Encounters With Robert Monroe And Rosie McKnight
In 2017, I began to have acupuncture with Michael Perfetto. In addition to classical acupuncture, we also worked with Chinese herbs (as internal energy work) and, importantly, Michael introduced me to methods that were developed by Robert Monroe (such as Hemi-Sync sound technology) to enable one to experientially know that we are more than our physical body.
Michael told me about Robert Monroe after I shared several dreams with him in which I saw myself flying or traveling in various ways. In one such dream, I was flying (without a plane) over the Andes Mountains. He suggested that I get Monroe's book, Ultimate Journey. As I read the book, I found a passage (page 8) where it said flying dreams could actually be out-of-body experiences.
After working together for several months, Michael told me about a Hemi-Sync guided meditation CD called Into the Light: Meeting Your Guides, and I ordered it from the Monroe Institute. The meditation (while listening to the Hemi-Sync binaural recording with stereo headphones) was an easy experience for me. After going into a relaxed state, I was suddenly with my Guide, and there was a recognition that I had felt her presence for many years. However, during that time, I did not know who or what it was. Now, in seeing her, I felt an ancient connection and knew her to be a deep well of wisdom, along with having powerful healing abilities and a wonderful sense of humor. I should also mention that she is a Star Being. That is, from a star system beyond ours in the Star Nations community of advanced planetary civilizations. And, I discovered that she is with a team of Guides from different star systems who are helping me.
Then, in 2018, after having acupuncture for 16 months with Michael, I switched to medical qigong when he began to offer it. Medical qigong is a direct application of energies (Qi) to the major organ systems. We quickly discovered, as we worked with higher and more refined energies, that intuitive messages and images would often come to us in our sessions. In particular, there were visions of us being helped in the energy work by my team of Guides along with other Star Beings.
The following are entries from my Out And About blogs that describe experiences that Michael Perfetto and I are having with Robert Monroe and Rosie McKnight through our energy work.
Out And About 2 (2018)
12/19 medical qigong: There was a vision of a pyramid, and then it expanded into a landscape of structures and natural surroundings. At first, I thought it was in central China in ancient times. However, as Michael and I talked about it, it became clear that what I was seeing was off-planet. When Michael worked on my heart (see note), images came to him of a starcraft and Robert Monroe.The image of Robert Monroe (passed on in 1995) was curious since I have not received any training at the Monroe Institute. Yet, it appears that there is a connection.
Note: From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine, our organs are physical manifestations of particular energies. This is represented by the attributes that are given to the five major organ systems. In this way, the human body is a physical manifestation of ourselves as Energy Beings. As Michael and I tap into these energies, there is a shift to our higher vibrational levels, and we have the experiences that are described in my blogs.
Out And About 4 (2020)
1/12 dream: I saw a higher-plane version of Grandfather Harry's house and woodworking shop. (Robert Monroe, in his book Ultimate Journey, describes this frequency level as Focus 27.) I felt deep emotions being in his shop (he was not there)…even though I knew it was a creation at that level. Looking around, I needed to find a long power cord to make a connection between the shop and the house.
Out And About 6 (2022)
4/28 message: As my granddaughter Eillonwy and I were driving to Roots Market this afternoon, I experienced a joyful energetic connection completely out of the blue with Robert Monroe. I heard the word "emissary" in my mind as a greeting from him.
(Entry 3/17 in Out And About 6 gives more clarity to the meaning of emissary in this context: The words "Star Nations-in-Residence" came into my mind. Then, there was a vision of many Star Beings who are currently having a human lifetime. Each person in this group represents a star system in the Star Nations community and utilizes its special qualities in their mission here.)
Out And About 7 (2023)
2/26 new development: Several days ago, I sent a question regarding Rosalind McKnight's third book to the Monroe Institute. It was mentioned briefly in her Soul Journeys book (page 260) as an up-coming project that she would work on. The title of the new book was going to be Earth Journeys. However, only two of her books were published before she passed on in 2010: Cosmic Journeys (1995) and Soul Journeys (2005). In the reply that I received, I learned that the Monroe Institute does not have any information in their archives about a third book. However, I was amazed to see that they included a document that was an unpublished 80-page manuscript written by Rosalind. The title is Project Light Force. It is a first-hand account of the higher-level work that she did in collaboration with Robert Monroe, starting in the mid-1970s, at the Monroe Institute. As I downloaded the PDF, I felt Robert and Rosalind's presence, and in my mind, I heard him say, "It's in good hands." I finished reading the manuscript today, and I sent my impressions of it to the Monroe Institute. I quickly discovered that much of what Rosalind wrote in Project Light Force is also in her Cosmic Journeys book. However, it appears to me that the manuscript has more detail in some places. I highly recommend reading both of her books. Also, the Monroe Institute website has several videos with Rosie.
3/7 medical qigong: Masterful energy work with Michael and our Star Friends! A vision came to me of energies that I described to Michael as "sparkling light." It reminded me of sunlight reflecting on water. This experience was unusual in that I saw the sparkling energies within my physical body instead of my energy field. When Michael worked on my liver (element wood), he saw an image of Robert Monroe. Then, working on my heart, there was an image of a flower with an emerging bud. Toward the end, I saw several Arcturians who were helping us.
3/25 message: In reading about Robert Monroe and Rosalind McKnight's higher-level experiences (with his sound technology lab and her team of Star Being helpers), I see how they are similar to the experiences that Michael and I are having with medical qigong. Even more, it is now clear that we are collaborating!
Note: Later in the day, while I was standing in the checkout line at Roots Market, I heard this in my mind: "A higher-level connection with Robert Monroe is like playing with Gil Evans." Wow! And, I see that. Robert worked with sound frequencies, brain waves, and consciousness at deep levels, just as how Gil worked with highly creative combinations of instruments, advanced harmonic concepts, and recomposition (creating a new piece from an existing one) in deep ways in his music. Both of them went beyond the conventional.
5/23 medical qigong: Besides sensing my Guides, I felt the presence of Robert Monroe and Rosalind McKnight. I saw Robert in his higher-plane sound technology lab. He was turning dials and had a big smile. Rosalind seemed to be observing. (From this point on, I will refer to them as Bob and Rosie. It feels like that is what they want.) Another image came to me. I saw the Electra, Arcturus, and Alnilam star systems as a triangle. I experienced this energetically, with Electra energies in my left hand (palm and wrist centers), Arcturus energies in my right hand, and Alnilam energies in my forehead. As this progressed, I saw lines of energies going from my forehead to my hands, and streaming out of the soles of my feet. For Michael, as we started, he saw a beam of orange light. He then told me about an Energy Being (non-humanoid, with an indistinct form) that was by my left side. He also saw an equilateral triangle with a small circle at each of the three points. At first, it appeared to be brown and wood-like. However, streaks of orange light began to appear along the sides. Michael drew several sketches of the triangle. In one of them, my head and arms were within the triangle. Finally, he heard the word "polymorth" (an organism having more than one form).
5/30 message: Reading Rosie McKnight's Soul Journeys book again last night, I came to the part where her Spirit Helper, called Radiant Lady, told her about a third book that she was going to write. Its title would be Earth Journeys. (See entry 2/26.) Radiant Lady also told Rosie that the book had already been written by her team in the higher planes and would be transmitted to her when she was ready for it. As I read this, I was curious about what happened to the book. Rosie passed on in 2010, and only two of her books -- Cosmic Journeys (1995) and Soul Journeys (2005) -- were published. A message came to me that what the higher-plane book contained has been disseminated to a number of people, currently having a physical Earth life, so they can get this material out to others in various ways. Along with this, I understood that the experiences that Michael Perfetto and I are having represent some of it.
6/9 medical qigong: As the energy work began, Michael saw an orange light (similar to 5/3). At one point, an image came to me of Bob Monroe, and I noticed that Michael was working on my liver (element wood). I remembered how he had a similar vision of Bob Monroe when he worked on my liver during our 3/7 session. Then, working on my heart (and asking, "What does Roger need to know at this time?"), an image came to him of a small crystal cup. It was spinning and had a visible energy field. Toward the end, Michael told me that it felt to him that we were energetically tuned to the same note. As I drove home, a vision came to me of many Star Friends. The love that I felt from them was beyond words.
9/15 medical qigong: This was another session where we focused on deeper physical levels of the energy work. However, several images came to us. As Michael worked on my spleen (element earth), I again experienced a connection with Bob Monroe and Rosie McKnight. Then, when he worked on my heart (element fire), there was an image of a pegasus. At the end of the session, it seemed to me that Michael walked to the southeast corner of the room and stood there. However, I heard the door open (on the opposite side), and he walked out of the room. At that moment, I understood that the presence in the corner was one of my Guides.
12/29 medical qigong: The session began in a way that was similar to our ones on 5/23, 7/21, and 8/4. An Alnilam Being was standing by my feet. A tall female Being with light blue skin was on my left side. A male Mantis Being on my right side. And, a female Reptoid Being (my primary Guide) was behind my head. Along with this, I saw Electra, Arcturus, and Alnilam as a triangle. I experienced this energetically, with Electra energies in my left hand, Arcturus energies in my right hand, and Alnilam energies in my forehead. Lines of energies went from my forehead to my hands, and streamed out of the soles of my feet. When Michael worked on my heart, he had a vision of a gem that was set in a breastplate. (This reminded me of a 10/26 vision in 2021 of a hand placing a red gem in my heart.) A vision came to me of a volcano with streams of red lava coming down its sides (not an explosion). At one point, I saw Bob Monroe and Rosie McKnight. They had big smiles and thanked Michael and me for our work. In turn, I thanked them for their help. Finally, when Michael asked about what I needed to know or remember, he heard the word "cypress." At first, I did not know if it meant the country Cyprus or cypress trees. Then, I saw an image of a tree. Doing a series of energy readings on this, I understood that it had to do with a lifetime in ancient Crete. Then, as new information, I understood that I had been with a Star Nations team that came to Crete, and I often did energy work there in a forest of cypress trees. This could be similar to how, in this lifetime, I like to do qigong practices by old trees.
Out And About 8 (2024)
4/12 medical qigong: Deeply powerful energy work! When Michael worked on my heart, he had a vision of an orb of white light within the heart and what appeared to be blood vessels that were growing toward the orb. With the spleen (element earth), I saw an image of Bob Monroe. Along with it, there was a glimpse of the work that he is doing from the higher planes (he passed on in 1995) with his team to help humanity evolve into higher consciousness. At one point, the name of a star came to Michael. He told me that it began with a T but could not remember its name because he was deep in the energy work. Doing an energy reading on this, I understood that it could be Taygeta in the Pleiades.
4/25 message: I felt Bob Monroe's presence. Then, an idea came to me to reach out to people at the Monroe Institute and tell them about the experiences that Michael and I are having with him and Rosie McKnight. In doing this, I created a separate page that has a collection of the blog entries that mention them. It is called Encounters With Robert Monroe And Rosie McKnight.
Update 4/27: I heard from Paul Elder, one of the residential trainers at the Monroe Institute. He told me that he had similar experiences with Bob and Rosie after each had passed on. It was also wonderful to hear that he was a personal friend of both of them.
12/13 vision: In Rosie McKnight's book Soul Journeys, it is described how pets go to the higher planes in their spirit bodies when they are sleeping. There, they enjoy being with family and animal friends who are no longer in physical Earth life. We got a new puppy several days ago. Last night, while he was sleeping on the couch, I had a vision of him in the higher planes. I asked him to work on being housebroken. Lo and behold, this morning he took care of business outside without any problems.
12/19 medical qigong: While I was sitting in the waiting room, a vision came to me of a holiday parade. I saw a long line of Beings: my Guides, Star Friends, sky serpents, whales, a dolphin in the stars (first encountered in 2021), and Robert Monroe & Rosie McKnight. All of them were smiling and waving as they went down the street. Deep joy! Then, to top it off, there was a flyover by a formation of three starcrafts!
Michael told me about Robert Monroe after I shared several dreams with him in which I saw myself flying or traveling in various ways. In one such dream, I was flying (without a plane) over the Andes Mountains. He suggested that I get Monroe's book, Ultimate Journey. As I read the book, I found a passage (page 8) where it said flying dreams could actually be out-of-body experiences.
After working together for several months, Michael told me about a Hemi-Sync guided meditation CD called Into the Light: Meeting Your Guides, and I ordered it from the Monroe Institute. The meditation (while listening to the Hemi-Sync binaural recording with stereo headphones) was an easy experience for me. After going into a relaxed state, I was suddenly with my Guide, and there was a recognition that I had felt her presence for many years. However, during that time, I did not know who or what it was. Now, in seeing her, I felt an ancient connection and knew her to be a deep well of wisdom, along with having powerful healing abilities and a wonderful sense of humor. I should also mention that she is a Star Being. That is, from a star system beyond ours in the Star Nations community of advanced planetary civilizations. And, I discovered that she is with a team of Guides from different star systems who are helping me.
Then, in 2018, after having acupuncture for 16 months with Michael, I switched to medical qigong when he began to offer it. Medical qigong is a direct application of energies (Qi) to the major organ systems. We quickly discovered, as we worked with higher and more refined energies, that intuitive messages and images would often come to us in our sessions. In particular, there were visions of us being helped in the energy work by my team of Guides along with other Star Beings.
The following are entries from my Out And About blogs that describe experiences that Michael Perfetto and I are having with Robert Monroe and Rosie McKnight through our energy work.
Out And About 2 (2018)
12/19 medical qigong: There was a vision of a pyramid, and then it expanded into a landscape of structures and natural surroundings. At first, I thought it was in central China in ancient times. However, as Michael and I talked about it, it became clear that what I was seeing was off-planet. When Michael worked on my heart (see note), images came to him of a starcraft and Robert Monroe.The image of Robert Monroe (passed on in 1995) was curious since I have not received any training at the Monroe Institute. Yet, it appears that there is a connection.
Note: From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine, our organs are physical manifestations of particular energies. This is represented by the attributes that are given to the five major organ systems. In this way, the human body is a physical manifestation of ourselves as Energy Beings. As Michael and I tap into these energies, there is a shift to our higher vibrational levels, and we have the experiences that are described in my blogs.
Out And About 4 (2020)
1/12 dream: I saw a higher-plane version of Grandfather Harry's house and woodworking shop. (Robert Monroe, in his book Ultimate Journey, describes this frequency level as Focus 27.) I felt deep emotions being in his shop (he was not there)…even though I knew it was a creation at that level. Looking around, I needed to find a long power cord to make a connection between the shop and the house.
Out And About 6 (2022)
4/28 message: As my granddaughter Eillonwy and I were driving to Roots Market this afternoon, I experienced a joyful energetic connection completely out of the blue with Robert Monroe. I heard the word "emissary" in my mind as a greeting from him.
(Entry 3/17 in Out And About 6 gives more clarity to the meaning of emissary in this context: The words "Star Nations-in-Residence" came into my mind. Then, there was a vision of many Star Beings who are currently having a human lifetime. Each person in this group represents a star system in the Star Nations community and utilizes its special qualities in their mission here.)
Out And About 7 (2023)
2/26 new development: Several days ago, I sent a question regarding Rosalind McKnight's third book to the Monroe Institute. It was mentioned briefly in her Soul Journeys book (page 260) as an up-coming project that she would work on. The title of the new book was going to be Earth Journeys. However, only two of her books were published before she passed on in 2010: Cosmic Journeys (1995) and Soul Journeys (2005). In the reply that I received, I learned that the Monroe Institute does not have any information in their archives about a third book. However, I was amazed to see that they included a document that was an unpublished 80-page manuscript written by Rosalind. The title is Project Light Force. It is a first-hand account of the higher-level work that she did in collaboration with Robert Monroe, starting in the mid-1970s, at the Monroe Institute. As I downloaded the PDF, I felt Robert and Rosalind's presence, and in my mind, I heard him say, "It's in good hands." I finished reading the manuscript today, and I sent my impressions of it to the Monroe Institute. I quickly discovered that much of what Rosalind wrote in Project Light Force is also in her Cosmic Journeys book. However, it appears to me that the manuscript has more detail in some places. I highly recommend reading both of her books. Also, the Monroe Institute website has several videos with Rosie.
3/7 medical qigong: Masterful energy work with Michael and our Star Friends! A vision came to me of energies that I described to Michael as "sparkling light." It reminded me of sunlight reflecting on water. This experience was unusual in that I saw the sparkling energies within my physical body instead of my energy field. When Michael worked on my liver (element wood), he saw an image of Robert Monroe. Then, working on my heart, there was an image of a flower with an emerging bud. Toward the end, I saw several Arcturians who were helping us.
3/25 message: In reading about Robert Monroe and Rosalind McKnight's higher-level experiences (with his sound technology lab and her team of Star Being helpers), I see how they are similar to the experiences that Michael and I are having with medical qigong. Even more, it is now clear that we are collaborating!
Note: Later in the day, while I was standing in the checkout line at Roots Market, I heard this in my mind: "A higher-level connection with Robert Monroe is like playing with Gil Evans." Wow! And, I see that. Robert worked with sound frequencies, brain waves, and consciousness at deep levels, just as how Gil worked with highly creative combinations of instruments, advanced harmonic concepts, and recomposition (creating a new piece from an existing one) in deep ways in his music. Both of them went beyond the conventional.
5/23 medical qigong: Besides sensing my Guides, I felt the presence of Robert Monroe and Rosalind McKnight. I saw Robert in his higher-plane sound technology lab. He was turning dials and had a big smile. Rosalind seemed to be observing. (From this point on, I will refer to them as Bob and Rosie. It feels like that is what they want.) Another image came to me. I saw the Electra, Arcturus, and Alnilam star systems as a triangle. I experienced this energetically, with Electra energies in my left hand (palm and wrist centers), Arcturus energies in my right hand, and Alnilam energies in my forehead. As this progressed, I saw lines of energies going from my forehead to my hands, and streaming out of the soles of my feet. For Michael, as we started, he saw a beam of orange light. He then told me about an Energy Being (non-humanoid, with an indistinct form) that was by my left side. He also saw an equilateral triangle with a small circle at each of the three points. At first, it appeared to be brown and wood-like. However, streaks of orange light began to appear along the sides. Michael drew several sketches of the triangle. In one of them, my head and arms were within the triangle. Finally, he heard the word "polymorth" (an organism having more than one form).
5/30 message: Reading Rosie McKnight's Soul Journeys book again last night, I came to the part where her Spirit Helper, called Radiant Lady, told her about a third book that she was going to write. Its title would be Earth Journeys. (See entry 2/26.) Radiant Lady also told Rosie that the book had already been written by her team in the higher planes and would be transmitted to her when she was ready for it. As I read this, I was curious about what happened to the book. Rosie passed on in 2010, and only two of her books -- Cosmic Journeys (1995) and Soul Journeys (2005) -- were published. A message came to me that what the higher-plane book contained has been disseminated to a number of people, currently having a physical Earth life, so they can get this material out to others in various ways. Along with this, I understood that the experiences that Michael Perfetto and I are having represent some of it.
6/9 medical qigong: As the energy work began, Michael saw an orange light (similar to 5/3). At one point, an image came to me of Bob Monroe, and I noticed that Michael was working on my liver (element wood). I remembered how he had a similar vision of Bob Monroe when he worked on my liver during our 3/7 session. Then, working on my heart (and asking, "What does Roger need to know at this time?"), an image came to him of a small crystal cup. It was spinning and had a visible energy field. Toward the end, Michael told me that it felt to him that we were energetically tuned to the same note. As I drove home, a vision came to me of many Star Friends. The love that I felt from them was beyond words.
9/15 medical qigong: This was another session where we focused on deeper physical levels of the energy work. However, several images came to us. As Michael worked on my spleen (element earth), I again experienced a connection with Bob Monroe and Rosie McKnight. Then, when he worked on my heart (element fire), there was an image of a pegasus. At the end of the session, it seemed to me that Michael walked to the southeast corner of the room and stood there. However, I heard the door open (on the opposite side), and he walked out of the room. At that moment, I understood that the presence in the corner was one of my Guides.
12/29 medical qigong: The session began in a way that was similar to our ones on 5/23, 7/21, and 8/4. An Alnilam Being was standing by my feet. A tall female Being with light blue skin was on my left side. A male Mantis Being on my right side. And, a female Reptoid Being (my primary Guide) was behind my head. Along with this, I saw Electra, Arcturus, and Alnilam as a triangle. I experienced this energetically, with Electra energies in my left hand, Arcturus energies in my right hand, and Alnilam energies in my forehead. Lines of energies went from my forehead to my hands, and streamed out of the soles of my feet. When Michael worked on my heart, he had a vision of a gem that was set in a breastplate. (This reminded me of a 10/26 vision in 2021 of a hand placing a red gem in my heart.) A vision came to me of a volcano with streams of red lava coming down its sides (not an explosion). At one point, I saw Bob Monroe and Rosie McKnight. They had big smiles and thanked Michael and me for our work. In turn, I thanked them for their help. Finally, when Michael asked about what I needed to know or remember, he heard the word "cypress." At first, I did not know if it meant the country Cyprus or cypress trees. Then, I saw an image of a tree. Doing a series of energy readings on this, I understood that it had to do with a lifetime in ancient Crete. Then, as new information, I understood that I had been with a Star Nations team that came to Crete, and I often did energy work there in a forest of cypress trees. This could be similar to how, in this lifetime, I like to do qigong practices by old trees.
Out And About 8 (2024)
4/12 medical qigong: Deeply powerful energy work! When Michael worked on my heart, he had a vision of an orb of white light within the heart and what appeared to be blood vessels that were growing toward the orb. With the spleen (element earth), I saw an image of Bob Monroe. Along with it, there was a glimpse of the work that he is doing from the higher planes (he passed on in 1995) with his team to help humanity evolve into higher consciousness. At one point, the name of a star came to Michael. He told me that it began with a T but could not remember its name because he was deep in the energy work. Doing an energy reading on this, I understood that it could be Taygeta in the Pleiades.
4/25 message: I felt Bob Monroe's presence. Then, an idea came to me to reach out to people at the Monroe Institute and tell them about the experiences that Michael and I are having with him and Rosie McKnight. In doing this, I created a separate page that has a collection of the blog entries that mention them. It is called Encounters With Robert Monroe And Rosie McKnight.
Update 4/27: I heard from Paul Elder, one of the residential trainers at the Monroe Institute. He told me that he had similar experiences with Bob and Rosie after each had passed on. It was also wonderful to hear that he was a personal friend of both of them.
12/13 vision: In Rosie McKnight's book Soul Journeys, it is described how pets go to the higher planes in their spirit bodies when they are sleeping. There, they enjoy being with family and animal friends who are no longer in physical Earth life. We got a new puppy several days ago. Last night, while he was sleeping on the couch, I had a vision of him in the higher planes. I asked him to work on being housebroken. Lo and behold, this morning he took care of business outside without any problems.
12/19 medical qigong: While I was sitting in the waiting room, a vision came to me of a holiday parade. I saw a long line of Beings: my Guides, Star Friends, sky serpents, whales, a dolphin in the stars (first encountered in 2021), and Robert Monroe & Rosie McKnight. All of them were smiling and waving as they went down the street. Deep joy! Then, to top it off, there was a flyover by a formation of three starcrafts!
Here is a recording of an Explorer session with Bob and Rosie.
To read the complete blogs, see Out And About.