Morning Energy Practice
Preparation: Ground with Earth and open myself to the stars.
Preliminary Connections:
(Face each direction, clockwise movement.)
Powers of the East, Lord Manik I greet you. The color red, the element fire, lesser yang.
Powers of the West, Lord Eb I greet you. The color black, the element earth, greater yin.
Powers of the North, Lord Caban I greet you. The color white, the element air, greater yang.
Powers of the South, Lord Ik I greet you. The color yellow, the element water, lesser yin.
(Return to the East, counterclockwise movement.)
From the Center and the color green….
Father Sun, I greet you. Lord [the chol q'ij number & sign for this day], I greet you.
Mother Earth, I greet you.
Tonanzin, Goddess of Earth, Spring, and Maize, I greet you.
Star Nations Connections and Grounding:
Connecting with my Higher Self.
Connecting with my Guides and Helpers.
Connecting with my Spirit Family and Friends.
Connecting with the Electra System and Planet Kazinan.
(Kazinian frequencies)
Connecting with the Councils, Fleets, and Schools.
Connecting with the Star Nations Community.
(Collective energies ground with Earth.)
Distribution of Energies:
To the Great Architect of the Universe, Source Energy.
To the upliftment of Humanity and All My Relations.
Peace and Balance for All Beings on All Planes.
(It is optimal to do this practice outdoors.)
Preparation: Ground with Earth and open myself to the stars.
Preliminary Connections:
(Face each direction, clockwise movement.)
Powers of the East, Lord Manik I greet you. The color red, the element fire, lesser yang.
Powers of the West, Lord Eb I greet you. The color black, the element earth, greater yin.
Powers of the North, Lord Caban I greet you. The color white, the element air, greater yang.
Powers of the South, Lord Ik I greet you. The color yellow, the element water, lesser yin.
(Return to the East, counterclockwise movement.)
From the Center and the color green….
Father Sun, I greet you. Lord [the chol q'ij number & sign for this day], I greet you.
Mother Earth, I greet you.
Tonanzin, Goddess of Earth, Spring, and Maize, I greet you.
Star Nations Connections and Grounding:
Connecting with my Higher Self.
Connecting with my Guides and Helpers.
Connecting with my Spirit Family and Friends.
Connecting with the Electra System and Planet Kazinan.
(Kazinian frequencies)
Connecting with the Councils, Fleets, and Schools.
Connecting with the Star Nations Community.
(Collective energies ground with Earth.)
Distribution of Energies:
To the Great Architect of the Universe, Source Energy.
To the upliftment of Humanity and All My Relations.
Peace and Balance for All Beings on All Planes.
(It is optimal to do this practice outdoors.)