Encounters With Arcturus And Alnilam
This is a sequel to Encounters With Electra And The Pleiades. While I have deep connections with the Electra star system, I discovered in 2019 through energy work with Michael Perfetto that I have equally deep connections with Arcturus. Then, later on, there were similar discoveries about Alnilam.
The following are entries from my Out And About blogs that describe experiences that Michael Perfetto and I are having with these star systems.
For more about our collaboration, see Introduction.
Out And About 3 (2019)
4/5 medical qigong: Michael saw an image of a large structure. I saw it as having a radiant white color. Three Star Beings were standing in front of the structure, and there was an understanding that they were Arcturians. It felt to me that I had a connection with them and this place.
4/11 dream: I have become used to connecting with various kinds of Star Beings in my energy practices and medical qigong sessions. However, in a curious way, I often see them as having a human form in my dreams. That said, in this dream I was talking with a Star Being, and all of a sudden I thought to myself, "Hey, I see you!" (Non-human form.) After I woke up, I knew that this was one of the three Arcturians that Michael and I encountered during last week's session (entry 4/5).
4/22 dream: Saw a hardware store. (I understood that it was used for deep wisdom and healing.) Older people worked there. Younger people came to it and were helped. A new person came in, and I was asked to speak with him and tell him about this place.
4/23 message: I understood that the hardware store in yesterday's dream (4/22) represented the Arcturian structure that Michael and I saw on 4/5.
4/24 medical qigong: A vision came to Michael of the three Star Beings that we first saw several weeks ago. They told him to "keep doing this" (medical qigong for me). Inside the Arcturian structure, I saw a beam of white light going from my heart out to the stars. Then, the beam split into a vast number of them. Each beam was connected to a particular star system having an advanced planetary civilization. With this, words came into my mind: "These are the Star Nations."
Out And About 4 (2020)
5/19 vision: I participated in energy work with a group inside the Arcturian structure (entry 4/5 in Out And About 3).
7/16 vision: At the beach (Outer Banks, NC). There was a clear night, and we saw Arcturus. It was like meeting an old friend and being asked, "How are you? What have you learned in the past year?"
Out And About 5 (2021)
1/29 medical qigong: There was a small flash of white light, and within it was the face of a Star Being (Arcturian, I sensed). It was right in front of my face for several moments, and then it disappeared.
4/23 medical qigong: We were with a Council inside the Arcturian structure. Then, I saw a fleet of starcrafts around the Earth and heard the words, "More help is coming" (for humanity). Michael saw a group of Energy Beings (not humanoid). He drew a sketch of them. They were like thin clouds that were vertical and had a sparkling appearance. Toward the end of the session, I had a brief vision of Michael as a Star Being.
Note: With my council vision, I realized that the three Arcturians that Michael and I have been seeing are, in fact, members of the Arcturian Council that sends transmissions to Daniel Scranton.
5/25 medical qigong: We were inside the Arcturian structure that I have written about in several entries. This is a place of highly refined energies. I saw countless energy strands coming to me from planets in the Star Nations community. Then, I heard the words "full spectrum."
6/14 message: For several days, I had been mentally asking the Arcturian Council to send a transmission to Daniel Scranton that focuses on who we are. As I read today's message on his website, I would say that it is clearly a response. Here is a part of the message that sums it up for me: "...you are more interesting to physical e.t.s when you first recognize who you really are as beings of eternal and infinite light and love. When you expand your idea, your concept of who you are, everything you want to experience will open up to you in radical ways that your mind could not have possibly imagined. So if you seek more experiences with e.t.s, start with yourselves."
Out And About 6 (2022)
1/18 medical qigong: There was a vision of Michael and me with my Guides and other Star Beings. We stood with them at their frequency level, and there was a distinct sense of equality...that all of us were teammates. Then, when Michael worked on my heart, he saw a stone archway surrounded with mounds of snow. An orange light came through the entrance. There was an understanding that this site is in Antarctica. As Michael drew a sketch of it, I suddenly said, "Mars...there is a connection with Mars!" (This came as an inner knowing.) Later, at home, I did energy readings on the site and understood that it is an ancient transportation system (Arcturian technology, I sensed) between Earth and Mars. The site has been dormant for a very long time. However, at some point it will be reactivated.
Update 1/31: It occurred to me that this technology might be what I saw in entry 1/15 in Out And About 5 as a tunnel to a planet.
2/16 medical qigong: I told Michael how the word multidimensional has been coming into my mind. For me, this word conveys a vision of my "Earth self" and "Pleiadian self" as one Being -- not separate entities -- having lives simultaneously on multiple levels. (Michael has similar experiences.) After the energy work, Michael sketched an image that came to him. The object was similar to a trident. However, the middle prong was much shorter than the outer two. (The middle prong is normally longer in depictions of a trident.) As he finished the drawing, he wrote "Arcturian" at the top of the page.
6/23 qigong: I took our granddaughter to the Blueberry Gardens Healing Center. After her session, our friend Robert invited us to go inside the Octagon Studio. It is a truly beautiful space. While we were there, I went into a qigong stance in the center of the room, and there was suddenly a spontaneous flow of energies (without me doing anything). Having experienced these particular energies for the past year, I knew that they were from the Arcturus and Electra star systems. The energies went through me and were grounded into the Octagon room and the Earth. I could not have been more surprised!
7/5 medical qigong: Waiting for my appointment, I went into a relaxed state, and a vision came to me of being on a starcraft. I saw how conditions on Earth are monitored by the Star Nations. Complex coordination takes place between many councils and collectives in their ongoing support for humanity's growth into higher consciousness. Michael received several images during our session: a silver craft, a group of Star Beings, an orange light in the background (see note), and a device that appeared to be some kind of a gauge.
Note: I wondered if this was related to our 1/18 session when a vision came to Michael of an ancient transportation system between Earth and Mars in Antarctica. In that vision, he saw an orange light coming through the entrance.
7/19 medical qigong: A vision of energy work being done simultaneously on multiple levels of myself. At a higher level, I was inside the Arcturian structure and experienced technology that uses the light spectrum of particular stars. Then, when Michael worked on my heart, a message came to him about light: "Light is a vessel."
8/2 medical qigong: Additional Star Friends were helping us in the energy work. Along with this, there was a vision of ocean waves coming toward the shore. Each wave symbolically had unique energetic qualities that came from a particular star system in the Star Nations community. As Michael worked on my heart, several images came to him: A portal, a planet, and a triangular object that was similar to one he saw last year (entry 8/17 in Out And About 5). The portal image could represent the ancient Arcturian transportation system in Antarctica (entry 1/18). Doing an energy reading on the planet, I understood that it is in the Arcturus star system. Further, it is the planet that has the Arcturian structure. When I told Michael about the waves of energies, a message came to me that in seeking to understand frequencies, an important thing is what they convey (or contain) rather than being a specific vibration rate or hertz. (This is similar to a message that Michael received on 7/19 about light being a vessel.) Lastly, I had another vision of a vast web of energy connections to planets in the Star Nations community. Each strand appeared to be shimmering light. A new thing in this recurring vision was a very large spider that I saw in the center of the web. Perhaps this represents Grandmother StarSpider (described by Chief Golden Light Eagle in his book Iktomi Wicahpi Wicohan.)
9/27 medical qigong: After a few minutes into the energy work, Michael told me that he heard "2100s." Shortly after that, I saw a Mantis Being standing next to him (on his left side). Two Pleiadians were also helping us. As Michael worked on my heart, a vision came to him of a humanoid Star Being with darker skin (first encountered in the 4/26 session in Out And About 6). The Being smiled and said to Michael, "He's finding it." After the session, several things came to me about 2100. It is likely that by this date (if not before), the higher-level experiences that Michael and I are having will be commonplace, humanity will be further along in becoming an interstellar people, and Earth will be a member of the Star Nations community.
Update 12/28: Doing an energy reading on the Star Being in Michael's vision, I am understanding that he is from the Alnilam star system (middle star of Orion's Belt).
Update 12/30: I found the following passage last night in The Symbols 3 book (13:13 symbols) by Chief Golden Light Eagle: "...coming in now are these Relatives of this Orion Council, this Council of Twenty-Four. And these are they which sit looking from one Star and from another Star into a Center Pole, into a Center Place called that Pole of Light. And this Pole of Light has two polarities. And this Pole of Light is the Center Star of this Belt. And through this Single Pole of Light are the Gates to all the Universes of Light and Darkness." (Page 64) It seems to me that this is a description of Alnilam.
Out And About 7 (2023)
1/3 medical qigong: An image of the Kazinian symbol (entry 8/25 in Out And About 6) came to both of us. As Michael worked on my heart (element fire), he saw the symbol transform as if he was watching a movie. Afterwards, this message came to him: "Direct Roger to the glyph." The transformation, as Michael saw it, was in four stages: 1. The symbol, as we have experienced it for the past four months, has a glyph inside a triangle. The glyph appears to be a backwards S with a dot in the two curved spaces. Then, a vertical line goes from the apex of the triangle up to a smaller white circle. 2. The glyph is suddenly in the white circle. 3. The triangle (empty) rises steadily to the circle. 4. Finally, the circle (containing the glyph) is inside the triangle. As he described this to me, I heard the word "embodiment." When Michael worked on my lungs (element metal), he saw a Mantis Star Being helping with my right lung, and I saw a tall light blue feminine Being helping with the left lung. (Both of them are with my team of Guides.) Working on my liver (element wood), Michael saw it having a deep green color and thought of nephrite jade.
Note: With the rising triangle in stage 3, I remembered this dream from last year: "I was in front of what appeared to be an elevator. Above the door were numbers 1 through 10. I understood that I was going to 8." (Entry 5/29 in Out And About 6.)
1/4 message: Before going to sleep last night, I asked my team of Guides for more clarity about Michael's vision of the symbol. When I awoke this morning, the words "user's guide" came into my mind, and I understood that the vision represents energy work within the golden pyramid on Kazinan (entry 4/2 in Out And About 5). First, there is a projection of consciousness into higher frequencies (stage 2). Then, using Kazinian technology, the energies of the pyramid are raised (stage 3) for an alignment of form and consciousness (stage 4) at a higher vibratory level in its 5D through 8D frequency range (entry 4/26 in Out And About 6). There is an understanding that different kinds of energy work are done in the pyramid. Thus, the experiences that Michael and I are having with this symbol reflect the particular process that is being used for us.
Note: For more about planet Kazinan and the golden pyramid, see Encounters With Electra And The Pleiades.
1/17 medical qigong: As Michael worked on my heart, a vision came to him of a pyramid. It was not a solid structure. Instead, he described it as more of an outline ("bare bones"). Then, there was a message that he received for me: "Go deeper into the energetic dynamics of a pyramid. There is more to it than what is conventionally understood." What I am getting, as of now, is that the shape of a triangular pyramid represents the electromagnetic spectrum in how there is a frequency progression from dense matter (the base) through ascending levels of more refined energies (narrowing of the sides) until the top (of a frequency range) is reached. Importantly, instead of stopping at the top of the pyramid, one can continue on into an even higher range. In this way, I see a series of pyramids in which each one is at a progressively higher energetic level. The many pyramids in this vision represent planes of existence in a vast frequency spectrum. Then, as the session continued, I heard the words "working in pairs" and saw several images: the two dots in the Kazinian glyph (entry 1/3 in Out And About 7), two bar magnets (forming an equal-arm cross and the Four Directions), the two structures in the Electra and Arcturus star systems that Michael and I have been experiencing, the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies...and, certainly, Michael and myself.
Note: "Working in pairs" is an important message for me. A vision of a pyramid in the Electra system first came to me in 2018 (entry 9/19 in Out And About 2). This opened a door to my later experiences in 2021 with planet Kazinan and being told that it is home (entry 4/2 in Out And About 5). Then, in 2019, Michael had a vision of a large structure with three Arcturian Star Beings standing in front of it (entry 4/5 in Out And About 3). During our next session, there was a vision of being inside the Arcturian structure, and I experienced energy connections to many star systems having advanced civilizations. With this, I was told, "These are the Star Nations" (entry 4/24 in Out And About 3). In 2021, with an acceleration taking place in our energy work, visions of these connections as a vast web of light strands began to come to me (entry 6/8 in Out And About 5). Now, I see the Electra and Arcturus star systems as being a core part of my energy work and collaboration with Michael.
2/24 medical qigong: Through much of the session, I saw myself with several Arcturian Star Friends at a high frequency. While having this experience, the words "working in pairs" (from our 1/17 session) came into my mind, and I had another vision of the Arcturus and Electra star systems. Several things came to Michael. First, he had a vision of a turtle swimming in the air through the room. (Michael emphasized how vivid it was.) When he worked on my heart (and mentally asked, "What does Roger need to know at this time?"), he heard "ley lines", and then there was an image of a flower bud. As it opened into a beautiful flower, there was radiant white light, and a woman's face emerged from the light. Michael described her as being in her 40's, having beautiful features, curly hair, and deeply powerful energies. Later, at home, I did an energy reading on the woman and understood that she was my primary Guide, a female Reptoid Star Being, appearing to Michael in a human form. (This is similar to entry 6/15 in Out And About 5.)
Note: Seeking insights into Michael's vision of a turtle, I remembered that it is a spirit animal of my Mayan birth sign, Kawoq (universal community). It also occurred to me that with the sea turtle living in water and on land, it can represent how our lives (as Source Energy Beings currently having a human life on Earth) are both physical and non-physical.
3/7 medical qigong: Masterful energy work with Michael and our Star Friends! A vision came to me of energies that I described to Michael as "sparkling light" (similar to entry 4/26 in Out And About 6). It reminded me of sunlight reflecting on water. This experience was unusual in that I saw the sparkling energies within my physical body instead of my energy field. When Michael worked on my liver (element wood), he saw an image of Robert Monroe (entry 3/25 in Out And About 7). Then, working on my heart, there was an image of a flower with an emerging bud. Toward the end, I saw several Arcturians who were helping us.
4/7 medical qigong: Michael received a message for me: "To obtain the guidance that you seek, first enter the temple." Given that we have already experienced structures in the Electra and Arcturus systems (along with other places), this message did not make sense to me. However, at home, I did an energy reading and understood that the message was about the Alnilam star system and a connection that I have with it. (See entry 9/27 updates in Out And About 6.)
4/21 medical qigong: Since our last session (entry 4/7), I had been asking my Guides for more understanding about Alnilam. It came to me in today's session. First, there was a vision of an equilateral triangle with the Electra and Arcturus systems as the two horizontal points and Alnilam as the vertical point. In this way, I saw Electra and Arcturus as being like yin and yang. Deep connections (yin) are made within the golden pyramid in the Electra system. Whereas, the Arcturian structure has expansive (yang) energies with connections to the many planets in the Star Nations community. Then, I understood that there is an ancient high-frequency civilization in the Alnilam system that works with balancing polarity on a vast scale. Chief Golden Light Eagle, in his book The Symbols 3 (13:13 symbols), describes Alnilam -- the middle star of Orion's Belt -- as a Center Pole or Pole of Light having two polarities. And, through this Pole of Light are the Gates to all the Universes of Light and Darkness. (Page 64) When Michael told me about a message that he received about ebb and flow, I understood how it tied in with the vision that I was having of Alnilam. Two images also came to him: a triangle (!) and a series of buttons that at first appeared to be a ladder (several of the buttons were pushed in). Toward the end of the session, I had a vision of each of my organs being like a star system and my body like a galaxy. With this, a realization came to me that Michael's medical qigong is similar to the balancing work taking place at a macro level in the Alnilam system.
Note: It is now my understanding that the triangle of Electra, Arcturus, and Alnilam represents the "first enter the temple" message in our 4/7 session. That is, the temple is experienced energetically instead of as a solid structure. There is also an unshakable feeling that I have old friends in the Alnilam system...that we have collaborated numerous times on Star Nations projects (including this one for Earth).
4/29 message: Michael received a message for me in our 1/3 session that said, "Direct Roger to the glyph." At the time, I knew that it was about the glyph moving from the triangle to the circle (stage 2) in his transforming vision of the Kazinian symbol. However, I now understand that there is more to it. The glyph also applies to the Electra (yin), Arcturus (yang), and Alnilam (balance) triangle or energetic temple (entry 4/21). The two dots in the glyph represent Electra and Arcturus. Then, the backwards S represents Alnilam's role in forming a gravitational field (for want of a better description) that balances the Electra and Arcturus energies.
5/23 medical qigong: Besides sensing my Guides, I felt the presence of Robert Monroe and Rosalind McKnight. I saw Robert in his higher-plane sound technology lab. He was turning dials and had a big smile. Rosalind seemed to be observing. (From this point on, I will refer to them as Bob and Rosie. It feels like that is what they want.) Another image came to me. I saw the Electra, Arcturus, and Alnilam star systems as a triangle (see entry 4/21 and its following note). I experienced this energetically, with Electra energies in my left hand (palm and wrist centers), Arcturus energies in my right hand, and Alnilam energies in my forehead. As this progressed, I saw lines of energies going from my forehead to my hands, and streaming out of the soles of my feet. For Michael, as we started, he saw a beam of orange light. He then told me about an Energy Being (non-humanoid, with an indistinct form) that was by my left side. He also saw an equilateral triangle with a small circle at each of the three points. At first, it appeared to be brown and wood-like. However, streaks of orange light began to appear along the sides. Michael drew several sketches of the triangle. In one of them, my head and arms were within the triangle. Finally, he heard the word "polymorth" (an organism having more than one form).
7/21 medical qigong: Michael and I were surrounded by Star Beings who were helping us. A core group consisted of four Beings: A dark-skinned Being from Alnilam (entry 9/27 in Out And About 6) was standing by my feet. A tall female Being with light blue skin (one of my Guides) was at my left side. A male Mantis Being (also one of my Guides) was at my right side. And, my primary Guide (a female Reptoid Being) was behind my head. Unexpectedly, I realized that a whale was below me, and above me was a large starcraft (Arcturian, I sensed). This formed the Six Directions. There were also several tall, very powerful Beings in the background, and I understood that they were Birth Angels. When Michael worked on my heart, a vision came to me of three Arcturians (entry 4/5 in Out And About 3) standing together. The one in the middle held a device that had a trident-like shape...except the middle prong was shorter than the outer two. (This was similar to one that Michael saw last year. See entry 2/16 in Out And About 6.) At one point, the Arcturian moved the device up to his forehead in a movement that reminded me of a salute. Michael's energy work was truly masterful! Toward the end, he used sound techniques that included a large bell.
8/4 medical qigong: The session began in a way that was similar to our last one (7/21). An Alnilam Being was standing by my feet. A tall female Being with light blue skin was on my left side. A male Mantis Being on my right side. And, a female Reptoid Being (my primary Guide) was behind my head. It was also clear that many other Star Friends were helping us. As the work progressed, I felt an energetic triangle between my forehead and arms. (This was similar to our 5/23 session.) Several images came to Michael as he worked on my organ systems: A tall translucent Being, a dead tree turning into compost (right lung), and orange sparks in my heart. Doing an energy reading on the translucent Being, I understood that it was a Birth Angel.
9/1 medical qigong: Settling into the energy work, I felt the Electra-Arcturus-Alnilam energy triangle with my forehead and hands (entry 5/23). As the session progressed, I felt a powerful Mantis energy in the room. When I told Michael about it, he said that he had a vision of a Mantis Being as he worked on my lungs. We also received help from other kinds of Star Beings. However, I experienced the Mantis energy as being predominant today. Then, when Michael worked on my heart, there was a vision of a translucent Being (first encountered in our 8/4 session). Finally, when Michael asked about what I needed to know or remember, he saw my physical body, and above it was a vertical series of bodies that became progressively smaller as they ascended until the smallest ones disappeared.
12/29 medical qigong: The session began in a way that was similar to our ones on 5/23, 7/21, and 8/4. An Alnilam Being was standing by my feet. A tall female Being with light blue skin was on my left side. A male Mantis Being on my right side. And, a female Reptoid Being (my primary Guide) was behind my head. Along with this, I saw Electra, Arcturus, and Alnilam as a triangle. I experienced this energetically, with Electra energies in my left hand, Arcturus energies in my right hand, and Alnilam energies in my forehead. Lines of energies went from my forehead to my hands, and streamed out of the soles of my feet. When Michael worked on my heart, he had a vision of a gem that was set in a breastplate. (This reminded me of a 10/26 vision in 2021 of a hand placing a red gem in my heart.) A vision came to me of a volcano with streams of red lava coming down its sides (not an explosion). At one point, I saw Bob Monroe and Rosie McKnight. They had big smiles and thanked Michael and me for our work. In turn, I thanked them for their help. Finally, when Michael asked about what I needed to know or remember, he heard the word "cypress." At first, I did not know if it meant the country Cyprus or cypress trees. Then, I saw an image of a tree. Doing a series of energy readings on this, I understood that it had to do with a lifetime in ancient Crete. (See entries 3/8 in Out And About 3 and 3/14 in Out And About 4.) Then, as new information, I understood that I had been with a Star Nations team that came to Crete, and I often did energy work there in a forest of cypress trees. This could be similar to how, in this lifetime, I like to do qigong practices by old trees.
Out And About 8 (2024)
2/22 medical qigong: Several images came to Michael. First, there were serpents or dragons. (Entries 1/12 and 1/26 in Out And About 8 describe connections that I have with them.) Then he saw a landscape, structures (including domes), and an orange light. He wondered if this was on Mars. However, when I did an energy reading, I understood that it was a Star Nations base in Antarctica in ancient times. (Entry 1/18 in Out And About 6 has a vision that came to Michael in 2022 of Antarctica and an Arcturian transportation system between Earth and Mars.) I also understood that the orange light was artificial...perhaps an energy field. Toward the end of the session, this message for me came to Michael: "When you are feeling dry, keep going." Finally, I saw an image of a mountain, and there was an understanding that it was in South America. As I had this experience, there were sensations of deeply powerful energies.
3/29 herbs and medical qigong: Michael and I could tell that the new Chinese herb formula (Yi Guan Jian) is working very well for me. Our session today focused mainly on experiencing deeper levels of the energy work. Happily, Michael described how my organ systems were energetically balanced, flowing, and integrating. Fewer images came to us. However, toward the end, an image came to me of flying through clouds, going down toward a planet. With it, there was an energetic sense that this planet was in the Alnilam system (entry 4/21 in Out And About 7). For Michael, when he worked on my heart (element fire), he saw a rocket taking off. We talked about how his image represented going out, while mine was going in...expressing balance between the external and internal.
5/10 medical qigong: Driving to Michael's office, I felt the presence of Bob Monroe, my Guides, and Star Friends. Images came to me of the three Encounters documents (entries 4/25, 5/4, and 5/6 in Out And About 8). Along with this, there was an energetic sensation that I would describe as "massive inspiration." Several new things happened in our energy work today. I saw my energy field as being white with a subtle texture. Then, I saw a higher level of myself, and the energies were translucent. When Michael worked on my heart, I saw an image of a pyramid that reminded me of Tikal. However, doing an energy reading on it, it was not Mayan. Rather, I understood that it was on a planet in the Alnilam star system (see entry 3/29 in Out And About 8).
6/17 medical qigong: Throughout the session, I felt a lightness of being. Then, at one point, I saw small lines of writing that moved upward. The words were too small to read. However, it felt like I was taking them in. When Michael worked on my right lung, he heard the word "Mars" and saw an image of it. (There was also an image of Mars in our 6/7 session.) With the heart, he began to think about Antarctica and heard the words "frozen in ice." (This could be about the ancient Arcturian transportation system between Earth and Mars that is described in entry 1/18 in Out And About 6.) Finally, Michael told me how my lungs (element metal) and spleen (element earth) filled up beautifully with energy.
7/26 medical qigong: This session had a number of experiences that involved the Alnilam star system. As the session started, I felt a state of non-physicality or being at a higher vibrational level of myself (similar to our 7/5 session). Along with this, there was an understanding of how Michael's energy work is a micro version of the balancing work that is done at a macro level in the Alnilam system (entry 4/21 in Out And About 7). When I told Michael about this, he said "unimpeding the flow." Then, when he worked on my heart, a vision came to me of a pyramid that I first saw in our 5/10 session and understood that it was on a planet in the Alnilam system. Finally, when Michael worked on the right lung, a vision came to him of a Star Being with darker skin who wore a suit and held a musical instrument. I wondered if this was the Being from Alnilam who began to help us in 2022 (entry 9/27 in Out And About 6). For me, his appearance, with the suit and instrument (reminding me of Miles Davis in the early 1960's), represents connections between music and energy work.
8/7 practices: Doing my morning energy practice today, there was a vision of the Electra-Arcturus-Alnilam triangle (entries 4/21 and 5/23 in Out And About 7). Along with it, I remembered the image of an elevator and number 9 that I saw in last week's session (entry 8/2 in Out And About/ 8). It is my sense that this represents further refinements in how I am experiencing these energies.
8/30 medical Qigong: Before the session started, I told Michael about Rediscovering Turtle Island: A First Peoples' Account of the Sacred Geography of America by Taylor Keen. It is truly a wonderful book, and I highly recommend it. As the energy work began, I saw myself inside the pyramid-like structure in the Alnilam star system (entries 5/10 and 7/26). There was a deep purple color. The structure was different from the ones that I have experienced in the Electra and Arcturus systems. Alnilam has a very high frequency range. However, the energies of the structure were deep and I sensed them having long waveforms. (This reminded me of whale songs that go a long distance under water.) As I described my impressions to Michael, I used the word "vastness." For Michael, several words and images came to him: "seabird" (left lung), an empty nest (right lung), and a deer. At one point, when he was deep in the energy, he saw himself as being like an acupuncture needle. He told me that there is something special about the insertion point with a needle. In a similar way, during my morning energy practice, I see myself as being like a tuning fork when I connect with Kazinian frequencies and ground them with Earth.
9/27 medical qigong: Throughout the session, I saw myself in deep space as my Pleiadian energy body (similar to entry 10/11 in Out And About 6). When the energy work began, I also saw the Electra-Arcturus-Alnilam energetic triangle (entry 8/7) connecting my forehead and hands. This time, I felt powerful energy from my heart in the center of the triangle. This reminded me of the triangle of the Alnitak, Saiph, and Rigel star systems in the Orion constellation, with the M42 Nebula in its center...and how they have great importance to the Maya. For Michael, several words and images came to him. Left lung, "the three." Right lung, purple color with streaks of magenta. There were also visions of a blue orb, the three sisters (maze, beans, squash), and a feminine Star Being. Michael described her as having pinkish skin and a bump in her forehead. Doing an energy reading on her, I understood that she is a new member of my team of Guides.
10/24 medical qigong: For the past year, there have been times when I saw four of my Guides standing by me during the energy work. The male dark-skinned Being from Alnilam was by my feet. The tall female Being with light blue skin was by my left side. The male Mantis Being was by my right side. And, the female Reptoid Being (my primary Guide) was behind my head. Today, there was a new development. The female Star Being with pinkish skin (who first appeared in our 9/27 session) joined them. She was by my left foot, and the Alnilam Being was by my right foot. Several images came to Michael. There was an orb, with a vibrant blue color, in my energy field. Doing an energy reading on it, I understood that the orb was energetic help from one of my Guides. (Orbs have appeared to us in several sessions recently, such as 9/27). Michael also saw an image of many hashtag (#) shapes, and how they interlocked to form a 3D pattern. This was a new experience.
Note: It occurred to me that the # could represent yin-yang balance and integration. That is, the two vertical lines = lesser and greater yang. And, the two horizontal lines = lesser and greater yin.
10/31 message: A realization came to me about connections between the Electra-Arcturus-Alnilam triangle that I experience energetically (entries 4/21 and 5/23 in Out And About 7) and the three Star Nations teams I was with that came to Mesoamerica, the Gobi (or China), and Crete (entry 2/16). I saw them as Electra, left hand = Mesoamerica; Arcturus, right hand = Crete; and Alnilam, forehead = Gobi. In making these connections, I felt deep joy and love...that more pieces of a big picture were coming together.
11/21 medical qigong: The session began with five of my Guides standing by my head, arms, and feet (similar to entry 10/24). The most memorable part for me was when Michael worked on my heart. Out of nowhere, I felt a heart-to-heart connection with one of my Spiritual teachers who has a heart condition. Without me thinking about it, my heart sent energies to his heart. After our session, Michael told me that when he worked on my heart, he heard the words "help them." Several additional words and images came to him: left lung = "team", right lung = a red star, liver = the crest of an arc or energy wave. Finally, at the end, I felt a different energetic quality in my being. As I stood up and reflected on this energy, I heard "Alnilam."
12/2 vision: For several days, I have seen another change in the Electra-Arcturus-Alnilam triangle. Instead of the triangle just being an outline, I now see what appears to be a shimmering glass-like field inside the triangle. Looking through it, I have seen different things such as stars and a beautiful landscape.
12/6 medical qigong: When Michael worked on my heart, he saw an image of a man wearing a Middle Eastern headdress. (I do not have clarity about it yet.) As Michael had this heart vision, I again saw the pyramid in the Alnilam system (see note). Its energies were deeply profound.
12/6 medical qigong: When Michael worked on my heart, he saw an image of a man wearing a Middle Eastern headdress. Doing an energy reading on him, I understood that he is a member of the Star Nations-in-Residence (see entry 9/24 in Out And About 6) and an old friend. As Michael had this heart vision, I again saw the pyramid in the Alnilam system (see note). Its energies were deeply profound.
Note: This is how the pyramid appeared to me during our 8/30 session: "I saw myself inside the pyramid-like structure in the Alnilam star system. There was a deep purple color. The structure was different from the ones that I have experienced in the Electra and Arcturus systems. Alnilam has a very high frequency range. However, the energies of the structure were deep and I sensed them having long waveforms. (This reminded me of whale songs that go a long distance under water.)"
The following are entries from my Out And About blogs that describe experiences that Michael Perfetto and I are having with these star systems.
For more about our collaboration, see Introduction.
Out And About 3 (2019)
4/5 medical qigong: Michael saw an image of a large structure. I saw it as having a radiant white color. Three Star Beings were standing in front of the structure, and there was an understanding that they were Arcturians. It felt to me that I had a connection with them and this place.
4/11 dream: I have become used to connecting with various kinds of Star Beings in my energy practices and medical qigong sessions. However, in a curious way, I often see them as having a human form in my dreams. That said, in this dream I was talking with a Star Being, and all of a sudden I thought to myself, "Hey, I see you!" (Non-human form.) After I woke up, I knew that this was one of the three Arcturians that Michael and I encountered during last week's session (entry 4/5).
4/22 dream: Saw a hardware store. (I understood that it was used for deep wisdom and healing.) Older people worked there. Younger people came to it and were helped. A new person came in, and I was asked to speak with him and tell him about this place.
4/23 message: I understood that the hardware store in yesterday's dream (4/22) represented the Arcturian structure that Michael and I saw on 4/5.
4/24 medical qigong: A vision came to Michael of the three Star Beings that we first saw several weeks ago. They told him to "keep doing this" (medical qigong for me). Inside the Arcturian structure, I saw a beam of white light going from my heart out to the stars. Then, the beam split into a vast number of them. Each beam was connected to a particular star system having an advanced planetary civilization. With this, words came into my mind: "These are the Star Nations."
Out And About 4 (2020)
5/19 vision: I participated in energy work with a group inside the Arcturian structure (entry 4/5 in Out And About 3).
7/16 vision: At the beach (Outer Banks, NC). There was a clear night, and we saw Arcturus. It was like meeting an old friend and being asked, "How are you? What have you learned in the past year?"
Out And About 5 (2021)
1/29 medical qigong: There was a small flash of white light, and within it was the face of a Star Being (Arcturian, I sensed). It was right in front of my face for several moments, and then it disappeared.
4/23 medical qigong: We were with a Council inside the Arcturian structure. Then, I saw a fleet of starcrafts around the Earth and heard the words, "More help is coming" (for humanity). Michael saw a group of Energy Beings (not humanoid). He drew a sketch of them. They were like thin clouds that were vertical and had a sparkling appearance. Toward the end of the session, I had a brief vision of Michael as a Star Being.
Note: With my council vision, I realized that the three Arcturians that Michael and I have been seeing are, in fact, members of the Arcturian Council that sends transmissions to Daniel Scranton.
5/25 medical qigong: We were inside the Arcturian structure that I have written about in several entries. This is a place of highly refined energies. I saw countless energy strands coming to me from planets in the Star Nations community. Then, I heard the words "full spectrum."
6/14 message: For several days, I had been mentally asking the Arcturian Council to send a transmission to Daniel Scranton that focuses on who we are. As I read today's message on his website, I would say that it is clearly a response. Here is a part of the message that sums it up for me: "...you are more interesting to physical e.t.s when you first recognize who you really are as beings of eternal and infinite light and love. When you expand your idea, your concept of who you are, everything you want to experience will open up to you in radical ways that your mind could not have possibly imagined. So if you seek more experiences with e.t.s, start with yourselves."
Out And About 6 (2022)
1/18 medical qigong: There was a vision of Michael and me with my Guides and other Star Beings. We stood with them at their frequency level, and there was a distinct sense of equality...that all of us were teammates. Then, when Michael worked on my heart, he saw a stone archway surrounded with mounds of snow. An orange light came through the entrance. There was an understanding that this site is in Antarctica. As Michael drew a sketch of it, I suddenly said, "Mars...there is a connection with Mars!" (This came as an inner knowing.) Later, at home, I did energy readings on the site and understood that it is an ancient transportation system (Arcturian technology, I sensed) between Earth and Mars. The site has been dormant for a very long time. However, at some point it will be reactivated.
Update 1/31: It occurred to me that this technology might be what I saw in entry 1/15 in Out And About 5 as a tunnel to a planet.
2/16 medical qigong: I told Michael how the word multidimensional has been coming into my mind. For me, this word conveys a vision of my "Earth self" and "Pleiadian self" as one Being -- not separate entities -- having lives simultaneously on multiple levels. (Michael has similar experiences.) After the energy work, Michael sketched an image that came to him. The object was similar to a trident. However, the middle prong was much shorter than the outer two. (The middle prong is normally longer in depictions of a trident.) As he finished the drawing, he wrote "Arcturian" at the top of the page.
6/23 qigong: I took our granddaughter to the Blueberry Gardens Healing Center. After her session, our friend Robert invited us to go inside the Octagon Studio. It is a truly beautiful space. While we were there, I went into a qigong stance in the center of the room, and there was suddenly a spontaneous flow of energies (without me doing anything). Having experienced these particular energies for the past year, I knew that they were from the Arcturus and Electra star systems. The energies went through me and were grounded into the Octagon room and the Earth. I could not have been more surprised!
7/5 medical qigong: Waiting for my appointment, I went into a relaxed state, and a vision came to me of being on a starcraft. I saw how conditions on Earth are monitored by the Star Nations. Complex coordination takes place between many councils and collectives in their ongoing support for humanity's growth into higher consciousness. Michael received several images during our session: a silver craft, a group of Star Beings, an orange light in the background (see note), and a device that appeared to be some kind of a gauge.
Note: I wondered if this was related to our 1/18 session when a vision came to Michael of an ancient transportation system between Earth and Mars in Antarctica. In that vision, he saw an orange light coming through the entrance.
7/19 medical qigong: A vision of energy work being done simultaneously on multiple levels of myself. At a higher level, I was inside the Arcturian structure and experienced technology that uses the light spectrum of particular stars. Then, when Michael worked on my heart, a message came to him about light: "Light is a vessel."
8/2 medical qigong: Additional Star Friends were helping us in the energy work. Along with this, there was a vision of ocean waves coming toward the shore. Each wave symbolically had unique energetic qualities that came from a particular star system in the Star Nations community. As Michael worked on my heart, several images came to him: A portal, a planet, and a triangular object that was similar to one he saw last year (entry 8/17 in Out And About 5). The portal image could represent the ancient Arcturian transportation system in Antarctica (entry 1/18). Doing an energy reading on the planet, I understood that it is in the Arcturus star system. Further, it is the planet that has the Arcturian structure. When I told Michael about the waves of energies, a message came to me that in seeking to understand frequencies, an important thing is what they convey (or contain) rather than being a specific vibration rate or hertz. (This is similar to a message that Michael received on 7/19 about light being a vessel.) Lastly, I had another vision of a vast web of energy connections to planets in the Star Nations community. Each strand appeared to be shimmering light. A new thing in this recurring vision was a very large spider that I saw in the center of the web. Perhaps this represents Grandmother StarSpider (described by Chief Golden Light Eagle in his book Iktomi Wicahpi Wicohan.)
9/27 medical qigong: After a few minutes into the energy work, Michael told me that he heard "2100s." Shortly after that, I saw a Mantis Being standing next to him (on his left side). Two Pleiadians were also helping us. As Michael worked on my heart, a vision came to him of a humanoid Star Being with darker skin (first encountered in the 4/26 session in Out And About 6). The Being smiled and said to Michael, "He's finding it." After the session, several things came to me about 2100. It is likely that by this date (if not before), the higher-level experiences that Michael and I are having will be commonplace, humanity will be further along in becoming an interstellar people, and Earth will be a member of the Star Nations community.
Update 12/28: Doing an energy reading on the Star Being in Michael's vision, I am understanding that he is from the Alnilam star system (middle star of Orion's Belt).
Update 12/30: I found the following passage last night in The Symbols 3 book (13:13 symbols) by Chief Golden Light Eagle: "...coming in now are these Relatives of this Orion Council, this Council of Twenty-Four. And these are they which sit looking from one Star and from another Star into a Center Pole, into a Center Place called that Pole of Light. And this Pole of Light has two polarities. And this Pole of Light is the Center Star of this Belt. And through this Single Pole of Light are the Gates to all the Universes of Light and Darkness." (Page 64) It seems to me that this is a description of Alnilam.
Out And About 7 (2023)
1/3 medical qigong: An image of the Kazinian symbol (entry 8/25 in Out And About 6) came to both of us. As Michael worked on my heart (element fire), he saw the symbol transform as if he was watching a movie. Afterwards, this message came to him: "Direct Roger to the glyph." The transformation, as Michael saw it, was in four stages: 1. The symbol, as we have experienced it for the past four months, has a glyph inside a triangle. The glyph appears to be a backwards S with a dot in the two curved spaces. Then, a vertical line goes from the apex of the triangle up to a smaller white circle. 2. The glyph is suddenly in the white circle. 3. The triangle (empty) rises steadily to the circle. 4. Finally, the circle (containing the glyph) is inside the triangle. As he described this to me, I heard the word "embodiment." When Michael worked on my lungs (element metal), he saw a Mantis Star Being helping with my right lung, and I saw a tall light blue feminine Being helping with the left lung. (Both of them are with my team of Guides.) Working on my liver (element wood), Michael saw it having a deep green color and thought of nephrite jade.
Note: With the rising triangle in stage 3, I remembered this dream from last year: "I was in front of what appeared to be an elevator. Above the door were numbers 1 through 10. I understood that I was going to 8." (Entry 5/29 in Out And About 6.)
1/4 message: Before going to sleep last night, I asked my team of Guides for more clarity about Michael's vision of the symbol. When I awoke this morning, the words "user's guide" came into my mind, and I understood that the vision represents energy work within the golden pyramid on Kazinan (entry 4/2 in Out And About 5). First, there is a projection of consciousness into higher frequencies (stage 2). Then, using Kazinian technology, the energies of the pyramid are raised (stage 3) for an alignment of form and consciousness (stage 4) at a higher vibratory level in its 5D through 8D frequency range (entry 4/26 in Out And About 6). There is an understanding that different kinds of energy work are done in the pyramid. Thus, the experiences that Michael and I are having with this symbol reflect the particular process that is being used for us.
Note: For more about planet Kazinan and the golden pyramid, see Encounters With Electra And The Pleiades.
1/17 medical qigong: As Michael worked on my heart, a vision came to him of a pyramid. It was not a solid structure. Instead, he described it as more of an outline ("bare bones"). Then, there was a message that he received for me: "Go deeper into the energetic dynamics of a pyramid. There is more to it than what is conventionally understood." What I am getting, as of now, is that the shape of a triangular pyramid represents the electromagnetic spectrum in how there is a frequency progression from dense matter (the base) through ascending levels of more refined energies (narrowing of the sides) until the top (of a frequency range) is reached. Importantly, instead of stopping at the top of the pyramid, one can continue on into an even higher range. In this way, I see a series of pyramids in which each one is at a progressively higher energetic level. The many pyramids in this vision represent planes of existence in a vast frequency spectrum. Then, as the session continued, I heard the words "working in pairs" and saw several images: the two dots in the Kazinian glyph (entry 1/3 in Out And About 7), two bar magnets (forming an equal-arm cross and the Four Directions), the two structures in the Electra and Arcturus star systems that Michael and I have been experiencing, the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies...and, certainly, Michael and myself.
Note: "Working in pairs" is an important message for me. A vision of a pyramid in the Electra system first came to me in 2018 (entry 9/19 in Out And About 2). This opened a door to my later experiences in 2021 with planet Kazinan and being told that it is home (entry 4/2 in Out And About 5). Then, in 2019, Michael had a vision of a large structure with three Arcturian Star Beings standing in front of it (entry 4/5 in Out And About 3). During our next session, there was a vision of being inside the Arcturian structure, and I experienced energy connections to many star systems having advanced civilizations. With this, I was told, "These are the Star Nations" (entry 4/24 in Out And About 3). In 2021, with an acceleration taking place in our energy work, visions of these connections as a vast web of light strands began to come to me (entry 6/8 in Out And About 5). Now, I see the Electra and Arcturus star systems as being a core part of my energy work and collaboration with Michael.
2/24 medical qigong: Through much of the session, I saw myself with several Arcturian Star Friends at a high frequency. While having this experience, the words "working in pairs" (from our 1/17 session) came into my mind, and I had another vision of the Arcturus and Electra star systems. Several things came to Michael. First, he had a vision of a turtle swimming in the air through the room. (Michael emphasized how vivid it was.) When he worked on my heart (and mentally asked, "What does Roger need to know at this time?"), he heard "ley lines", and then there was an image of a flower bud. As it opened into a beautiful flower, there was radiant white light, and a woman's face emerged from the light. Michael described her as being in her 40's, having beautiful features, curly hair, and deeply powerful energies. Later, at home, I did an energy reading on the woman and understood that she was my primary Guide, a female Reptoid Star Being, appearing to Michael in a human form. (This is similar to entry 6/15 in Out And About 5.)
Note: Seeking insights into Michael's vision of a turtle, I remembered that it is a spirit animal of my Mayan birth sign, Kawoq (universal community). It also occurred to me that with the sea turtle living in water and on land, it can represent how our lives (as Source Energy Beings currently having a human life on Earth) are both physical and non-physical.
3/7 medical qigong: Masterful energy work with Michael and our Star Friends! A vision came to me of energies that I described to Michael as "sparkling light" (similar to entry 4/26 in Out And About 6). It reminded me of sunlight reflecting on water. This experience was unusual in that I saw the sparkling energies within my physical body instead of my energy field. When Michael worked on my liver (element wood), he saw an image of Robert Monroe (entry 3/25 in Out And About 7). Then, working on my heart, there was an image of a flower with an emerging bud. Toward the end, I saw several Arcturians who were helping us.
4/7 medical qigong: Michael received a message for me: "To obtain the guidance that you seek, first enter the temple." Given that we have already experienced structures in the Electra and Arcturus systems (along with other places), this message did not make sense to me. However, at home, I did an energy reading and understood that the message was about the Alnilam star system and a connection that I have with it. (See entry 9/27 updates in Out And About 6.)
4/21 medical qigong: Since our last session (entry 4/7), I had been asking my Guides for more understanding about Alnilam. It came to me in today's session. First, there was a vision of an equilateral triangle with the Electra and Arcturus systems as the two horizontal points and Alnilam as the vertical point. In this way, I saw Electra and Arcturus as being like yin and yang. Deep connections (yin) are made within the golden pyramid in the Electra system. Whereas, the Arcturian structure has expansive (yang) energies with connections to the many planets in the Star Nations community. Then, I understood that there is an ancient high-frequency civilization in the Alnilam system that works with balancing polarity on a vast scale. Chief Golden Light Eagle, in his book The Symbols 3 (13:13 symbols), describes Alnilam -- the middle star of Orion's Belt -- as a Center Pole or Pole of Light having two polarities. And, through this Pole of Light are the Gates to all the Universes of Light and Darkness. (Page 64) When Michael told me about a message that he received about ebb and flow, I understood how it tied in with the vision that I was having of Alnilam. Two images also came to him: a triangle (!) and a series of buttons that at first appeared to be a ladder (several of the buttons were pushed in). Toward the end of the session, I had a vision of each of my organs being like a star system and my body like a galaxy. With this, a realization came to me that Michael's medical qigong is similar to the balancing work taking place at a macro level in the Alnilam system.
Note: It is now my understanding that the triangle of Electra, Arcturus, and Alnilam represents the "first enter the temple" message in our 4/7 session. That is, the temple is experienced energetically instead of as a solid structure. There is also an unshakable feeling that I have old friends in the Alnilam system...that we have collaborated numerous times on Star Nations projects (including this one for Earth).
4/29 message: Michael received a message for me in our 1/3 session that said, "Direct Roger to the glyph." At the time, I knew that it was about the glyph moving from the triangle to the circle (stage 2) in his transforming vision of the Kazinian symbol. However, I now understand that there is more to it. The glyph also applies to the Electra (yin), Arcturus (yang), and Alnilam (balance) triangle or energetic temple (entry 4/21). The two dots in the glyph represent Electra and Arcturus. Then, the backwards S represents Alnilam's role in forming a gravitational field (for want of a better description) that balances the Electra and Arcturus energies.
5/23 medical qigong: Besides sensing my Guides, I felt the presence of Robert Monroe and Rosalind McKnight. I saw Robert in his higher-plane sound technology lab. He was turning dials and had a big smile. Rosalind seemed to be observing. (From this point on, I will refer to them as Bob and Rosie. It feels like that is what they want.) Another image came to me. I saw the Electra, Arcturus, and Alnilam star systems as a triangle (see entry 4/21 and its following note). I experienced this energetically, with Electra energies in my left hand (palm and wrist centers), Arcturus energies in my right hand, and Alnilam energies in my forehead. As this progressed, I saw lines of energies going from my forehead to my hands, and streaming out of the soles of my feet. For Michael, as we started, he saw a beam of orange light. He then told me about an Energy Being (non-humanoid, with an indistinct form) that was by my left side. He also saw an equilateral triangle with a small circle at each of the three points. At first, it appeared to be brown and wood-like. However, streaks of orange light began to appear along the sides. Michael drew several sketches of the triangle. In one of them, my head and arms were within the triangle. Finally, he heard the word "polymorth" (an organism having more than one form).
7/21 medical qigong: Michael and I were surrounded by Star Beings who were helping us. A core group consisted of four Beings: A dark-skinned Being from Alnilam (entry 9/27 in Out And About 6) was standing by my feet. A tall female Being with light blue skin (one of my Guides) was at my left side. A male Mantis Being (also one of my Guides) was at my right side. And, my primary Guide (a female Reptoid Being) was behind my head. Unexpectedly, I realized that a whale was below me, and above me was a large starcraft (Arcturian, I sensed). This formed the Six Directions. There were also several tall, very powerful Beings in the background, and I understood that they were Birth Angels. When Michael worked on my heart, a vision came to me of three Arcturians (entry 4/5 in Out And About 3) standing together. The one in the middle held a device that had a trident-like shape...except the middle prong was shorter than the outer two. (This was similar to one that Michael saw last year. See entry 2/16 in Out And About 6.) At one point, the Arcturian moved the device up to his forehead in a movement that reminded me of a salute. Michael's energy work was truly masterful! Toward the end, he used sound techniques that included a large bell.
8/4 medical qigong: The session began in a way that was similar to our last one (7/21). An Alnilam Being was standing by my feet. A tall female Being with light blue skin was on my left side. A male Mantis Being on my right side. And, a female Reptoid Being (my primary Guide) was behind my head. It was also clear that many other Star Friends were helping us. As the work progressed, I felt an energetic triangle between my forehead and arms. (This was similar to our 5/23 session.) Several images came to Michael as he worked on my organ systems: A tall translucent Being, a dead tree turning into compost (right lung), and orange sparks in my heart. Doing an energy reading on the translucent Being, I understood that it was a Birth Angel.
9/1 medical qigong: Settling into the energy work, I felt the Electra-Arcturus-Alnilam energy triangle with my forehead and hands (entry 5/23). As the session progressed, I felt a powerful Mantis energy in the room. When I told Michael about it, he said that he had a vision of a Mantis Being as he worked on my lungs. We also received help from other kinds of Star Beings. However, I experienced the Mantis energy as being predominant today. Then, when Michael worked on my heart, there was a vision of a translucent Being (first encountered in our 8/4 session). Finally, when Michael asked about what I needed to know or remember, he saw my physical body, and above it was a vertical series of bodies that became progressively smaller as they ascended until the smallest ones disappeared.
12/29 medical qigong: The session began in a way that was similar to our ones on 5/23, 7/21, and 8/4. An Alnilam Being was standing by my feet. A tall female Being with light blue skin was on my left side. A male Mantis Being on my right side. And, a female Reptoid Being (my primary Guide) was behind my head. Along with this, I saw Electra, Arcturus, and Alnilam as a triangle. I experienced this energetically, with Electra energies in my left hand, Arcturus energies in my right hand, and Alnilam energies in my forehead. Lines of energies went from my forehead to my hands, and streamed out of the soles of my feet. When Michael worked on my heart, he had a vision of a gem that was set in a breastplate. (This reminded me of a 10/26 vision in 2021 of a hand placing a red gem in my heart.) A vision came to me of a volcano with streams of red lava coming down its sides (not an explosion). At one point, I saw Bob Monroe and Rosie McKnight. They had big smiles and thanked Michael and me for our work. In turn, I thanked them for their help. Finally, when Michael asked about what I needed to know or remember, he heard the word "cypress." At first, I did not know if it meant the country Cyprus or cypress trees. Then, I saw an image of a tree. Doing a series of energy readings on this, I understood that it had to do with a lifetime in ancient Crete. (See entries 3/8 in Out And About 3 and 3/14 in Out And About 4.) Then, as new information, I understood that I had been with a Star Nations team that came to Crete, and I often did energy work there in a forest of cypress trees. This could be similar to how, in this lifetime, I like to do qigong practices by old trees.
Out And About 8 (2024)
2/22 medical qigong: Several images came to Michael. First, there were serpents or dragons. (Entries 1/12 and 1/26 in Out And About 8 describe connections that I have with them.) Then he saw a landscape, structures (including domes), and an orange light. He wondered if this was on Mars. However, when I did an energy reading, I understood that it was a Star Nations base in Antarctica in ancient times. (Entry 1/18 in Out And About 6 has a vision that came to Michael in 2022 of Antarctica and an Arcturian transportation system between Earth and Mars.) I also understood that the orange light was artificial...perhaps an energy field. Toward the end of the session, this message for me came to Michael: "When you are feeling dry, keep going." Finally, I saw an image of a mountain, and there was an understanding that it was in South America. As I had this experience, there were sensations of deeply powerful energies.
3/29 herbs and medical qigong: Michael and I could tell that the new Chinese herb formula (Yi Guan Jian) is working very well for me. Our session today focused mainly on experiencing deeper levels of the energy work. Happily, Michael described how my organ systems were energetically balanced, flowing, and integrating. Fewer images came to us. However, toward the end, an image came to me of flying through clouds, going down toward a planet. With it, there was an energetic sense that this planet was in the Alnilam system (entry 4/21 in Out And About 7). For Michael, when he worked on my heart (element fire), he saw a rocket taking off. We talked about how his image represented going out, while mine was going in...expressing balance between the external and internal.
5/10 medical qigong: Driving to Michael's office, I felt the presence of Bob Monroe, my Guides, and Star Friends. Images came to me of the three Encounters documents (entries 4/25, 5/4, and 5/6 in Out And About 8). Along with this, there was an energetic sensation that I would describe as "massive inspiration." Several new things happened in our energy work today. I saw my energy field as being white with a subtle texture. Then, I saw a higher level of myself, and the energies were translucent. When Michael worked on my heart, I saw an image of a pyramid that reminded me of Tikal. However, doing an energy reading on it, it was not Mayan. Rather, I understood that it was on a planet in the Alnilam star system (see entry 3/29 in Out And About 8).
6/17 medical qigong: Throughout the session, I felt a lightness of being. Then, at one point, I saw small lines of writing that moved upward. The words were too small to read. However, it felt like I was taking them in. When Michael worked on my right lung, he heard the word "Mars" and saw an image of it. (There was also an image of Mars in our 6/7 session.) With the heart, he began to think about Antarctica and heard the words "frozen in ice." (This could be about the ancient Arcturian transportation system between Earth and Mars that is described in entry 1/18 in Out And About 6.) Finally, Michael told me how my lungs (element metal) and spleen (element earth) filled up beautifully with energy.
7/26 medical qigong: This session had a number of experiences that involved the Alnilam star system. As the session started, I felt a state of non-physicality or being at a higher vibrational level of myself (similar to our 7/5 session). Along with this, there was an understanding of how Michael's energy work is a micro version of the balancing work that is done at a macro level in the Alnilam system (entry 4/21 in Out And About 7). When I told Michael about this, he said "unimpeding the flow." Then, when he worked on my heart, a vision came to me of a pyramid that I first saw in our 5/10 session and understood that it was on a planet in the Alnilam system. Finally, when Michael worked on the right lung, a vision came to him of a Star Being with darker skin who wore a suit and held a musical instrument. I wondered if this was the Being from Alnilam who began to help us in 2022 (entry 9/27 in Out And About 6). For me, his appearance, with the suit and instrument (reminding me of Miles Davis in the early 1960's), represents connections between music and energy work.
8/7 practices: Doing my morning energy practice today, there was a vision of the Electra-Arcturus-Alnilam triangle (entries 4/21 and 5/23 in Out And About 7). Along with it, I remembered the image of an elevator and number 9 that I saw in last week's session (entry 8/2 in Out And About/ 8). It is my sense that this represents further refinements in how I am experiencing these energies.
8/30 medical Qigong: Before the session started, I told Michael about Rediscovering Turtle Island: A First Peoples' Account of the Sacred Geography of America by Taylor Keen. It is truly a wonderful book, and I highly recommend it. As the energy work began, I saw myself inside the pyramid-like structure in the Alnilam star system (entries 5/10 and 7/26). There was a deep purple color. The structure was different from the ones that I have experienced in the Electra and Arcturus systems. Alnilam has a very high frequency range. However, the energies of the structure were deep and I sensed them having long waveforms. (This reminded me of whale songs that go a long distance under water.) As I described my impressions to Michael, I used the word "vastness." For Michael, several words and images came to him: "seabird" (left lung), an empty nest (right lung), and a deer. At one point, when he was deep in the energy, he saw himself as being like an acupuncture needle. He told me that there is something special about the insertion point with a needle. In a similar way, during my morning energy practice, I see myself as being like a tuning fork when I connect with Kazinian frequencies and ground them with Earth.
9/27 medical qigong: Throughout the session, I saw myself in deep space as my Pleiadian energy body (similar to entry 10/11 in Out And About 6). When the energy work began, I also saw the Electra-Arcturus-Alnilam energetic triangle (entry 8/7) connecting my forehead and hands. This time, I felt powerful energy from my heart in the center of the triangle. This reminded me of the triangle of the Alnitak, Saiph, and Rigel star systems in the Orion constellation, with the M42 Nebula in its center...and how they have great importance to the Maya. For Michael, several words and images came to him. Left lung, "the three." Right lung, purple color with streaks of magenta. There were also visions of a blue orb, the three sisters (maze, beans, squash), and a feminine Star Being. Michael described her as having pinkish skin and a bump in her forehead. Doing an energy reading on her, I understood that she is a new member of my team of Guides.
10/24 medical qigong: For the past year, there have been times when I saw four of my Guides standing by me during the energy work. The male dark-skinned Being from Alnilam was by my feet. The tall female Being with light blue skin was by my left side. The male Mantis Being was by my right side. And, the female Reptoid Being (my primary Guide) was behind my head. Today, there was a new development. The female Star Being with pinkish skin (who first appeared in our 9/27 session) joined them. She was by my left foot, and the Alnilam Being was by my right foot. Several images came to Michael. There was an orb, with a vibrant blue color, in my energy field. Doing an energy reading on it, I understood that the orb was energetic help from one of my Guides. (Orbs have appeared to us in several sessions recently, such as 9/27). Michael also saw an image of many hashtag (#) shapes, and how they interlocked to form a 3D pattern. This was a new experience.
Note: It occurred to me that the # could represent yin-yang balance and integration. That is, the two vertical lines = lesser and greater yang. And, the two horizontal lines = lesser and greater yin.
10/31 message: A realization came to me about connections between the Electra-Arcturus-Alnilam triangle that I experience energetically (entries 4/21 and 5/23 in Out And About 7) and the three Star Nations teams I was with that came to Mesoamerica, the Gobi (or China), and Crete (entry 2/16). I saw them as Electra, left hand = Mesoamerica; Arcturus, right hand = Crete; and Alnilam, forehead = Gobi. In making these connections, I felt deep joy and love...that more pieces of a big picture were coming together.
11/21 medical qigong: The session began with five of my Guides standing by my head, arms, and feet (similar to entry 10/24). The most memorable part for me was when Michael worked on my heart. Out of nowhere, I felt a heart-to-heart connection with one of my Spiritual teachers who has a heart condition. Without me thinking about it, my heart sent energies to his heart. After our session, Michael told me that when he worked on my heart, he heard the words "help them." Several additional words and images came to him: left lung = "team", right lung = a red star, liver = the crest of an arc or energy wave. Finally, at the end, I felt a different energetic quality in my being. As I stood up and reflected on this energy, I heard "Alnilam."
12/2 vision: For several days, I have seen another change in the Electra-Arcturus-Alnilam triangle. Instead of the triangle just being an outline, I now see what appears to be a shimmering glass-like field inside the triangle. Looking through it, I have seen different things such as stars and a beautiful landscape.
12/6 medical qigong: When Michael worked on my heart, he saw an image of a man wearing a Middle Eastern headdress. (I do not have clarity about it yet.) As Michael had this heart vision, I again saw the pyramid in the Alnilam system (see note). Its energies were deeply profound.
12/6 medical qigong: When Michael worked on my heart, he saw an image of a man wearing a Middle Eastern headdress. Doing an energy reading on him, I understood that he is a member of the Star Nations-in-Residence (see entry 9/24 in Out And About 6) and an old friend. As Michael had this heart vision, I again saw the pyramid in the Alnilam system (see note). Its energies were deeply profound.
Note: This is how the pyramid appeared to me during our 8/30 session: "I saw myself inside the pyramid-like structure in the Alnilam star system. There was a deep purple color. The structure was different from the ones that I have experienced in the Electra and Arcturus systems. Alnilam has a very high frequency range. However, the energies of the structure were deep and I sensed them having long waveforms. (This reminded me of whale songs that go a long distance under water.)"
To read the complete blogs, see Out And About.