Encounters With Star Nations Teams
This collection of entries from my Out And About blogs focuses on the ones that mention Star Nations teams of which I was a member. Additionally, there are also entries that are about some of the current Star Nations projects for helping humanity.
My introduction to Star Nations teams took place in 2003, when I received an intuitive reading about a lifetime when I was part of a team that came to Mesoamerica from the Pleiades. Then, when I began to collaborate with Michael Perfetto, starting in 2017 with acupuncture and later with medical qigong, I discovered much more about them.
For more about our energy work, see Introduction.
Out And About 1 (2017)
7/18 vision: At the Outer Banks (NC). A clear night sky. Looking at the Milky Way from the beach house deck, a vision came to me of a multitude of people, on this planet and in the stars, who are collaborating in a mission to help the Earth take her place as a member of the Star Nations community.
8/15 hemi-sync: During a hemi-sync meditation, I was in a library and knew that it represented my Higher Self. The library contained records of the multitude of lifetimes, as a Source Energy Being, that I have had on Earth and in many other places: different star systems, galaxies, dimensions, etc. (Visions of my Higher Self have also come to me as a huge cable containing a countless number of strands, with each one being a lifetime.)
8/28 hemi-sync: A vision of the Chol Q'ij (Mayan time-energy cycles of 260 days). I saw how the 260 combinations of 13 numbers and 20 day signs occur simultaneously in the fabric of spacetime as energy (vibrational frequency ranges) and intelligence. We can calibrate ourselves to a daily cycle. (I follow the traditional cycle used by the K'iche' Maya, which I received in teachings from the Mayan Elder Rigoberto Itzep Chanchavac in Guatemala.) I have come to think of this practice -- developing a sensitivity to each of the 260 energies and intelligences -- as being similar to ear training in music. After having this vision, I understood that it has a connection with a lifetime when I was part of a Star Nations team from the Pleiades that came to Mesoamerica in ancient times. That is, there is a connection between the Chol Q'ij and the stars.
Note: It is now my understanding that the team came from the Alcyone star system in the Pleiades.
Out And About 3 (2019)
3/8 medical qigong: Visions of a lifetime in ancient Crete. I understood that it was a feminine experience, and I (along with others) did energy work for the planet. As I described it to Michael, he saw a beautiful, peaceful landscape with a high quality of energy. Tall grasses (perhaps grains) were moving in a breeze, and mountains were in the background.
4/5 medical qigong: Michael saw an image of a large structure. I saw it as having a radiant white color. Three Star Beings were standing in front of the structure, and there was an understanding that they were Arcturians. It felt to me that I had a connection with them and this place.
4/24 medical qigong: A vision came to Michael of the three Star Beings that we first saw several weeks ago. They told him to "keep doing this" (medical qigong for me). Inside the Arcturian structure (entry 4/5), I saw a beam of white light going from my heart out to the stars. Then, the beam split into a vast number of them. Each beam was connected to a particular star system having an advanced planetary civilization. With this, words came into my mind: "These are the Star Nations."
7/28 dream: With a group of younger people. Each of them was working on a particular Star Nations project. As the dream unfolded, we were at a NYC subway station. I made sure that they had their fare cards.
Out And About 4 (2020)
3/14 vision: Images of ancient Crete. I saw a group of men and women doing energy work. All of them had connections with the stars. There were sensations of very powerful energies.
7/14 vision: At the Outer Banks (NC). As I stood on the beach house deck at night, I looked at the sky and relaxed my eyes. I began to see greenish patterns that looked like moss. From within it, I began to see movement and what appeared to be wreathing snakes. This vision expanded until the sky was filled with snakes...or sky serpents. There was a feeling of immense power. For a brief moment, I felt a touch of apprehension. However, I quickly centered myself. As I looked at the ocean and the sky serpents, there was a realization that this might be an energetic experience of the Feathered Serpent.
Out And About 5 (2021)
1/15 medical qigong: Unexpectedly, the word "emissary" came into my mind.
3/13 dream: With a Star Nations team that went to an ancient civilization in the Gobi. The team wore brightly colored robes with dragon designs. I saw pages of diagrams that had patterns of lines and symbols.
3/19 medical qigong: I found myself on Mars. (There was no traveling. Rather, I was suddenly there.) I had an understanding that intelligent life is on that planet. However, they are in a higher frequency range. Then, I was walking in a long tunnel or corridor (into an underground complex, I sensed).
4/2 medical qigong: I was inside a golden pyramid. (I first encountered it in 2018. See entry 9/19 in Out And About 2.) The structure is extremely ancient, and I saw it as being hollow or like an inverted funnel. Looking for words to describe it, I heard “making deep connections.” And, there was an understanding that Beings from many star systems come to this pyramid for energy work...that it has special functions. Then, Michael received a message for me: "Kazinan is home." (This was after he mentally asked the question, "What does Roger need to know at this time?") Doing an energy reading on the word kazinan, I understood that it is the fourth planet in the Electra star system (Pleiades star cluster). I also understood that the golden pyramid is on that planet.
4/22 dream: With a group, we went to a series of places in the higher planes that had Mayan-like structures. I was shown a chart that listed around 100 levels. Each one had particular qualities.
5/20 dream: I was with a group in a restaurant. We waited for a server to come to our table. We waited and waited... Finally, one came, and I spoke with him about the long wait. The scene changed, and we were on the sidewalk of a neighborhood street. I saw people (not the staff from the restaurant) working together to carry food on large platters. The platters were set up on long tables as an outdoor buffet. As I awoke from this dream, there was an understanding that it represented the differences between Disclosure (waiting for a top-down official announcement about the reality of intelligent life beyond Earth) and Emergence (a bottom-up transformation of consciousness from within humanity that will lead to the public knowledge of this reality).
8/24 medical qigong: I suddenly found myself on a large starcraft. I saw the commander and others in the crew. Then, I was with a Star Nations Council. Several perspectives were given on how to help humanity at this time. It was decided that the Star Nations will have direct connections with greater numbers of people as they express higher-frequency qualities -- such as love, compassion, and cooperation -- in their lives (like attracts like). Importantly, this ramping up will also include other life forms on Earth. Then, I heard the following: "The massive fires, floods, and other kinds of wild weather reflect what is happening within humanity. You (humanity) are out of balance. As you change and learn to live in balanced ways, then the weather will respond."
10/13 medical qigong: When Michael worked on my heart, he received an image of Mars as a message for me.
Note: Doing an energy reading on my heart connection with Mars, there was an understanding that I had been a member of several Star Nations teams that were sent to Mars in the distant past. It also appears that I have had roles in other Star Nations projects for that planet.
12/5 vision: Images of Puma Punku (ancient site in Bolivia) and feelings of a connection with it. Doing an energy reading, I understood that it had been a Star Nations base. From there, teams went to various places on the planet and helped early civilizations. The team I was with (in that lifetime) went to people living in what is now the Gobi.
Out And About 6 (2022)
1/12 message: For the past year, I have been experiencing energy strands that form a web of connections to planets in the Star Nations community. Then, as part of a daily practice, the energies are grounded with Earth. A realization came to me today that, in doing this, one needs to work at multiple levels of themselves. The connecting work with the energy strands takes place at a higher level, and grounding them needs to be done from within physical Earth life.
1/18 medical qigong: There was a vision of Michael and me with my Guides and other Star Beings. We stood with them at their frequency level, and there was a distinct sense of equality...that all of us were teammates. Then, when Michael worked on my heart, he saw a stone archway surrounded with mounds of snow. An orange light came through the entrance. There was an understanding that this site is in Antarctica. As Michael drew a sketch of it, I suddenly said, "Mars...there is a connection with Mars!" (This came as an inner knowing.) Later, at home, I did energy readings on the site and understood that it is an ancient transportation system (Arcturian technology, I sensed) between Earth and Mars. The site has been dormant for a very long time. However, at some point it will be reactivated.
3/13 messages: On 3/6, Sterling (an intuitive reader that I have followed for the past year) received a message from his Guides that three groups of Star Beings helped to stabilize a nuclear power plant in Ukraine after a fire was started in it. Afterwards, I did an energy reading on the three groups and understood that they were Pleiadians, Arcturians, and Lyrans. I then wrote to Sterling about this and asked for more details. Happily, my message was included in his show today. Sterling's Guides confirmed that the three groups were Pleiadians, Arcturians, and Lyrans, as I received in my reading. In addition, they provided more details, including how Hybrid Beings, part technology and part cell structure, were also used (as technicians, I sense). This is an example of how the Star Nations are working behind the scenes to help humanity and the planet.
3/17 message: The words "Star Nations-in-Residence" came into my mind. Then, there was a vision of many Star Beings who are currently having a human lifetime. Each person in this group represents a star system in the Star Nations community and utilizes its special qualities in their mission here. (This gives more clarity to "emissary" in entry 1/15 in Out And About 5.)
5/24 medical qigong: The current state of Earth was discussed in a Star Nations Council. From what I understood, in addition to the ways that are already being used to help humanity, the Star Nations will connect with more people through higher-level dreams. (This is similar to entry 8/24 in Out And About 5.)
7/5 medical qigong: Waiting for my appointment, I went into a relaxed state, and a vision came to me of being on a starcraft. I saw how conditions on Earth are monitored by the Star Nations. Complex coordination takes place between many councils and collectives in their ongoing support for humanity's growth into higher consciousness.
9/24 dream: I saw myself with many teachers in a large room at a university. Then, as the dream continued, I was with a class, and I used an image of a spider web to explore aspects of light, sound, and vibration with them.
Note: More has come to me about this dream. I now understand that it takes place in higher Earth frequencies (not on another planet) and people can come to this school, as well as to others, during sleep. This is one of the ways that the Star Nations are using to connect with more people (entry 5/24). For more about this, see Encounters with Off-Planet Schools.
10/8 dream: I was with a team, and we were part of a project to energetically reactivate an ancient site in South America (Bolivia, I sensed). At one point, there was a reference to underground water. Toward the end, I saw an energy field swirling around the site.
10/24 vision: Standing at the customer service counter of the food store, an image came into my mind of what appeared to be a Maya Elder.
Note: It is now my understanding that he served as a guide to the higher-plane structures in entry 4/22 in Out And About 5.
11/22 medical qigong: As Michael worked on my heart, an image came to him of an ancient Mayan feathered headdress. There was an understanding that it, or what it represents, is of importance to me.
Out And About 7 (2023)
3/13 message: Connecting with my team of Guides this morning, I heard these words: "You are one of us."
4/1 vision: When I received a message about "working in pairs" during our 1/17 session (in Out And About 7), one of the images that came to me was two bar magnets. One magnet was horizontal, and the other was vertical. Combined, they form an equal-arm cross and represent the four directions: east (+) and west (-) horizontal, north (+) and south (-) vertical. Since then, this image has given me further insights into the Chol Q'ij by using it with the twenty day signs as a Mayan cross (5 signs per arm). For a given direction and cross arm, there is a "working in pairs" between the first day sign of the arm -- Kej east, fire; E' west, earth; No'j north, air; Iq' south, water -- and each of the other four signs (following the sequence of directions and elements that is used by the K'iche' Maya). I experience this interplay of day signs energetically in a way that is similar to hearing intervals in music harmony.
Note: Yang and yin are also part of the image of the combined bar magnets and four directions. Horizontal: east, fire (+) = lesser yang; west, earth (-) = greater yin. Vertical: north, air (+) = greater yang; south, water (-) = lesser yin. By using these attributes for the four directions (and sensing them energetically), there is an experience of what I describe as a vibrational framework of existence. That is, directly and without a veneer of language. It is also interesting to reflect on how fire (lesser yang) and water (lesser yin) have transformative natures. Fire = combustion. Water = dissolution. Interacting with the other two elements, fire has an upward movement into air (greater yang), and water has a downward movement into earth (greater yin).
4/7 medical qigong: Michael received a message for me: "To obtain the guidance that you seek, first enter the temple." Given that we have already experienced structures in the Electra and Arcturus systems (along with other places), this message did not make sense to me. However, at home, I did an energy reading and understood that the message was about the Alnilam star system and a connection that I have with it.
4/21 medical qigong: Since our last session (entry 4/7), I had been asking my Guides for more understanding about Alnilam. It came to me in today's session. First, there was a vision of an equilateral triangle with the Electra and Arcturus systems as the two horizontal points and Alnilam as the vertical point. In this way, I saw Electra and Arcturus as being like yin and yang. Deep connections (yin) are made within the golden pyramid in the Electra system. Whereas, the Arcturian structure has expansive (yang) energies with connections to the many planets in the Star Nations community. Then, I understood that there is an ancient high-frequency civilization in the Alnilam system that works with balancing polarity on a vast scale. Toward the end of the session, I had a vision of each of my organs being like a star system and my body like a galaxy. With this, a realization came to me that Michael's medical qigong is similar to the balancing work taking place at a macro level in the Alnilam system.
Note: It is now my understanding that the triangle of Electra, Arcturus, and Alnilam represents the "first enter the temple" message in our 4/7 session. That is, the temple is experienced energetically instead of as a solid structure. There is also an unshakable feeling that I have old friends in the Alnilam system...that we have collaborated numerous times on Star Nations projects (including this one for Earth).
5/23 medical qigong: I saw the Electra, Arcturus, and Alnilam star systems as a triangle (see entry 4/21 and its following note). I experienced this energetically, with Electra energies in my left arm (in particular, the palm and wrist centers), Arcturus energies in my right arm, and Alnilam energies in my forehead. As this progressed, I saw lines of energies going from my forehead to my hands, and streaming out of the soles of my feet.
12/29 medical qigong: When Michael asked about what I needed to know or remember, he heard the word "cypress." At first, I did not know if it meant the country Cyprus or cypress trees. Then, I saw an image of a tree. Doing a series of energy readings on this, I understood that it had to do with a lifetime in ancient Crete. Then, as new information, I understood that I had been with a Star Nations team that came to Crete, and I often did energy work there in a forest of cypress trees. This could be similar to how, in this lifetime, I like to do qigong practices by old trees.
Out And About 8 (so far in 2024)
1/1 dream: I saw myself again with a Star Nations team in ancient Crete.
Note: Besides Crete, it is my understanding that I was a member of teams that came to Mesoamerica and what is now the Gobi. It is also my sense that I have taken part in Star Nations projects in other places on Earth. However, at this point, these three teams seem to be the most important ones for me to remember.
1/12 medical qigong: Four of my Guides once again stood by my feet, arms, and head. (See entry 12/29 in Out And About 7.) Their energetic help was deeply profound. The tall light blue Being (on my left side) had this message for me: "Much more is coming." Michael saw several symbols. One of them was a descending snake-like curvy line that ended in a triangle (see note).
Note: Reflecting on the snake image, I understood that it was a greeting from the sky serpents. Visions of them have come to me for the past four years, when we were at the Outer Banks in North Carolina. (See entry 7/14 in Out And About 4.) After doing an energy reading on them, it is now my understanding that they are in the higher energetic levels of the Earth life system. Along with that, I also understand that they were involved with the energy work that I experienced with the three Star Nations teams as represented by the Snake Goddesses in Crete, the Feathered Serpent in Mesoamerica, and dragon emblems in China.
1/26 medical qigong: While I was sitting in the waiting room, I felt the presence of the sky serpents and this message came into my mind: "You can connect with us anytime you want...not just when you are by the ocean."
2/16 message: A realization came to me that the morning practice I do each day is, in effect, a representation of the energy work that I experienced with the Star Nations teams in Mesoamerica, the Gobi (or China), and Crete. This gives me more clarity as to why Traditional Chinese Medicine and particular Mayan practices are of such importance to me now. Crete has not been as obvious. However, as I tap into more about it, there is a sense that the team, in collaboration with others, did energy work on a planetary scale.
10/3 message: Many teachers at the schools in Earth's higher frequency levels (entry 9/24 in Out And About 6) are part of the Star Nations-in-Residence. That is, Star Beings who are currently having a human lifetime. Each person in this group represents a star system in the Star Nations community and utilizes its special qualities in their mission here. Because of their concurrent experiences in physical Earth life and other star systems, they have perspectives that are of great help to the people coming to these schools during sleep.
10/31 message: A realization came to me about connections between the Electra-Arcturus-Alnilam triangle that I experience energetically (entries 4/21 and 5/23 in Out And About 7) and the three Star Nations teams I was with that came to Mesoamerica, the Gobi (or China), and Crete. I saw them as Electra, left arm = Mesoamerica; Arcturus, right arm = Crete; and Alnilam, forehead = Gobi. In making these connections, I felt deep joy and love...that more pieces of a big picture were coming together.
11/26 dream: Unusual dream last night. In it, I saw several of my blog entries from 2022 and 2023. They were about encounters with three Star Beings that were from a different galaxy. For me, this was a reminder of how humanity and all of the Earth life system are receiving love and help from a vast community in the stars...even from beyond our galaxy. (See entries 4/20 in Out And About 6 and 12/1, 12/15 in Out And About 7.)
My introduction to Star Nations teams took place in 2003, when I received an intuitive reading about a lifetime when I was part of a team that came to Mesoamerica from the Pleiades. Then, when I began to collaborate with Michael Perfetto, starting in 2017 with acupuncture and later with medical qigong, I discovered much more about them.
For more about our energy work, see Introduction.
Out And About 1 (2017)
7/18 vision: At the Outer Banks (NC). A clear night sky. Looking at the Milky Way from the beach house deck, a vision came to me of a multitude of people, on this planet and in the stars, who are collaborating in a mission to help the Earth take her place as a member of the Star Nations community.
8/15 hemi-sync: During a hemi-sync meditation, I was in a library and knew that it represented my Higher Self. The library contained records of the multitude of lifetimes, as a Source Energy Being, that I have had on Earth and in many other places: different star systems, galaxies, dimensions, etc. (Visions of my Higher Self have also come to me as a huge cable containing a countless number of strands, with each one being a lifetime.)
8/28 hemi-sync: A vision of the Chol Q'ij (Mayan time-energy cycles of 260 days). I saw how the 260 combinations of 13 numbers and 20 day signs occur simultaneously in the fabric of spacetime as energy (vibrational frequency ranges) and intelligence. We can calibrate ourselves to a daily cycle. (I follow the traditional cycle used by the K'iche' Maya, which I received in teachings from the Mayan Elder Rigoberto Itzep Chanchavac in Guatemala.) I have come to think of this practice -- developing a sensitivity to each of the 260 energies and intelligences -- as being similar to ear training in music. After having this vision, I understood that it has a connection with a lifetime when I was part of a Star Nations team from the Pleiades that came to Mesoamerica in ancient times. That is, there is a connection between the Chol Q'ij and the stars.
Note: It is now my understanding that the team came from the Alcyone star system in the Pleiades.
Out And About 3 (2019)
3/8 medical qigong: Visions of a lifetime in ancient Crete. I understood that it was a feminine experience, and I (along with others) did energy work for the planet. As I described it to Michael, he saw a beautiful, peaceful landscape with a high quality of energy. Tall grasses (perhaps grains) were moving in a breeze, and mountains were in the background.
4/5 medical qigong: Michael saw an image of a large structure. I saw it as having a radiant white color. Three Star Beings were standing in front of the structure, and there was an understanding that they were Arcturians. It felt to me that I had a connection with them and this place.
4/24 medical qigong: A vision came to Michael of the three Star Beings that we first saw several weeks ago. They told him to "keep doing this" (medical qigong for me). Inside the Arcturian structure (entry 4/5), I saw a beam of white light going from my heart out to the stars. Then, the beam split into a vast number of them. Each beam was connected to a particular star system having an advanced planetary civilization. With this, words came into my mind: "These are the Star Nations."
7/28 dream: With a group of younger people. Each of them was working on a particular Star Nations project. As the dream unfolded, we were at a NYC subway station. I made sure that they had their fare cards.
Out And About 4 (2020)
3/14 vision: Images of ancient Crete. I saw a group of men and women doing energy work. All of them had connections with the stars. There were sensations of very powerful energies.
7/14 vision: At the Outer Banks (NC). As I stood on the beach house deck at night, I looked at the sky and relaxed my eyes. I began to see greenish patterns that looked like moss. From within it, I began to see movement and what appeared to be wreathing snakes. This vision expanded until the sky was filled with snakes...or sky serpents. There was a feeling of immense power. For a brief moment, I felt a touch of apprehension. However, I quickly centered myself. As I looked at the ocean and the sky serpents, there was a realization that this might be an energetic experience of the Feathered Serpent.
Out And About 5 (2021)
1/15 medical qigong: Unexpectedly, the word "emissary" came into my mind.
3/13 dream: With a Star Nations team that went to an ancient civilization in the Gobi. The team wore brightly colored robes with dragon designs. I saw pages of diagrams that had patterns of lines and symbols.
3/19 medical qigong: I found myself on Mars. (There was no traveling. Rather, I was suddenly there.) I had an understanding that intelligent life is on that planet. However, they are in a higher frequency range. Then, I was walking in a long tunnel or corridor (into an underground complex, I sensed).
4/2 medical qigong: I was inside a golden pyramid. (I first encountered it in 2018. See entry 9/19 in Out And About 2.) The structure is extremely ancient, and I saw it as being hollow or like an inverted funnel. Looking for words to describe it, I heard “making deep connections.” And, there was an understanding that Beings from many star systems come to this pyramid for energy work...that it has special functions. Then, Michael received a message for me: "Kazinan is home." (This was after he mentally asked the question, "What does Roger need to know at this time?") Doing an energy reading on the word kazinan, I understood that it is the fourth planet in the Electra star system (Pleiades star cluster). I also understood that the golden pyramid is on that planet.
4/22 dream: With a group, we went to a series of places in the higher planes that had Mayan-like structures. I was shown a chart that listed around 100 levels. Each one had particular qualities.
5/20 dream: I was with a group in a restaurant. We waited for a server to come to our table. We waited and waited... Finally, one came, and I spoke with him about the long wait. The scene changed, and we were on the sidewalk of a neighborhood street. I saw people (not the staff from the restaurant) working together to carry food on large platters. The platters were set up on long tables as an outdoor buffet. As I awoke from this dream, there was an understanding that it represented the differences between Disclosure (waiting for a top-down official announcement about the reality of intelligent life beyond Earth) and Emergence (a bottom-up transformation of consciousness from within humanity that will lead to the public knowledge of this reality).
8/24 medical qigong: I suddenly found myself on a large starcraft. I saw the commander and others in the crew. Then, I was with a Star Nations Council. Several perspectives were given on how to help humanity at this time. It was decided that the Star Nations will have direct connections with greater numbers of people as they express higher-frequency qualities -- such as love, compassion, and cooperation -- in their lives (like attracts like). Importantly, this ramping up will also include other life forms on Earth. Then, I heard the following: "The massive fires, floods, and other kinds of wild weather reflect what is happening within humanity. You (humanity) are out of balance. As you change and learn to live in balanced ways, then the weather will respond."
10/13 medical qigong: When Michael worked on my heart, he received an image of Mars as a message for me.
Note: Doing an energy reading on my heart connection with Mars, there was an understanding that I had been a member of several Star Nations teams that were sent to Mars in the distant past. It also appears that I have had roles in other Star Nations projects for that planet.
12/5 vision: Images of Puma Punku (ancient site in Bolivia) and feelings of a connection with it. Doing an energy reading, I understood that it had been a Star Nations base. From there, teams went to various places on the planet and helped early civilizations. The team I was with (in that lifetime) went to people living in what is now the Gobi.
Out And About 6 (2022)
1/12 message: For the past year, I have been experiencing energy strands that form a web of connections to planets in the Star Nations community. Then, as part of a daily practice, the energies are grounded with Earth. A realization came to me today that, in doing this, one needs to work at multiple levels of themselves. The connecting work with the energy strands takes place at a higher level, and grounding them needs to be done from within physical Earth life.
1/18 medical qigong: There was a vision of Michael and me with my Guides and other Star Beings. We stood with them at their frequency level, and there was a distinct sense of equality...that all of us were teammates. Then, when Michael worked on my heart, he saw a stone archway surrounded with mounds of snow. An orange light came through the entrance. There was an understanding that this site is in Antarctica. As Michael drew a sketch of it, I suddenly said, "Mars...there is a connection with Mars!" (This came as an inner knowing.) Later, at home, I did energy readings on the site and understood that it is an ancient transportation system (Arcturian technology, I sensed) between Earth and Mars. The site has been dormant for a very long time. However, at some point it will be reactivated.
3/13 messages: On 3/6, Sterling (an intuitive reader that I have followed for the past year) received a message from his Guides that three groups of Star Beings helped to stabilize a nuclear power plant in Ukraine after a fire was started in it. Afterwards, I did an energy reading on the three groups and understood that they were Pleiadians, Arcturians, and Lyrans. I then wrote to Sterling about this and asked for more details. Happily, my message was included in his show today. Sterling's Guides confirmed that the three groups were Pleiadians, Arcturians, and Lyrans, as I received in my reading. In addition, they provided more details, including how Hybrid Beings, part technology and part cell structure, were also used (as technicians, I sense). This is an example of how the Star Nations are working behind the scenes to help humanity and the planet.
3/17 message: The words "Star Nations-in-Residence" came into my mind. Then, there was a vision of many Star Beings who are currently having a human lifetime. Each person in this group represents a star system in the Star Nations community and utilizes its special qualities in their mission here. (This gives more clarity to "emissary" in entry 1/15 in Out And About 5.)
5/24 medical qigong: The current state of Earth was discussed in a Star Nations Council. From what I understood, in addition to the ways that are already being used to help humanity, the Star Nations will connect with more people through higher-level dreams. (This is similar to entry 8/24 in Out And About 5.)
7/5 medical qigong: Waiting for my appointment, I went into a relaxed state, and a vision came to me of being on a starcraft. I saw how conditions on Earth are monitored by the Star Nations. Complex coordination takes place between many councils and collectives in their ongoing support for humanity's growth into higher consciousness.
9/24 dream: I saw myself with many teachers in a large room at a university. Then, as the dream continued, I was with a class, and I used an image of a spider web to explore aspects of light, sound, and vibration with them.
Note: More has come to me about this dream. I now understand that it takes place in higher Earth frequencies (not on another planet) and people can come to this school, as well as to others, during sleep. This is one of the ways that the Star Nations are using to connect with more people (entry 5/24). For more about this, see Encounters with Off-Planet Schools.
10/8 dream: I was with a team, and we were part of a project to energetically reactivate an ancient site in South America (Bolivia, I sensed). At one point, there was a reference to underground water. Toward the end, I saw an energy field swirling around the site.
10/24 vision: Standing at the customer service counter of the food store, an image came into my mind of what appeared to be a Maya Elder.
Note: It is now my understanding that he served as a guide to the higher-plane structures in entry 4/22 in Out And About 5.
11/22 medical qigong: As Michael worked on my heart, an image came to him of an ancient Mayan feathered headdress. There was an understanding that it, or what it represents, is of importance to me.
Out And About 7 (2023)
3/13 message: Connecting with my team of Guides this morning, I heard these words: "You are one of us."
4/1 vision: When I received a message about "working in pairs" during our 1/17 session (in Out And About 7), one of the images that came to me was two bar magnets. One magnet was horizontal, and the other was vertical. Combined, they form an equal-arm cross and represent the four directions: east (+) and west (-) horizontal, north (+) and south (-) vertical. Since then, this image has given me further insights into the Chol Q'ij by using it with the twenty day signs as a Mayan cross (5 signs per arm). For a given direction and cross arm, there is a "working in pairs" between the first day sign of the arm -- Kej east, fire; E' west, earth; No'j north, air; Iq' south, water -- and each of the other four signs (following the sequence of directions and elements that is used by the K'iche' Maya). I experience this interplay of day signs energetically in a way that is similar to hearing intervals in music harmony.
Note: Yang and yin are also part of the image of the combined bar magnets and four directions. Horizontal: east, fire (+) = lesser yang; west, earth (-) = greater yin. Vertical: north, air (+) = greater yang; south, water (-) = lesser yin. By using these attributes for the four directions (and sensing them energetically), there is an experience of what I describe as a vibrational framework of existence. That is, directly and without a veneer of language. It is also interesting to reflect on how fire (lesser yang) and water (lesser yin) have transformative natures. Fire = combustion. Water = dissolution. Interacting with the other two elements, fire has an upward movement into air (greater yang), and water has a downward movement into earth (greater yin).
4/7 medical qigong: Michael received a message for me: "To obtain the guidance that you seek, first enter the temple." Given that we have already experienced structures in the Electra and Arcturus systems (along with other places), this message did not make sense to me. However, at home, I did an energy reading and understood that the message was about the Alnilam star system and a connection that I have with it.
4/21 medical qigong: Since our last session (entry 4/7), I had been asking my Guides for more understanding about Alnilam. It came to me in today's session. First, there was a vision of an equilateral triangle with the Electra and Arcturus systems as the two horizontal points and Alnilam as the vertical point. In this way, I saw Electra and Arcturus as being like yin and yang. Deep connections (yin) are made within the golden pyramid in the Electra system. Whereas, the Arcturian structure has expansive (yang) energies with connections to the many planets in the Star Nations community. Then, I understood that there is an ancient high-frequency civilization in the Alnilam system that works with balancing polarity on a vast scale. Toward the end of the session, I had a vision of each of my organs being like a star system and my body like a galaxy. With this, a realization came to me that Michael's medical qigong is similar to the balancing work taking place at a macro level in the Alnilam system.
Note: It is now my understanding that the triangle of Electra, Arcturus, and Alnilam represents the "first enter the temple" message in our 4/7 session. That is, the temple is experienced energetically instead of as a solid structure. There is also an unshakable feeling that I have old friends in the Alnilam system...that we have collaborated numerous times on Star Nations projects (including this one for Earth).
5/23 medical qigong: I saw the Electra, Arcturus, and Alnilam star systems as a triangle (see entry 4/21 and its following note). I experienced this energetically, with Electra energies in my left arm (in particular, the palm and wrist centers), Arcturus energies in my right arm, and Alnilam energies in my forehead. As this progressed, I saw lines of energies going from my forehead to my hands, and streaming out of the soles of my feet.
12/29 medical qigong: When Michael asked about what I needed to know or remember, he heard the word "cypress." At first, I did not know if it meant the country Cyprus or cypress trees. Then, I saw an image of a tree. Doing a series of energy readings on this, I understood that it had to do with a lifetime in ancient Crete. Then, as new information, I understood that I had been with a Star Nations team that came to Crete, and I often did energy work there in a forest of cypress trees. This could be similar to how, in this lifetime, I like to do qigong practices by old trees.
Out And About 8 (so far in 2024)
1/1 dream: I saw myself again with a Star Nations team in ancient Crete.
Note: Besides Crete, it is my understanding that I was a member of teams that came to Mesoamerica and what is now the Gobi. It is also my sense that I have taken part in Star Nations projects in other places on Earth. However, at this point, these three teams seem to be the most important ones for me to remember.
1/12 medical qigong: Four of my Guides once again stood by my feet, arms, and head. (See entry 12/29 in Out And About 7.) Their energetic help was deeply profound. The tall light blue Being (on my left side) had this message for me: "Much more is coming." Michael saw several symbols. One of them was a descending snake-like curvy line that ended in a triangle (see note).
Note: Reflecting on the snake image, I understood that it was a greeting from the sky serpents. Visions of them have come to me for the past four years, when we were at the Outer Banks in North Carolina. (See entry 7/14 in Out And About 4.) After doing an energy reading on them, it is now my understanding that they are in the higher energetic levels of the Earth life system. Along with that, I also understand that they were involved with the energy work that I experienced with the three Star Nations teams as represented by the Snake Goddesses in Crete, the Feathered Serpent in Mesoamerica, and dragon emblems in China.
1/26 medical qigong: While I was sitting in the waiting room, I felt the presence of the sky serpents and this message came into my mind: "You can connect with us anytime you want...not just when you are by the ocean."
2/16 message: A realization came to me that the morning practice I do each day is, in effect, a representation of the energy work that I experienced with the Star Nations teams in Mesoamerica, the Gobi (or China), and Crete. This gives me more clarity as to why Traditional Chinese Medicine and particular Mayan practices are of such importance to me now. Crete has not been as obvious. However, as I tap into more about it, there is a sense that the team, in collaboration with others, did energy work on a planetary scale.
10/3 message: Many teachers at the schools in Earth's higher frequency levels (entry 9/24 in Out And About 6) are part of the Star Nations-in-Residence. That is, Star Beings who are currently having a human lifetime. Each person in this group represents a star system in the Star Nations community and utilizes its special qualities in their mission here. Because of their concurrent experiences in physical Earth life and other star systems, they have perspectives that are of great help to the people coming to these schools during sleep.
10/31 message: A realization came to me about connections between the Electra-Arcturus-Alnilam triangle that I experience energetically (entries 4/21 and 5/23 in Out And About 7) and the three Star Nations teams I was with that came to Mesoamerica, the Gobi (or China), and Crete. I saw them as Electra, left arm = Mesoamerica; Arcturus, right arm = Crete; and Alnilam, forehead = Gobi. In making these connections, I felt deep joy and love...that more pieces of a big picture were coming together.
11/26 dream: Unusual dream last night. In it, I saw several of my blog entries from 2022 and 2023. They were about encounters with three Star Beings that were from a different galaxy. For me, this was a reminder of how humanity and all of the Earth life system are receiving love and help from a vast community in the stars...even from beyond our galaxy. (See entries 4/20 in Out And About 6 and 12/1, 12/15 in Out And About 7.)
Interstellar community is humanity's future.
To read the complete blogs, see Out And About.