Encounters With Mars
This collection of entries from my Out And About blogs describes experiences that Michael Perfetto and I are having with Mars through our energy work.
For more about our collaboration, see Introduction.
Out And About 4 (2020)
9/2 medical qigong: Visions of a vast community. Words came to me: "I have lived it, and I am now living it again." Then, I saw landscapes on Mars.
Out And About 5 (2021)
3/19 medical qigong: I found myself on Mars. (There was no traveling. Rather, I was suddenly there.) I had an understanding that intelligent life is on that planet. However, they are in a higher frequency range. Then, I was walking in a long tunnel or corridor (into an underground complex, I sensed).
10/13 medical qigong: We quickly noticed how this session was built upon previous ones. Similar to our 9/28 session, there was a sensation of being above my physical body. This time, there was also a vision of infinite space, stars, and a vast web of energy connections. During our session on 6/22, there was a brief vision of Michael as a tall Reptoid Star Being. Now, I saw him this way through much of the session. When I told Michael about it, he said a message had come to him: "There are two of us." (I took that to mean the human and Star Being parts of himself.) Additionally, when Michael worked on my heart, he received an image of Mars as a message for me (entry 3/19 was also about Mars). Toward the end of the session, I saw a Mantis Being on my left side who was helping us. Michael told me that he felt a presence in that part of the room. Finally, there was a vision of a very large starcraft. The craft was oblong and had a lattice pattern with metal strips and windows along its sides. Throughout the session, there was a feeling of "refined simplicity"...of being in higher frequencies.
Note: Doing an energy reading on my heart connection with Mars, there was an understanding that I had been a member of several Star Nations teams that were sent to Mars in the distant past. It also appears that I have had roles in other Star Nations projects for that planet.
10/26 medical qigong: Through the entire session, I saw Michael and myself as Star Beings. Michael was a Reptoid (like my primary Guide), and I was a Pleiadian (Electra system). With this, there was an understanding that today's energy work took place at that higher level. When Michael worked on my heart, a vision came to him of a hand placing a red gem within my heart. As he told me about this, I again felt a connection with Mars. (Our previous session, on 10/13, also had a heart connection with that planet.) Intuitive messages have been coming to me about Mars...that something deeply profound is happening there and it will be of great benefit to humanity.
Out And About 6 (2022)
1/18 medical qigong: There was a vision of Michael and me with my Guides and other Star Beings. We stood with them at their frequency level, and there was a distinct sense of equality...that all of us were teammates. Then, when Michael worked on my heart, he saw a stone archway surrounded with mounds of snow. An orange light came through the entrance. There was an understanding that this site is in Antarctica. As Michael drew a sketch of it, I suddenly said, "Mars...there is a connection with Mars!" (This came as an inner knowing.) Later, at home, I did energy readings on the site and understood that it is an ancient transportation system (Arcturian technology, I sensed) between Earth and Mars. The site has been dormant for a very long time. However, at some point it will be reactivated.
Update 1/31: It occurred to me that this technology might be what I saw in entry 1/15 in Out And About 5 as a tunnel to a planet.
6/21 vision: Mars in the far distant past. I saw landscapes and higher-frequency Beings. There was a message: "If one does not have a physical body (dense matter), then it does not matter what the physical conditions are like on a planet in order for intelligent life to exist there."
7/5 medical qigong: Waiting for my appointment, I went into a relaxed state, and a vision came to me of being on a starcraft. I saw how conditions on Earth are monitored by the Star Nations. Complex coordination takes place between many councils and collectives in their ongoing support for humanity's growth into higher consciousness. Michael received several images during our session: a silver craft, a group of Star Beings, an orange light in the background (see note), and a device that appeared to be some kind of a gauge.
Note: I wondered if this was related to our 1/18 session when a vision came to Michael of an ancient transportation system between Earth and Mars in Antarctica. In that vision, he saw an orange light coming through the entrance.
Out And About 7 (2023)
7/7 medical qigong: A vision of landscapes on Mars. Then, unexpectedly, there was a message about connections between Mars and whales. When I did an energy reading on the possibility of whales (as multidimensional Beings) having lived in the ancient Martian oceans, I received a strong "yes."
Note: In having these messages about whales (such as entry 6/23 in Out And About 7), it is my understanding that they have a special mission on numerous planets in the Star Nations community.
Out And About 8 (2024)
2/22 medical qigong: Several images came to Michael. First, there were serpents or dragons. (Entries 1/12 and 1/26 in Out And About 8 describe connections that I have with them.) Then he saw a landscape, structures (including domes), and an orange light. He wondered if this was on Mars. However, when I did an energy reading, I understood that it was a Star Nations base in Antarctica in ancient times. (Entry 1/18 in Out And About 6 has a vision that came to Michael in 2022 of Antarctica and an Arcturian transportation system between Earth and Mars.) I also understood that the orange light was artificial...perhaps an energy field.
6/7 medical qigong: Several images came to Michael: a blue-white star, a bumpy (or rocky) landscape, and a feminine figure within a flame. Doing energy readings on them, I understood that the star is Electra (in the Pleiades), and the landscape is on Mars. The image of a feminine figure within a flame was deeply powerful!
6/17 medical qigong: Throughout the session, I felt a lightness of being. Then, at one point, I saw small lines of writing that moved upward. The words were too small to read. However, it felt like I was taking them in. When Michael worked on my right lung, he heard the word "Mars" and saw an image of it. (There was also an image of Mars in our 6/7 session.) With the heart, he began to think about Antarctica and heard the words "frozen in ice." (This could be about the ancient Arcturian transportation system between Earth and Mars.)
8/2 medical qigong: When Michael worked on my heart, I saw an image of a portal. Wondering where I might go with it, I was suddenly at a higher frequency level of Mars and with a group or council. There was a distinct sense that this had to do with helping humanity and planet Earth. Another image that came to me was of an elevator. In 2022, I had a dream about an elevator. Above the door were numbers 1 through 10, and I understood that I was going to 8 (entry 5/29 in Out And About 6). This time, I saw the number 9.
For more about our collaboration, see Introduction.
Out And About 4 (2020)
9/2 medical qigong: Visions of a vast community. Words came to me: "I have lived it, and I am now living it again." Then, I saw landscapes on Mars.
Out And About 5 (2021)
3/19 medical qigong: I found myself on Mars. (There was no traveling. Rather, I was suddenly there.) I had an understanding that intelligent life is on that planet. However, they are in a higher frequency range. Then, I was walking in a long tunnel or corridor (into an underground complex, I sensed).
10/13 medical qigong: We quickly noticed how this session was built upon previous ones. Similar to our 9/28 session, there was a sensation of being above my physical body. This time, there was also a vision of infinite space, stars, and a vast web of energy connections. During our session on 6/22, there was a brief vision of Michael as a tall Reptoid Star Being. Now, I saw him this way through much of the session. When I told Michael about it, he said a message had come to him: "There are two of us." (I took that to mean the human and Star Being parts of himself.) Additionally, when Michael worked on my heart, he received an image of Mars as a message for me (entry 3/19 was also about Mars). Toward the end of the session, I saw a Mantis Being on my left side who was helping us. Michael told me that he felt a presence in that part of the room. Finally, there was a vision of a very large starcraft. The craft was oblong and had a lattice pattern with metal strips and windows along its sides. Throughout the session, there was a feeling of "refined simplicity"...of being in higher frequencies.
Note: Doing an energy reading on my heart connection with Mars, there was an understanding that I had been a member of several Star Nations teams that were sent to Mars in the distant past. It also appears that I have had roles in other Star Nations projects for that planet.
10/26 medical qigong: Through the entire session, I saw Michael and myself as Star Beings. Michael was a Reptoid (like my primary Guide), and I was a Pleiadian (Electra system). With this, there was an understanding that today's energy work took place at that higher level. When Michael worked on my heart, a vision came to him of a hand placing a red gem within my heart. As he told me about this, I again felt a connection with Mars. (Our previous session, on 10/13, also had a heart connection with that planet.) Intuitive messages have been coming to me about Mars...that something deeply profound is happening there and it will be of great benefit to humanity.
Out And About 6 (2022)
1/18 medical qigong: There was a vision of Michael and me with my Guides and other Star Beings. We stood with them at their frequency level, and there was a distinct sense of equality...that all of us were teammates. Then, when Michael worked on my heart, he saw a stone archway surrounded with mounds of snow. An orange light came through the entrance. There was an understanding that this site is in Antarctica. As Michael drew a sketch of it, I suddenly said, "Mars...there is a connection with Mars!" (This came as an inner knowing.) Later, at home, I did energy readings on the site and understood that it is an ancient transportation system (Arcturian technology, I sensed) between Earth and Mars. The site has been dormant for a very long time. However, at some point it will be reactivated.
Update 1/31: It occurred to me that this technology might be what I saw in entry 1/15 in Out And About 5 as a tunnel to a planet.
6/21 vision: Mars in the far distant past. I saw landscapes and higher-frequency Beings. There was a message: "If one does not have a physical body (dense matter), then it does not matter what the physical conditions are like on a planet in order for intelligent life to exist there."
7/5 medical qigong: Waiting for my appointment, I went into a relaxed state, and a vision came to me of being on a starcraft. I saw how conditions on Earth are monitored by the Star Nations. Complex coordination takes place between many councils and collectives in their ongoing support for humanity's growth into higher consciousness. Michael received several images during our session: a silver craft, a group of Star Beings, an orange light in the background (see note), and a device that appeared to be some kind of a gauge.
Note: I wondered if this was related to our 1/18 session when a vision came to Michael of an ancient transportation system between Earth and Mars in Antarctica. In that vision, he saw an orange light coming through the entrance.
Out And About 7 (2023)
7/7 medical qigong: A vision of landscapes on Mars. Then, unexpectedly, there was a message about connections between Mars and whales. When I did an energy reading on the possibility of whales (as multidimensional Beings) having lived in the ancient Martian oceans, I received a strong "yes."
Note: In having these messages about whales (such as entry 6/23 in Out And About 7), it is my understanding that they have a special mission on numerous planets in the Star Nations community.
Out And About 8 (2024)
2/22 medical qigong: Several images came to Michael. First, there were serpents or dragons. (Entries 1/12 and 1/26 in Out And About 8 describe connections that I have with them.) Then he saw a landscape, structures (including domes), and an orange light. He wondered if this was on Mars. However, when I did an energy reading, I understood that it was a Star Nations base in Antarctica in ancient times. (Entry 1/18 in Out And About 6 has a vision that came to Michael in 2022 of Antarctica and an Arcturian transportation system between Earth and Mars.) I also understood that the orange light was artificial...perhaps an energy field.
6/7 medical qigong: Several images came to Michael: a blue-white star, a bumpy (or rocky) landscape, and a feminine figure within a flame. Doing energy readings on them, I understood that the star is Electra (in the Pleiades), and the landscape is on Mars. The image of a feminine figure within a flame was deeply powerful!
6/17 medical qigong: Throughout the session, I felt a lightness of being. Then, at one point, I saw small lines of writing that moved upward. The words were too small to read. However, it felt like I was taking them in. When Michael worked on my right lung, he heard the word "Mars" and saw an image of it. (There was also an image of Mars in our 6/7 session.) With the heart, he began to think about Antarctica and heard the words "frozen in ice." (This could be about the ancient Arcturian transportation system between Earth and Mars.)
8/2 medical qigong: When Michael worked on my heart, I saw an image of a portal. Wondering where I might go with it, I was suddenly at a higher frequency level of Mars and with a group or council. There was a distinct sense that this had to do with helping humanity and planet Earth. Another image that came to me was of an elevator. In 2022, I had a dream about an elevator. Above the door were numbers 1 through 10, and I understood that I was going to 8 (entry 5/29 in Out And About 6). This time, I saw the number 9.
To read the complete blogs, see Out And About.