful energy work! When Michael worked on my heart, he had a vision of an orb of white light within the heart and what appeared to be blood vessels that were growing toward the orb. With the spleen (element earth), I saw an image of Bob Monroe (see Encounters With Robert Monroe And Rosie McKnight). Along with it, there was a glimpse of the work that he is doing from the higher planes (he passed on in 1995) with his team to help humanity evolve into higher consciousness. At one point, the name of a star came to Michael. He told me that it began with a T but could not remember its name because he was deep in the energy work. Doing an energy reading on this, I understood that it could be Taygeta in the Pleiades.
6/7 medical qigong: Several images came to Michael: a blue-white star, a bumpy (or rocky) landscape, a house, and a feminine figure within a flame. Doing energy readings on them, I understood that the star is Electra, the landscape is on Mars, and the house represents how the renovation work on our house is nearly complete. The image of a feminine figure within a flame was deeply powerful! At first, I did not have clarity about it. However, a message came to me later that it represents several attributes of my Mayan birth sign, Kawoq. Toward the end of the session, an image came to me of a large star...much bigger than our Sun. I understood that this was also a vision of Electra.
8/7 practices: Doing my morning energy practice today, there was a vision of the Electra-Arcturus-Alnilam triangle (entries 4/21 and 5/23 in Out And About 7). Along with it, I remembered the image of an elevator and number 9 that I saw in last week's session (entry 8/2 in Out And About 8). It is my sense that this represents further refinements in how I am experiencing these energies.
The following are entries from my blogs that describe experiences that Michael Perfetto and I are having with the Pleiades:
Out And About 1 (2017)
1/7 dream: I was in a large city. It was so different that I could not tell whether it was in the future or on another planet. I was walking to a destination in the city, but I did not know how to get there. I looked for a map or signs but could not find anything to be of help. Suddenly, I was on what appeared to be a train. Looking out at the passing features of the city, I had no frame of reference for where I was. However, I encountered three people (Star Beings, I sensed), and they offered their assistance.
5/24 dream: I knew that I was not on this planet. I saw a town that was beautifully designed in its simplicity, with buildings that were rounded. A large group of people were having a celebration. I realized that they were welcoming me. I was deeply touched. It felt like a homecoming. I heard music being performed and realized that an ensemble was playing some of my tunes (written in this Earth life).
8/15 hemi-sync: During a hemi-sync meditation, I was in a library and knew that it represented my Higher Self. The library contained records of the multitude of lifetimes, as a Source Energy Being, that I have had on Earth and in many other places: different star systems, galaxies, dimensions, etc. (Visions of my Higher Self have also come to me as a huge cable containing a countless number of strands, with each one being a lifetime.)
8/28 hemi-sync: A vision of the Chol Q'ij (Mayan time-energy cycles of 260 days). I saw how the 260 combinations of 13 numbers and 20 day signs occur simultaneously in the fabric of spacetime as energy (vibrational frequency ranges) and intelligence. We can calibrate ourselves to a daily cycle. (I follow the traditional cycle used by the K'iche' Maya, which I received in teachings from the Mayan Elder Rigoberto Itzep Chanchavac in Guatemala.) I have come to think of this practice -- developing a sensitivity to each of the 260 energies and intelligences -- as being similar to ear training in music. After having this vision, I understood that it has a connection with a lifetime when I was part of a Star Nations team from the Pleiades that came to Mesoamerica in ancient times. That is, there is a connection between the Chol Q'ij and the stars.
10/22 dream: On a large starcraft. The craft seemed familiar to me. Rather than focusing on details about it, I was more interested in the crew. They were from different star systems, and it was clear that they worked together with deep respect, love, and cooperation.
Out And About 2 (2018)
2/5 dream: Went to an off-planet university and met people who were collaborating with a water-based intelligent species. (My later blogs have more about this university.)
4/22 dream: I was flying (by myself) in a small anti-gravity craft over a large city. As this happened, I thought to myself, "I know how to use this technology!"
9/19 medical qigong: I was inside a pyramid structure. It was familiar to me. There was an understanding that it is in the Electra star system (part of the Pleiades star cluster). For Michael, the energies were so powerful that he needed to refocus several times on what he was doing.
Out And About 4 (2020)
6/3 dream: With a group at a university (not on this planet). I noticed that everyone had longer hair. I understood that I was there for a meeting. After waking up, I did not have the usual smooth transition from dream state to physical. It felt like I was still in the dream. After a bit of time and going downstairs to start breakfast, I was then fully back here.
6/14 vision: At our farmhouse in WV. When we arrived and walked across the yard toward the house, I felt a quality of energy that was new to me. (However, there was also something familiar about it.) Later, I was standing on the porch. Feeling this energy again, I looked up and saw a starcraft partially materialize in the sky. I felt a deep joy and mentally sent love and gratitude to the crew. In return, I felt love and gratitude from them. (This actually happened.)
6/24 medical qigong: After not having medical qigong since March due to the pandemic, I was able to have a session with Michael today. Happily, he found my energies to be strong and flowing. Visions came to me of a golden pyramid (entry 9/19 in Out And About 2) and what appeared to be energy strands that went into a high frequency range.
8/12 medical qigong: While doing energy work on me, Michael looked down and saw a THIRD HAND. Amazed, he turned and saw a Pleiadian standing next to him who was helping us.
Out And About 5 (2021)
1/15 medical qigong: Unexpectedly, the word "emissary" came into my mind. Then, there were images of a Smith Island cake, a tunnel to a planet, and new Light Beings who were helping us.
Note: A message came to me later about the Smith Island cake: "Many layers forming a unified structure." Entries 3/17 and 4/28 in Out And About 6 have more about emissary.
2/26 medical qigong: I had visions of advanced technology and several Star Beings. Michael saw a Pleiadian who was helping with the energy work. He also had a vision of what appeared to be WW1 soldiers jumping over a trench. (I saw this as taking a leap into a new state of being.)
3/9 vision: During a dental appointment, I closed my eyes and saw myself with a Pleiadian Council.
3/26 medical qigong: A message came to me, "You know who you are."
4/2 medical qigong: I was inside a golden pyramid. (I first encountered it in 2018. See entry 9/19 in Out And About 2.) The structure is extremely ancient, and I saw it as being hollow or like an inverted funnel. Looking for words to describe it, I heard “making deep connections.” And, there was an understanding that Beings from many star systems come to this pyramid for energy work...that it has special functions. Then, Michael received a message for me: "Kazinan is home." (This was after he mentally asked the question, "What does Roger need to know at this time?") Doing an energy reading on the word kazinan, I understood that it is the fourth planet in the Electra star system (Pleiades star cluster). I also understood that the golden pyramid is on that planet.
4/9 medical qigong: I saw myself with a Council and heard the words "increasing sensitivity." When Michael worked on my heart (element fire), he saw blue water energy and whales.
5/9 dream: At a university, I saw a series of tall aquariums with different kinds of fish. The last one had a water-based species of Star Beings...not fish. There were so many in the aquarium that it appeared that they were overpopulated. However, I understood that, as multidimensional beings, they have the ability to go wherever they want to live their lives.
Note: I had a previous visit with them in 2018. See entry 2/5 in Out And About 2. It is now my understanding that this university is in the Alcyone star system (Pleiades).
6/8 medical qigong: I saw a spider web, and it turned into a holographic image of a vast number of Star Nations connections. Toward the end of the session, I saw myself wearing different clothes. They had a silver, metallic-like color, and the material was unusually lightweight. For Michael, a word that came to him was "arcane" (understood by few, mysterious, or hidden).
6/15 medical qigong: I felt the presence of three Star Beings in the room. They were helping Michael with the energy work. The experience was so vivid that there was a sense of them communicating telepathically. Then, a vision came to Michael of a woman, perhaps in her 50's, with silver hair and powerfully vibrant energies. As he described her, I immediately knew that this was my primary Guide appearing to him in a human form (she is a Reptoid Star Being). Two additional things stood out for me today: I was with a Council and then saw the silver clothes again (entry 6/8).
Update 6/22: I now have an understanding that the clothing is actually a silver robe, and it has embedded Star Nations technology.
6/22 medical qigong: There was another vision of energy work being done simultaneously on multiple levels of myself. This time, it was much more vivid. Then, there was a brief vision of Michael as a tall Reptoid Star Being. The energies were profoundly powerful. When he worked on my heart, there was an image of a planet, and I knew that it was Kazinan (entry 4/2). Michael also felt the presence of a number of Star Beings who were helping us. At one point, he heard, "Do not try so hard." He relaxed, and then there was a more powerful flow of energies. Toward the end of the session, there was another vision of the silver robe that I had seen in our last two sessions (6/8 and 6/15).
Note: Following is information that I received from a Star Nations friend about this robe and my role with it: "Seems like it processes information, almost like super data. Very special indeed. The most advanced of data processing. Seems like you are a key go between, connector. You have been so important in these ventures, going between different groups, functioning like a spider’s web, connecting star systems, councils, teams..."
6/29 medical qigong: A vision came to me of Kazinan, and I felt myself basking in its energies. The experience was beyond words that I can express. By the end of the session, it felt like I had returned from a long vacation on the planet.
7/6 medical qigong: I saw myself again on planet Kazinan. I was with a Council and understood that an important part of my work is to connect with Kazinian frequencies (like a tuning fork), maintain them as much as possible in my state of being, and ground them with the Earth. For Michael, when he silently asked what I needed to know for my highest good, several things came to him: an image of a turmeric drink, a confirmation for me that I am on the right path, and a message about working in the North (I took this to represent the attributes of that direction in the chol q'ij).
7/20 medical qigong: As the session began, there was a sense that something new was going to happen. Then, a vision came to me of three Star Beings helping Michael. All of them appeared to be Pleiadians, and there was an understanding that the energy work with them was taking place on Kazinan (the first time this has happened in our sessions). Toward the end, there was a vision of a WW2 Spitfire taking off and making a steep climb. Suddenly, the Spitfire transformed into a starcraft. For Michael, as he worked on my heart, he saw an image of a bee. The word "amylis" (a type of fungus) also came to him, along with a vision of stone formations that looked like rough-cut megalithic standing stones. (Doing an energy reading on the stone formations, I understood that they are on Kazinan. Both the bee and the fungus speak to me as representing community.)
8/31 medical qigong: A vision of a massive community (in the stars), and I was connected with it. Three images came to Michael: a ship plowing through a large wave, an obelisk, and two Mantis Star Beings looking through a window. For me, the ship speaks to staying on course in the midst of everything that is happening in the world. Doing energy readings on the other images, I understood that the obelisk is on Kazinan and the two Star Beings are collaborating with the Mantis, who is one of my Guides.
10/26 medical qigong: Through the entire session, I saw Michael and myself as Star Beings. Michael was a Reptoid (like my primary Guide), and I was a Pleiadian (Electra system). With this, there was an understanding that today's energy work took place at that higher level. When Michael worked on my heart, a vision came to him of a hand placing a red gem within my heart. As he told me about this, I again felt a connection with Mars. Intuitive messages have been coming to me about Mars...that something deeply profound is happening there and it will be of great benefit to humanity.
11/2 medical qigong: Before we started, Michael told me about a recent dream in which he saw a starcraft and a team of Star Beings. There was an understanding that it took place on Earth. As he described this dream to me, I heard the words, "We are here." When the session began, I felt a gathering of Star Friends and energies. Then, there was a vision of a female Pleiadian, and I knew that she was my Grandmother Pearl (passed on in 1969). She was directing the group of Star Beings who were helping us. (Michael described today's energies as "expansive.") As he worked on my spleen (element earth), a vision came to him of a woman who was comforting a child.
11/30 medical qigong: As I walked toward the building that has Michael's office, a vision came to me of the golden pyramid on Kazinan (entry 4/2). Opening the front door and walking into the building, I also saw myself going into the pyramid structure. I kept myself focused on the pyramid throughout the session, feeling its energies and connecting with the team of Star Friends who were helping us. When Michael worked on my heart, a message came to him: "There are many ways to do this." Then, there was a message about giving the Star Beings more space to do their work. Toward the end of the session, I felt a sting in my left ankle, and I understood that one of the Star Beings had done it. When I pointed to the spot where I felt the sting, Michael said it was on my liver (element wood) meridian.
Out And About 6 (2022)
2/16 medical qigong: I told Michael how the word multidimensional has been coming into my mind. For me, this word conveys a vision of my "Earth self" and "Pleiadian self" as one Being -- not separate entities -- having lives simultaneously on multiple levels. (Michael has similar experiences.) After the energy work, Michael sketched an image that came to him. The object was similar to a trident. However, the middle prong was much shorter than the outer two. (The middle prong is normally longer in depictions of a trident.) As he finished the drawing, he wrote "Arcturian" at the top of the page.
3/17 message: The words "Star Nations-in-Residence" came into my mind. Then, there was a vision of many Star Beings who are currently having a human lifetime. Each person in this group represents a star system in the Star Nations community and utilizes its special qualities in their mission here. (This gives more clarity to "emissary" in entry 1/15 in Out And About 5.)
4/22 medical qigong: As Michael worked on my heart, he saw an image of ancient bells. Later, at home, a vision came to me of temple bells in the gardens of the golden pyramid on Kazinan. The bells have high-frequency tones, and the scene was breathtakingly beautiful and uplifting.
4/26 medical qigong: Through most of the session, I focused on my connection with Kazinan. Viewing the planet from space, it appears to have a light tan color with swirls of white. However, when I see myself on its surface, there are visions of lush landscapes, ancient sites of healing and wisdom, advanced technology, and population centers. Doing a series of energy readings to understand this apparent paradox, what I received was that intelligent life on this planet is in a 5D through 7D frequency range and progressing into 8D. Thus, at those higher levels, it is a place of great beauty. For Michael, he had a brief glimpse of a humanoid Star Being with darker skin who was helping us (entry 9/27 in Out And About 6 has another experience with him). Toward the end of the session, I felt a state of being that I described to Michael as "sparkling light."
4/28 message: As my granddaughter Eillonwy and I were driving to Roots Market this afternoon, I experienced a joyful energetic connection completely out of the blue with Robert Monroe (who passed on in 1995). I heard the word "emissary" in my mind as a greeting from him.
5/29 dream: I was in front of what appeared to be an elevator. Above the door were numbers 1 through 10. I understood that I was going to 8.
7/1 medical qigong: As the session started, I felt energy work being done to my feet. However, Michael was not doing it. Then, I had a vision of many hands (helping us). Several words and images came to Michael as messages for me: Planet Kazinan, a large tree, Tonantzin (Mesoamerican goddess), a heart space filled with beautiful energy, and wild horses. Toward the end, I understood that a Mantis Star Being had done the work on my feet. Michael also had a vision of this Being. As I reflected on the wild horses, an image came to me of them running in the stars...and then an image of how the Pleiades could appear to be a herd of horses going across the sky. There was a sense that this represented a Native American connection with the Pleiades. Along with it, I felt the presence of Chief Golden Light Eagle (who passed on in July 2021).
8/25 vision: When I connect with Kazinian frequencies as part of my morning energy practice. I have started to see an image of a triangle with a glyph inside it. The glyph appears to be a backwards S with a dot in the two curved spaces. Then, a vertical line goes from the apex of the triangle up to a smaller white circle. Along with this, there is a vision of being inside the golden pyramid.
Update 8/30: I see a connection between the triangle glyph and the symbol for Universal Alignment & Cosmic Gates in Chief Golden Light Eagle's book Iktomi Wicahpi Wicohan (12:12 symbols).
8/30 medical qigong: Michael and I talked about the triangle symbol (entry 8/25) that has been coming to me. I brought my copy of Iktomi Wicahpi Wicohan (by Chief Golden Light Eagle) and showed him the symbol for Universal Alignment & Cosmic Gates. He also saw a connection between it and the triangle glyph. At this point, when I experience Kazinian frequencies, an image of the triangle symbol (with the glyph and circle) comes into my mind, and there is a deep feeling that it is familiar to me...as something from home. (Entries 1/3 and 1/4 in Out And About 7 have more about the symbol.)
10/11 medical qigong: A vision of my Pleiadian energy body. The higher-frequency meridians and energy centers were breathtaking! As Michael worked on my lungs, he had a vision of a Pleiadian star...likely Electra. He described the star energies as coming through an image of the Kazinian symbol (entry 8/25) and into each lung. Working on my heart, he saw a small boat in the ocean. He felt a sense of purpose with this image. A heart vision came to me of a deep red flower. After a few moments, the flower turned from red to gold and then to white.
Out And About 7 (2023)
1/3 medical qigong: An image of the Kazinian symbol (entry 8/25 in Out And About 6) came to both of us. As Michael worked on my heart (element fire), he saw the symbol transform as if he was watching a movie. Afterwards, this message came to him: "Direct Roger to the glyph." The transformation, as Michael saw it, was in four stages: 1. The symbol, as we have experienced it for the past four months, has a glyph inside a triangle. The glyph appears to be a backwards S with a dot in the two curved spaces. Then, a vertical line goes from the apex of the triangle up to a smaller white circle. 2. The glyph is suddenly in the white circle. 3. The triangle (empty) rises steadily to the circle. 4. Finally, the circle (containing the glyph) is inside the triangle. As he described this to me, I heard the word "embodiment." When Michael worked on my lungs (element metal), he saw a Mantis Star Being helping with my right lung, and I saw a tall light blue feminine Being helping with the left lung. (Both of them are with my team of Guides.) Working on my liver (element wood), Michael saw it having a deep green color and thought of nephrite jade.
Note: With the rising triangle in stage 3, I remembered this dream from last year: "I was in front of what appeared to be an elevator. Above the door were numbers 1 through 10. I understood that I was going to 8." (Entry 5/29 in Out And About 6.)
1/4 message: Before going to sleep last night, I asked my team of Guides for more clarity about Michael's vision of the symbol. When I awoke this morning, the words "user's guide" came into my mind, and I understood that the vision represents energy work within the golden pyramid on Kazinan (entry 4/2 in Out And About 5). First, there is a projection of consciousness into higher frequencies (stage 2). Then, using Kazinian technology, the energies of the pyramid are raised (stage 3) for an alignment of form and consciousness (stage 4) at a higher vibratory level in its 5D through 8D frequency range (entry 4/26 in Out And About 6). There is an understanding that different kinds of energy work are done in the pyramid. Thus, the experiences that Michael and I are having with this symbol reflect the particular process that is being used for us.
Update 1/8: When I now connect with the Kazinian frequencies, the image that I see is only the unified circle, glyph, and triangle (stage 4). In having this experience, there are sensations of being in a higher frequency range than when I used the original symbol (stage 1).
1/17 medical qigong: As Michael worked on my heart, a vision came to him of a pyramid. It was not a solid structure. Instead, he described it as more of an outline ("bare bones"). Then, there was a message that he received for me: "Go deeper into the energetic dynamics of a pyramid. There is more to it than what is conventionally understood." What I am getting, as of now, is that the shape of a triangular pyramid represents the electromagnetic spectrum in how there is a frequency progression from dense matter (the base) through ascending levels of more refined energies (narrowing of the sides) until the top (of a frequency range) is reached. Importantly, instead of stopping at the top of the pyramid, one can continue on into an even higher range. In this way, I see a series of pyramids in which each one is at a progressively higher energetic level. The many pyramids in this vision represent planes of existence in a vast frequency spectrum. Then, as the session continued, I heard the words "working in pairs" and saw several images: the two dots in the Kazinian glyph (entry 1/3), two bar magnets (forming an equal-arm cross and the Four Directions, see entry 4/1), the two structures in the Electra and Arcturus star systems that Michael and I have been experiencing, the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies...and, certainly, Michael and myself.
Note: "Working in pairs" is an important message for me. A vision of a pyramid in the Electra system first came to me in 2018 (entry 9/19 in Out And About 2). This opened a door to my later experiences in 2021 with planet Kazinan and being told that it is home (entry 4/2 in Out And About 5). Then, in 2019, Michael had a vision of a large structure with three Arcturian Star Beings standing in front of it (entry 4/5 in Out And About 3). During our next session, there was a vision of being inside the Arcturian structure, and I experienced energy connections to many star systems having advanced civilizations. With this, I was told, "These are the Star Nations" (entry 4/24 in Out And About 3). In 2021, with an acceleration taking place in our energy work, visions of these connections as a vast web of light strands began to come to me (entry 6/8 in Out And About 5). Now, I see the Electra and Arcturus star systems as being a core part of my energy work and collaboration with Michael.
2/19 vision: Today is Mam, the beginning of a new solar cycle for the K'iche' Maya. A vision came to me last night. I saw my Pleiadian self wearing the silver robe having Star Nations technology (entry 6/22 in Out And About 5). I was with a higher-level group that was taking part in ceremonies to welcome 11 E' (west, earth, black, greater yin) as the Year Bearer for this new cycle. The energies were breathtaking, with ceremonies in both the physical and non-physical realms.
3/13 message: Connecting with my team of Guides this morning, I heard these words: "You are one of us."
4/1 vision: When I received a message about "working in pairs" during our 1/17 session, one of the images that came to me was two bar magnets. One magnet was horizontal, and the other was vertical. Combined, they form an equal-arm cross and represent the four directions: east (+) and west (-) horizontal, north (+) and south (-) vertical. Since then, this image has given me further insights into the Chol Q'ij by using it with the twenty day signs as a Mayan cross (5 signs per arm). For a given direction and cross arm, there is a "working in pairs" between the first day sign of the arm -- Kej east, fire; E' west, earth; No'j north, air; Iq' south, water -- and each of the other four signs (following the sequence of directions and elements that is used by the K'iche' Maya). I experience this interplay of day signs energetically in a way that is similar to hearing intervals in music harmony.
Note: Yang and yin are also part of the image of the combined bar magnets and four directions. Horizontal: east, fire (+) = lesser yang; west, earth (-) = greater yin. Vertical: north, air (+) = greater yang; south, water (-) = lesser yin. By using these attributes for the four directions (and sensing them energetically), there is an experience of what I describe as a vibrational framework of existence. That is, directly and without a veneer of language. It is also interesting to reflect on how fire (lesser yang) and water (lesser yin) have transformative natures. Fire = combustion. Water = dissolution. Interacting with the other two elements, fire has an upward movement into air (greater yang), and water has a downward movement into earth (greater yin).
4/29 message: Michael received a message for me in our 1/3 session that said, "Direct Roger to the glyph." At the time, I knew that it was about the glyph moving from the triangle to the circle (stage 2) in his transforming vision of the Kazinian symbol. However, I now understand that there is more to it. The glyph also applies to the Electra (yin), Arcturus (yang), and Alnilam (balance) triangle or energetic temple. The two dots in the glyph represent Electra and Arcturus. Then, the backwards S represents Alnilam's role in forming a gravitational field (for want of a better description) that balances the Electra and Arcturus energies.
Note: Alnilam is the middle star in Orion's Belt. Encounters With Arcturus and Alnilam has more about this star system.
11/30 practices: For a number of months, when I tap into the Kazinian energies, I no longer see the 3-part symbol with the triangle, glyph, and circle (entries 1/3 and 1/4). Now, I see only the glyph. With this, there is an understanding that a refinement has taken place in how I experience these energies.
Out And About 8 (so far in 2024)
2/25 dream: I was teaching a music theory class (how it appeared to me). After waking up, I thought the dream was similar to several that I had in 2022 and 2023. In those dreams, I understood that I was teaching at a school in higher Earth frequencies. (See entry 9/24 in Out And About 6.) However, doing an energy reading on this dream, there was an understanding that the class was at a university in the Alcyone star system (Pleiades).
Note: This university is mentioned in several of my blogs. Two of the entries are 5/9 in Out And About 5 and 6/3 in Out And About 4.
4/12 medical qigong: Deeply powerful energy work! When Michael worked on my heart, he had a vision of an orb of white light within the heart and what appeared to be blood vessels that were growing toward the orb. With the spleen (element earth), I saw an image of Bob Monroe (see Encounters With Robert Monroe And Rosie McKnight). Along with it, there was a glimpse of the work that he is doing from the higher planes (he passed on in 1995) with his team to help humanity evolve into higher consciousness. At one point, the name of a star came to Michael. He told me that it began with a T but could not remember its name because he was deep in the energy work. Doing an energy reading on this, I understood that it could be Taygeta in the Pleiades.
6/7 medical qigong: Several images came to Michael: a blue-white star, a bumpy (or rocky) landscape, a house, and a feminine figure within a flame. Doing energy readings on them, I understood that the star is Electra, the landscape is on Mars, and the house represents how the renovation work on our house is nearly complete. The image of a feminine figure within a flame was deeply powerful! At first, I did not have clarity about it. However, a message came to me later that it represents several attributes of my Mayan birth sign, Kawoq. Toward the end of the session, an image came to me of a large star...much bigger than our Sun. I understood that this was also a vision of Electra.
8/7 practices: Doing my morning energy practice today, there was a vision of the Electra-Arcturus-Alnilam triangle (entries 4/21 and 5/23 in Out And About 7). Along with it, I remembered the image of an elevator and number 9 that I saw in last week's session (entry 8/2 in Out And About 8). It is my sense that this represents further refinements in how I am experiencing these energies.
To read the complete blogs, see Out And About.